Category Archives: Uncategorized

We forget what we know

A client called about relationship. I told him I see an R and a J entwined, then becoming a ball of twine unraveling.
“I don’t know who that could be,” he says.
I continue, “The man keeps his golf clubs in the car. His car is red, he has taken it to the dealer a couple of times for a problem they haven’t found.
“That sounds like my friend Ron.”
“There is a J name attached to him, that is what I see unraveling.”
“Oh, ok yes his wife Janet, she’s leaving him, she is the one I called to ask you about tonight. We’ve been seeing each other.”

So let me get this straight, you call to ask me if you’re going to be with your new girlfriend Janet who is married to your friend Ron and when the first thing I tell you is that I see an R and a J and ask who they are, you tell me you don’t know…?? Grrr.

Let’s do some Ho’oponopono for Donald Trump and the current administration

I like when the Universe gives a big group of people a project to work on together.  I think a little Ho’oponopono is in order for Donald Trump and the current administration. Anyone who has an emotional feeling about it is being given the opportunity to work on their issues.  I know that everything in my world is my responsibility, simply because I’m aware of it. “I forgive you and for whatever my (unknown/karmic) part in the situation, I ask forgiveness, I thank you for your part in my life and I love you.” Really.    Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len was a psychologist at the Hawaii State Hospital who – without ever seeing a patient in person – cured a ward of criminally insane patients using an ancient Huna technique.  Dr. Lew would study an inmate’s chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he took responsibility, asked forgiveness and expressed gratitude, he improved himself and the patients improved.  Dr. Len never saw his patients. His agreement was he would have an office and he would review the patient files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.  Dr. Len says he “was simply healing the part of me that created them.” Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life is your responsibility, simply because it appears in your life. In a literal sense your entire world is your creation.  Continue reading

You know what uranium is, right?

“You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things.”

With all due respect to parody and satire, Trump doesn’t have to understand any of it, he just has to have educated and experienced folks around him to fill key positions. Oh, wait…

Generate Love then focus it onto troubled areas

What do you love the most in the world? What really makes your heart open wide and soften? Is it a parent, a child, a grandchild, a lover, a pet? Ponder for a moment how much you love this being.  Let that feeling of love fill your heart and fill your chest and fill your aura. Then send that love to the Melbourne Airport to everyone gathered there for the rally.  I’m holding a vigil here and will keep it up off and on until evening. In between, I’m also doing ho’oponopono on each member of the administration. It’s actually a thrilling combination, the release of the ho’oponopono followed by the filling of the heart with love. I could feel a pretty cool wave action going on.

Why do I bother writing things to make people feel more hopeful about their future in this current climate? Because it is only the ones who are hopeful who will attract thoughts and ideas that help us move easily through the changes.

Trump fans bottom line: Better than the alternative

I’ve had a realization about why Trump fans are so willing to ignore him being untruthful. After asking last night on Facebook how my Trump supporter friends felt about him being caught in fibs with clear evidence challenging his stories, I heard from so many Facebook friends that I saw a clear pattern that helped me realize what the answer was. A kind and savvy friend whose opinion I value said it best, “I know he’s not polished. I know he’s a street fighter, rough around the edges… I get it. He marches to the beat of a different drummer– but I believe his heart is in the right place.” To the question, “What about the lying?” the reply was, “Politics are difficult. No one is wrong, no one is right. I’m moving on.” I have a legal background. The pattern I saw was that many did not see themselves as evading the question. The fact of the matter, according to them, was that no matter who he is and how he acts, he was better than the alternative. Period. No matter what he’s doing or what he’s involved in, it’s better than a Clinton president.  I didn’t get it until now.  I really didn’t.   Continue reading

There’s still time for him to turn it all around

All we want is someone with a good heart, someone we can trust. Someone who will take the job seriously, show strength and do what he promised. He still has time to turn it all around, to educate himself, to jump into the job, surround himself with educated advisors, to do good work.  Accountability and responsibility changes people. It can cause realizations and awakenings.  Someone who is very emotionally reactive is undergoing the deep work of integrating their personality with their soul. Who am I in this life time? Who am I at my core? Like it or not, if you’re being triggered by him, he’s been placed here for you to do some soul work of your own.   Continue reading

Meditation helps me unkink my mental hose

I was outside setting the sprinkler and kept moving it this way and that to make sure I got optimum coverage. As soon as I got it in place however, the water stopped. WTH?? I traced it back to the source and saw that way, way back the hose began to kink and I didn’t notice it. As I inched it along, the kink got tighter until I cut off my flow altogether. I’ve done that with my connection to Source energy at times. I may not notice I’m inching along, cutting off little by little as I twist around this situation or that person, until I’m halted in my tracks. That’s why I meditate, so that at least twice a day I am checking my hose for kinks that cut me off from my goodness.   Continue reading

Meditation is a staging area for my thoughts

Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area. When I’m working on something, it’s important to have a dedicated work space but equally important to have an clear staging area. The staging area lets me try things out without being crammed for space. I like space between my molecules. Meditation gives me that. I’ve found meditation to be like a staging area for my thoughts and ideas. It gives them empty space to play out a bit, to formulate a bit on their own and attract more thoughts and ideas like them. And I don’t have to ask for an answer to something specific. Even if all I do is follow my breath, not even counting it, thoughts can arise that can answer my unasked questions. Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area and see what unfolds for you in the next 12 months.   Continue reading