Category Archives: Uncategorized

Women’s March The Biggest Protest In US History As 4+ Million March

I was delighted to see all the sisters attending the Women’s March. There were record turnouts all across the nation (4+ million) saying “we exist, we have something to say, we have rights we deserve to retain.” We learned a big lesson this election season. A few years from now there will be more record turnouts, it will be on voting day, and we’ll come back into balance. Thanks to DT for being an alarm clock showing us what happens when we sit back and let other people do the thinking and the voting. We’ve been reminded in a big way that we’ve got the power and we’ve just been re-inspired to use it.  Half a million men and women descended onto the national mall in Washington, DC January 21, 2017 — the day after the Inauguration — to show their support for women’s rights.  Marchers and police were civil and participants were kind to one another. Despite the 500,000 protesters, there were no arrests, in contrast to the day before when 230 people were arrested out of the 250,000 attending the Inauguration.    Continue reading

34 out of 36 promises broken the first day

“We’re going to be in the promise-keeping business” yet 34 out of 36 broken the first day. “Get over it?” It would be easy to take score too soon, huh? Jesus in disguise, ya’ll. Whatever is happening God is permitting to happen for a designed purpose even though we have no idea what that purpose is. Staying faithful…

I change from Wells Fargo Bank to a credit union

For a year or more I’ve wanted to make a community credit union my primary financial institution and I finally began steps to move my Wells Fargo bank accounts. I admit I just learned that Wells Fargo helped finance the DAPL pipeline however I was ready to move. I went to the credit union and opened a business checking account. Back at the office I ordered checks and deposit slips and rubber stamps and began changing all direct deposit info. Next I’ll enter all my bill pay info in, it’s a chore but it feels good to have begun the process.  I was thrilled when they built a credit union 2 miles away, I can walk my deposits in now. There are no monthly fees and my dollars support my local community.

I would’t do that after touching dollar bills

I just saw Warren Buffett do a potentially dangerous and gross thing. On the New Celebrity Apprentice, the challenge is to make a new candy and present it to Warren Buffett.  Jon Lovitz is one of the contestants and he jokingly hands Warren Buffett a $1 bill and a $5 bill which Buffett takes in his hands. Then with the same hand he picks up the chocolate and puts it in his mouth. But it seems touching money has not killed him yet so what do I know?

You don’t want the karma for exaggerating illness and injury

Being a good actor is not always a good thing. You take on a big karma when you exaggerate illness and injury to avoid responsibility, when you refuse to pull your weight despite being able to do so, when you make your devoted and gaslighted, already-exhausted loved ones work double time to pick up your slack. Have a little more respect for yourself than that. Make yourself worthy of the esteem they hold you in. You’ve got the power. Use it for good, that’s how you armor up for karmic repurcussions.

Minimalism on Netflix, I’m inspired to scale down

I watched Minimalism on Netflix, a documentary about downsizing, getting back to basics and weaned away from excess consumption of resources. It made me walk around and see what in my house I could do without. I’ve been moving furniture around lately. A pal thinks it’s an OCD thang but it’s simply that I thrive on change. When I feel things are getting too stagnant, one quick way I’ve found to stir things up is to empty a room. Take everything out of a room and then one by one decide what to put back in it. Not what ends up being in the room the last 5 years because you don’t know where else to put it. Put back in the room only what you want in there, what serves a purpose. I make a pile of stuff to go to another room. When I’m in the process of doing that, suddenly my mind clicks wider awake and I begin having ideas of new furniture combinations.   Continue reading

I program my self talk to attract opportunity

Do you program your self talk? I do it to keep myself focused on goals and motivated on projects. When in my self talk I repeat thoughts of doubt often enough to invoke fear and worry, that’s me putting a crimp in my connection (to Source Energy/God/The Universe.) I program my self talk to help me stay focused in areas I could use some focus and expansion. And the more I focus, the wider my eyes open and the wider my mind opens to encompass new ideas, possibilities and opportunities. What area of your life do you want to expand?

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I’ve been rebounding

I’ve been rebounding, moving a cold out of my system. “The lymphatic system, commonly summarized as the “garbage disposal of the body,” relies completely on our conscious movement. Unlike the cardiovascular system with the heart automatically pumping fluid, the lymph system relies on our body movements as a pump. Movement turns on the garbage disposal – without movement that forces the lymphatic fluid to drain, toxins collect stagnantly in the lymph instead of leaving the body. Any type of exercise, such as walking, weight lifting or swimming, helps flush toxins in the lymph. But rebounding is by far the most effective movement therapy for increasing lymph flow and draining toxins from the body.”  Good info here –> Benefits of Rebounding and How To Do It Correctly.