Yearly Archives: 2009

Is Your Relationship More Financially Advantageous To You or To Your Partner? Is It Worth The Price?

Tiger Woods to pay his wife millions to stick by him by Peter Cohan Dec 3rd 2009.  “Not only has Woods issued a public apology on his web site, but the The Daily Beast reports that he will pay his wife, Elin Nordegren, $5 million upfront and another $55 million to persuade her to stay in their marriage for another 24 months.”

I wonder how many relationships would stay intact if funds were not mingled?  How many women would be with men if the men did not financially support them, (and their children from other marriages)?  How many men would live with the women they live with, if they had to pay their share of the rent, food and utilities? Continue reading

Man Controls Robotic Hand Using His Thoughts

ROME (AP) – An Italian who lost his left forearm in a car crash was successfully linked to a robotic hand, allowing him to feel sensations in the artificial limb and control it with his thoughts, scientists said Wednesday.  During a one-month experiment conducted last year, 26-year-old Pierpaolo Petruzziello felt like his lost arm had grown back again, although he was only controlling a robotic hand that was not even attached to his body. Continue reading

Infidelity: The Women in the Tiger Woods Scandal

I read in The women in the Tiger Woods ScandalAs the Tiger Woods story continues to evolve and escalate (see: his apology), a handful of women who aren’t named Mrs. Woods have come into the fray claiming they’ve had affairs with the golf great. It can be quite confusing — so many mistresses, so little time — so PopEater took the time to break down each alleged Tiger poacher and the stories swirling around them. Then the story continued on to show pics and give some dish on each.  My thoughts on this matter of his alleged infidelity was – with all due respect – who cares? Continue reading

To Those Who Knew Jim Chandler (Bikaman)

I received an email from today but it wasn’t what I expected.  It read: Good Afternoon Folks.  Unfortunately, this is not a joke or one of Jim’s pranks. I wish it were. My name is Fred Padilla. I am a good friend of Jim’s which explains why I have the password to his computer and the key to his house. This email is going out to everyone in Jim’s AOL address book. Some of you already know this. For the rest of you… It is a very sad day for us. It is my sad duty to inform you that Jim passed away. It was either Sunday night or Monday. I found him yesterday at around 2:30 after concerned friends contacted me and informed me that nobody had heard from him for an unusual period of time. I myself was trying to reach him for over 24 hours and was actually planning a visit that very afternoon. Continue reading

A Beautiful Full Moon Tuesday

I’m really enjoying the cooler weather.  I like it when I can open all the windows up and turn the fans off and let the natural cool breeze run right through the house.  It just changes the energy of everything. I have a cushioned rocker on the back porch, and it’s facing the spot where the moon rises.  There’s a small foot rug in front of the chair, and the rug and the chair get moved around almost daily.  That’s because the moon rises just a little more to the north each night now as the sun sets way to the south in the west this time of year.   I like watching the moon make it way across the sky each night.  I feel it helps me stay connected to who I am.  This self perpetuating cycle of physical cells that are me. Continue reading

Simple Self Talk Scripts To Help You Attract a Better Tomorrow

self talk cat lion mirrorA friend asked me to help them script them some new self-talk and I was looking through my files and came across the one below that fits their situation.  If it sounds familiar, it’s because everyone has the same universal dilemmas. If you think it does not apply to you because you do not have a business, think again. This is long since my email readings are detailed. Or you can read the more simple
  A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts.

QUESTION :  I’m seeking investors for my business because I’m literally on the immediate brink of financial disaster, although I also have faith in the universe and my own destiny.  I have been saved before at the last moment by either a job or a line of credit or something during these last crazy decades. Continue reading

Seeing Cause and Effect In Action: Practicing Intuition

I was thinking yesterday on the connection between what I’ve been focusing on the past week, what I’ve been vibrating in harmony with, and what I’ve been attracting. I make a point of keeping track of things like that because it helps me practice my intuition. So here’s this week’s cause and effect story:  I get lots of requests for updates on the James Arthur Ray Sweat Lodge Deaths Matter so I’d taken time to post those.  I’d been re-reading Outrageous Betrayal: The Real Story of Werner Erhard from Est to Exile by Steven Pressman, and the author’s story smacked of the same vibe as the James Ray matter. Continue reading

Did Someone Ask For Drama? When Friends On The Path Go Off The Deep End

I wrote earlier this week in Clash of the Egos: Battleground for the Spiritual Seeker about a little drama with a friend who got miffed at something I said.  In a simple misunderstanding, she’d taken something the wrong way and did a public blowup on my Facebook wall.  She posted some private Instant Message conversations between us to outline her evidence, but after some comments came in, she quickly made the link inaccessible.  It was clear by our IMs that she had simply misunderstood and became abusive for no reason.  By now she’d stirred up a dozen Facebook friends with her story and they were contacting me wanting to know how to access the link, so I put it up.  I talked to several of them, then did the blog post Clash of the Egos to let everyone know everything was ok.  People misunderstand and get ticked all the time.  It’s no big deal.  It’s just life.  We get over it and we get on with it. Continue reading

Clash of the Egos: Battleground for the Spiritual Seeker

I often have flying and dancing dreams.  I love those.  I dreamed this morning that I’d been walking carrying a big wooden basket around me (imagine wearing a barrel and holding it up around you). It was very heavy to drag and I had forgotten what it was and why I was carrying it.  Then a wind came up and the big balloon that I had unknowingly been dragging behind me filled with air and I rose high, high over the rooftops.  It was an exhilarating ride and from up there, everything was so clear.  It was one of those dreams you want to last forever and wake up wanting to go back into. Continue reading

When friends misunderstand, because we each see things as we are

I wrote the other day What do you do when friends misunderstand you and don’t want to play anymore? When friends misconstrue what you say, and feel you are coming down on them, being negative, judgmental, feeling superior and being a know it all?  YOU LET IT GO. You don’t hang on to it or try to sort it out or rehash it.  You let it go.   You focus your attention forward on something hopeful and pleasant. You remember it is not your job to fix or educate anyone.  You get yourself back in the vortex and move on. Continue reading