Monthly Archives: August 2009

Relationship Or Not? Everything is Relationship

Dancing the cosmic dance

I got a neat email from someone the other day.  She writes:  I read your Facebook blogs in addition to your Horizons monthly article and I admire your life. May I ask you an intensely personal question…are you in a relationship?   I ask because there is no indication that you are and if not, you seem supremely happy with your life the way it is. And I would like my life to be as content as yours seems to be. You seem to have found the key. Relationship or not. I so loved the email that I posted it on my Facebook Wall. I commented:Well, besides being in a relationship with every single other being – physical and nonphysical – in the entirety of the Universe? No individual partner, no. I haven’t pair bonded in years. Maybe that’s the key :)”  I was only partly kidding. Continue reading

Why Comments Got Closed Again – I Attracted Some Spam Robots

I just awoke from an interesting dream.  In it, I was standing on a hill watching through binoculars as what looked like hundreds of small robots came crashing into a small village below, causing minor damage.  They all looked exactly the same and were about waist high.  I came in here to write the day’s post and, when I logged on to my blog, I saw I had 94 comments waiting.  I immediately thought there are my robots. It only took a few moments to delete them all.  I recognized how I had attracted them.  Earlier, before my nap, I wrote the post LOOK Before You Cash Any Rebate or Credit Card Rewards Checks. I don’t usually write about things like that, or pay much attention when stuff like that happens.  But I’d spent a few minutes getting the links right and wondering why I was doing a post like that at all.  Then I found the reward points rebate check that Advanta had sent me.  I felt a spark of emotional investment and, of course, that was the fuel that set the corresponding manifestation in motion.  Hence, I attracted the spam robots.  So COMMENTS are turned off until I am vibrating at a different point of attraction 🙂  And if I play my cards right, that may be any minute now.

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LOOK Before You Cash Any Rebate or Credit Card Rewards Checks. The Better Business Bureau issues warning over Snuggie scam

If you’ve cashed a rebate check or check for reward points recently, you may have just authorized a $150 annual fee to be charged to your account, or a monthly charge.   Advanta is sending reward points rebates right now.  And the Snuggie. You know, that comfy looking lounging robe they advertise on tv?  Apparently the Better Business Bureau had to get involved after massive customer complaints.  They say “rebate” checks for $8.95 have been issued to Snuggie buyers, snaring them in with an old trick used by credit card companies.  On the rebate checks, in fine print, it says that by cashing the check, you are automatically charged a $149.99 annual membership fee.  Here are some links: Don’t Buy A Snuggie Blanket, Don’t Cash the Rebate check.   Snuggie Scam: Pay $150 for A $9 Rebate and Better Business Bureau issues warning over Snuggie scam. And it’s not just the Snuggie. A lot of products offered on late night tv also get the same rap, as well as credit card companies sending checks for reward points:  Rebate Scams: How They Get You

ADVANTA IS DOING THIS NOW: I wondered why I even cared about this, then just now looked on my desk and have a “rebate check” for “reward points” from Advanta, who I used to have a credit card with.  The accompanying info had already been thrown away, so I could not read the fine print.  However, I simply tore the check up so I did not end up depositing it.  Synchronicity.  The Universe rescues me in the nick of time once again.  Vibrational match!

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LISTEN TO FREE SAMPLES: Out of Body Experience
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Dollars, Hurricanes, Personal Storms, Everything is Related

Remember, your personal success, and your prosperity are not in the hands of some “fickle finger of fate”—nor are they determined by sudden changes in the economy. The answer is in your conditioned ability to form and shape the ever-present substance of the Universe. There is just no way around it: your fortune (good or bad) begins with you. Financial crises, even recessions or depressions, so far as they affect your pocketbook or bank account or job stability, begin with your reactions of faith or fear. You do not cause economic conditions, though we all share in the cumulative consciousness that is the cause; but if you give them reality by your negative thoughts or conversations about them, you become synchronized with an energy flow which has as swift an influence on your life as the light that bathes the room when you throw the switch From Eric Butterworth, in Spiritual Economics.

That has been my experience, not just with money, but with everything.  If I get a fear or anxiety about something, I start a chain reaction of a downward spiral which affects the other areas of my life.  The domino effect, plain and simple.  It happens every hurricane season, too. The weather guys try to freak us out when there are storms brewing in the Atlantic.  Remember, getting riled up over that is a waste of time.  We know by this year’s weather pattern that like 90% of the tropical depressions will dissipate before hitting Florida.  Get off the Watch And Worry Bandwagon and don’t talk about the storms. Don’t make folks think about them because they will then only attract something else they don’t want. So it’s in your hands... and on your lips. Last year I even  emailed the local news and weather stations. Continue reading

Meteor Shower; Meditation, Breathing As A Key To Youth

I was up early this morning, sitting out in the yard and watching the sky for the Perseid Meteor Shower.  The moon is at the last quarter and at 3:00am was almost right overhead.  It was hovering below and to the left of the Great Square of Pegasus, near the constellation Perseus, from where the meteors appeared to come. That just means the moon kept the night sky from being dark enough to see the dramatic meteor show we’ve seen in years past.  Some years friends and I will go to the beach late at night and watch them.  It’s a very magical and mystical time.  A meteor is a bright light cascading from the sky.   I like the Perseids shower because Helena Blavatsky‘s birthday is August 12, and her writings were an early influence to me.  I read much simpler fare now by far, but she helped shaped what I have come to know.  She was indeed a bright light that came steaming into my life, so I think it is fitting that her birthday coincides each year with this meteor shower.  According to legend, Perseus was able to behead Medusa by seeing her via the reflection in his polished shield, and his helmet of invisibility allowed him to escape.  I think that is, esoterically, what Blavatsky’s early teachings taught me: how to approach my personal demons through reflection upon what is in front of me.  And that being as transparent as I can be is my ticket to freedom. Continue reading

