Yearly Archives: 2008

Easing into internet optimization

Monday December 1, 2008
This week I’m doing a crash course in learning how to optimize my presence on the world wide web and discovering why it’s advantageous for me to do that.  All of this interesting business stuff I had no clue about!

But, as usually happens for me, I get eased into a new system before I even have time to freak out that changes will have to be made.  Like with Horizons Magazine.  Had someone asked me in 1991 if I’d be publishing a magazine a year later, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought; that would be a no.  If they’d suggested just four years later I’d begin doing Horizons on my own, I would have not thought it possible and didn’t think I’d care to undertake that anyway.

But those things didn’t happen overnight, and I eased into the ideas little by little.  I’d look at it as something I would explore as I felt moved to, since that is how I need to trick myself into getting involved in something new.  I make good income from my psychic readings so I don’t feel pressured to learn something quickly simply to increase income.

So I’m learning about how to get listed in the search engines and how to get traffic to my site.  I’m learning the importance of traffic and the importance of networking sites such as,, myspace, facebook and others.

I’m learning about the blog as a tool and was excited to realize I could put out a call in my blog for cover artwork for Horizons, or announce an upcoming contest for tshirt logo design for Horizons Magazine.  Neat!

Thankfully my brother has been easing me into the new technology – I love WordPress! – and so much of what I am learning right now has a familiar ring to it, and I can go back to notes he sent me 12-24 months ago telling me the same thing.

And I thought, here is my brother, obviously on the leading edge of thought, telling me to do something years before everyone else was talking about it.  But since I didn’t understand the gift he was handing me, I didn’t take advantage until 2 years later.  So basically I am holding back his evolution by him having to wait for me to catch up.  Ouch.

Thanks, bro!  I’m getting it now.
100th monkey and all that.

Potbound; expanding to fill my space

From Mike Dooley’s Notes From The Universe“Do you know what happens the instant I become a brand new “someone”?  You know, the moment I begin to play, grow, and become more than I was, within the jungles of time and space? I feel alone, disconnected, like I’m missing something. Even though I’m none of those things.  And neither are you.

At Unity of Melbourne today, Rev, Beth Head talked about allowing ourselves to get potbound, and how fragile we can feel as we are moving from one pot to another.  How precarious it can feel as our roots dangle openly in the air and we long to be once again contained in the security of a pot.  Just like Mike Dooley wrote up there, “feeling alone, disconnected, like we’re missing something.”

So now  I am freeing my pot-bound self. My roots have dangled scarily free and now it’s time for the new pot. Am I ready?

Or have I just become aware of how I have grown to fit my little pond?  Is it necessary to jump into a bigger pond in order to grow beyond where I am now?  Or is it enough to simply expand my perception of where I am now, in order to have the expanded experience of where I am now?

So I’ve been entertaining the idea of stepping into a bigger pond.  I thought one step would be to begin looking for another home on a few private wooded acres.  I love where I live now but have been thinking about a change.

I know from past history that I will expand to fill whatever space I find myself in.  Downsizing doesn’t freak me out and expanding doesn’t freak me out.  I know I always seem to somehow make it work, and everything always falls into place synchronistically.

If I want to be more than I am now, I need to give myself space to do that, and be in a space that allows that.  I need to leave a lot of empty, white space for the Universe to delight me with the filling of.  And leaving empty white space extends to my mind, as I begin to envision myself in the new space, in the new life.

I mean, this life is working well, that’s how I can tell I am ready for an upgrade.  I’m too happy and comfortable as things are right now *smile*  Isn’t that always how it works?  Actually, it is.  Because when you’re content, you have no resistance.  And when you release resistance: instant manifestation.

But we have to create the space for it.  We have to provide the environment for it.  Just like in meditation: we have to quiet our mind to provide an empty environment, so Spirit can impress guidance upon us.

I’m feeling guided to prepare myself for repotting.  I’m ready.

I get called onto the scene of the tornado, to be an unknowing prayer chaplain

Monday December 1, 2008 We had a little tornado run through our neighborhood yesterday. It even made the news when it damaged dozens of homes in Holiday Park, a mobile home community 3 miles. It also set the scene for much synchronicity.  First of all, the night before my friend Denise dreamed that there was a tornado at Jupiter and Emerson and that she was chasing around trying to find her mother in it.  She awoke feeling disconcerted and it took a moment to shake off and go back to sleep. Sunday afternoon suddenly the power went out at home. It had been pretty windy off and on for about an hour, so I figured something got knocked down and it would be back on soon. Two hours later it was not, so at 3:33pm I called Francis across the street to ask about plugging into his garage. I could see he had power as his front porch light was on; he and I are on different grids. He said he’d be home in an hour so, to kill time, I drove up to Home Depot to buy a couple of power strips. Home Depot is located on Malabar Road at Holiday Park Blvd.

I had driven the back way in (which was good) and as I pulled into the Home Depot parking lot, the force of the wind made me hydroplane for a moment, and the rain was coming down like splashes on the windshield followed by abrupt heavy gusts of wind. It had a sudden loudness to it and I thought, “this must be what it’s like to drive in a hurricane.” I continued into the parking lot and was about to turn down an aisle when I saw the line of maybe 30 shopping carts moving, and moving fast. I saw the line of employees standing outside under the awning watching it all unfold before them.

I sat in the car for a moment wondering if an umbrella would do me any good, I don’t mind getting wet, and I did some prayers for whoever was in the path of the shopping carts and for anyone else in the area that was having weather happening. But then almost as quickly as it came, the winds came down and the rain became normal rain again.

Power was restored about 8:00pm and when I checked my email, my brother told me about the storm so I went to Florida Today online and found the story about the tornado. I thought about the synchronicity.

Had I known there was a tornado in the area, would I have driven up to Home Depot, 3 miles away, to be right in it? No.

Had I not seen the line of shopping carts being moved by the wind, would I have said any prayers at that moment in the location? No. I don’t really do much praying in the parking lot at Home Depot.

So I figure the Universe called me out there under the pretense of buying power strips, to get me on the scene. And it tricked me into praying because it always knows I end with a prayer for my self, my community, my state, my country, all countries, all peoples.

So I felt kind of honored, as though I was the prayer chaplain assigned to take that call and pray on the scene for that storm. Neat. Even if I did have to be tricked into it.

And I think Denise’s mom will listen to her dreams from now on.

Drop me a line from

Tub bath vs. shower water experiment

After installing my new water heater yesterday, I did an experiment today when I showered, and put the plug in the drain so the tub would fill as I showered. I knew a shower used less water than a tub, but I wanted to know how much less. When I was growing up, from about age 10 on, we had a Fageol Twin Coach bus that my dad converted into a camper, and the family would go camping each weekend. The day he first put on the water tanks, he had each of us go out and take a shower to see how much water we used. We were told to get wet, turn the water off, soap up, and then turn the water back on to rinse off. The next day he filled the tanks and had us take showers again, this time just taking a shower like normal, water running as we washed. He found we could conserve by half if we shut the water off while soaping, then back on to rinse. Continue reading

Psychic Friends; 20 Tips on Becoming Psychic

I was clearing old files out and found all my old log sheets from when I was an online psychic back in the 90’s.  I worked for the Psychic Friends Network from 1992 to 1996, doing calls out of my home. Remember those hokey commercials in the middle of the night, with Dionne Warwick and Linda Georgian?  I’d cringe when I’d see them! I had a separate line for the readings, and we had specific schedules to work.  I always volunteered to work midnight to 4am and holidays and those were always the busiest shifts.  They had us fill out log sheets that gave the date, time of the call, caller first name and birthday, as well as other names and birthdates mentioned in the call.  That way, if someone refused to pay saying they did not make the call, we would say “Well, the caller has a husband named Oscar born 10-15-65 and twins named Sarah and Melissa born 2-14-95.”  We only had about an inch of space, the width of the page, for notes.  Sometimes I would make notes afterward about some of calls, the ones I found interesting for later commentary.  I got my share of “who’s my baby’s daddy?” but also got many calls from people in the entertainment industry, wondering when their break would come.   Continue reading

The morphing sleep cycles of menopause. 15 things to do when you can’t sleep. Here are lots of links to natural sleep aids.

Sleep restful by pinoWhen I entered menopause at age 42, I noticed my sleeping patterns beginning to change.  Like everyone else, at first I fought it and tried all sorts of things to keep me asleep for my previous 6-8 hours at a stretch.  If you listen to the tv ads, that’s what’s “normal” and menopause was “interrupting” that natural cycle. I typically have 3-4 hours sleep in a row and then it’s feet on the floor and back to the office.   A recreational sleeper I’m not.    Then I thought, wait, menopause itself is a natural cycle and if I just go with it, instead of fighting it, let me see what my sleeping patterns morph into.  I’m lucky in that I work for myself and can make my own hours, so I began what would be a decade long experiment to find my own natural sleeping pattern.   Continue reading

Increasing your business by using creative visualization

A psychic reader friend said they had been receiving no calls despite advertising in several local papers.  I emailed: “No calls yet?  Hmm why do you think you are attracting that right now?  Are you doing creative visualization a few times a day about people calling in and being excited about your work and being appreciative of their breakthroughs and telling all their friends about you and also in your visualization writing in an appointment book, filling your calendar and PayPal account?  I am not kidding in the least.  Know that voice who says “who would want to pay me? There are too many readers to choose from, I’ll never make a living doing this”?  Do your visualization twice as long as those thoughts last.  When you do your viz often enough, that voice will subside. The moment that voice drops, your phone will begin ringing.”
My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization
Life Transforming Links here for Creative Visualization
Create the space for the phone to ring off the hook

Grokking the post office forms

This morning I thought I’d get an early start on doing the post office paperwork for tomorrow’s mailing of the December Horizons Magazine.  I did a med lite and my morning yoga, and was at my desk by 6am.  Due to a Sept 08 new rule, I have had to change how Horizons gets mailed each month, and now it has to go via permit, sorted by zone and 3 digit zip, then sacked and taken in to the main post office downtown.  The sacks have to be labeled, the jobs separated by size, and 3 pages of paperwork filled out for each job.

So I thought I’d get a head start by having the printer tell me the weight count on one stack of magazines, then I could do all the paperwork ahead of time.  I began doing all my figuring and was surprised that getting everything done in order to make the calculations to fill in the paperwork took me over 8 hours.  I could not believe it.  I’m exhausted, but at least I have a handle on the forms now and feel familiar with them.  Oh dang, I need to run to the post office and pick up about 40 of their white mail sacks so I don’t have to do it before the mailing tomorrow.

All the time in the world

I made the schedule for the 2009 magazine layout.  I basically work on it for 2 weeks, deliver it for a week and then do administrative work for a week.  I do my phone work in the evenings during the 2 weeks I am not doing final layout.  My problem is that I always think of the “administrative work” week as my “free” week.  Free except for the billing, the bookkeeping, updating mailing lists, returning calls, running errands, cleaning the house and catching up on yard work.  So I am always late doing the billing and bookkeeping.  I goof off for a few days thinking they are free, then those run over into the time I have to begin layout and I don’t know where the time went.  The time goes because I am always thinking I have 5 weeks in the month instead of 4.3.

No wonder I don’t get to hang with my buddies…

We have all the time in the world, not a moment to lose