It’s Getting Better And Better Every Day; I Win Either Way

I’m doing final layout for the September Horizons this week and so I fielded calls and read emails all day yesterday, from 8am until 9pm.  This is the week of 12-16 hour days working on the mag and not much else.  But it’s a labor of love and so the time goes quickly.  I woke up feeling ready to start the new week.  I’d spent the weekend making sure every bit of filing and bookkeeping was done and, for the first time in months, nothing remained on my desk except what I need for the current issue. I ran to the bank and then to the market since I noticed I’d eaten the last bag of spinach last night.  I munch on spinach or romaine at night instead of chips or popcorn. Leaf by leaf.  As I shopped, I contemplated that for the past year I have been cooking just about every day, now that my diet has gotten a little purer.  For years I ate out 7+ times a week.  I know when I stopped eating (most) meat in 2005, my food bill was easily cut by half.  So when I got home, I sat down and looked through my records to see how my cooking at home routine compared financially to my dining out all the time routine.  I was surprised that my total was $8,887 less.  I thought, wow, that’s an extra almost $9k, which is kind of like the Universe giving me a raise. Continue reading

Provisioning the Pantry; Channelling My Mother

pantry I woke up yesterday morning with an almost overwhelming urge to go to the grocery store and buy canned vegetables.  When I found the Indian Pantry Moths last month, I emptied out my pantry and washed everything down and have just kept it empty the last couple of weeks to make sure they are gone.  I now keep all dried beans and cereals in the refrigerator instead of the pantry.  I used to keep my pantry stocked and when I changed my eating habits in 2004, I gave all my unhealthy foods away.  That ended up being everything.  Then I began eating so differently that I just never bought many cans of anything at any one time.  I may have half a dozen cans of garbanzos and black beans, a couple of soups and some dried beans, but that was it.  I kind of like the idea of the cabinet being bare: not a lot of food that I am committed to eat before it expires.  I’ve always had commitment issues.  Then I woke up this morning with the urge to stock up on canned vegetables.  I think I was channeling my mother.

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Coffee and Chocolate; Holding On To The Dream

I had two interesting dreams the beginning of this week.  I dreamed a few nights ago that I was making coffee for someone and drinking it myself as well.  The label was missing off the can so when I went to make it, I had to ask around to see how many scoops to how much water.  Something I would have to do in real life if there was no label.  It smelled so good.  It tasted so smooth and rich and roasty.  I dreamed the night before that I was eating different kinds of chocolate and really enjoying the different tastes. And it tasted just like chocolate and it tasted just like coffee.  But in the dreams I liked the tastes and in real life I don’t.  They were interesting dreams.  And I’m someone who has a lot of interesting dreams. Continue reading

NYC Prep: What Do These Shows Have To Do With Me? They Help Me Remind Myself Of Who I Really Am.

Cast of NYC Prep

Cast of NYC Prep

I watched another episode of the Bravo TV reality show NYC Prep, where the cameras follow an unlikely mix of public school and private school kids in New York City.  I wrote about the first episode in Teen Angst in NYC Prep; Getting Caught In The Drama.  This was the 6th Episode Fashion Week, Guests of Guests.  I missed many episodes because I don’t keep track of when shows are on. PC and Jessie see themselves as real fashionistas so, of course, they are front row at the shows at NY Fashion Week. I thought that in itself was pretty funny, what would high school kids be doing in the front row anyway, except for a parental favor, combined with Bravo TV camera coverage.  Wait, why should I care? Anyway, in this episode Jessie the drama queen is once again whining and pouting because PC is more interested in the fillies who do not act like bitter 40 year old shrews at age 17.  She invites him to the show of the designer she has just secured an intern position with, then is pissed when he brings 2 metro male friends, Trey, a stylist and Zach, a photographer, as well as Devorah Rose of Social Life Magazine along with him.  Jessie no likie when PC hangs with anyone but her.  Especially these ancient 20 somethings… and the camera crew without her… Wait, it gets better. Continue reading

When to Work, When To Play; Facebook, Full Moon

Yesterday was the perfect working day: the perfect combination of work and play.  I sat to meditate as usual at 4:00am and then napped from 5:00-7:00am.  By 8:00am I was in the office and by 8:00pm I was out of the office. Yay, only half a day! I opened a lot of mail, sent out some new subscriptions, fielded a dozen phone calls and brought my checkbook up to date.  I drove to the bank and to my tax accountant’s, and then stopped at Mid Eastern Aromas by FlaTech and picked up a veggie combo sandwich, which is flatbread rolled around hummus, eggplant, pickles, lettuce and tomato with tahina sauce.  Then I came home and my friend Denise stopped by and we chatted and had tea and tormented Izzy while he tried to nap on the table next to us.  After she left, I did the blogpost Fred Migliore of FM Odyssey Fame Talks About Woodstock after listening to the clips and signed up with PRX so I could leave comments on Fred’s page. Then I got brave and turned off my Facebook email notifications so I do not get an email each time someone comments on a post. I will just wait until I sign onto Facebook hopefully after working to see them all.  Facebook is a fun and easy time suck. Continue reading