Category Archives: Uncategorized

Saturday recap of Universal Lightworkers’ Conference

Sunday, June 14, 2009. Saturday morning began early with the vendors open at 8:00am and the music began at 9:00.  It was a rousing tribal beat, perfect for waking up.  The best part of waking up is NOT Folger’s in your cup 🙂    Don Miguel Ruiz was the opening speaker.  He has such a quiet yet powerful way about him, and his words are simple and profound.  He told a story of how as a young teen, he once sat with his grandfather and told him all his teenage ideas and philosophies.  He began to see a slight smile cross his grandfather’s face after a time, and he thought, “Oops.”  But it was too late,  It was his grandfather’s turn to speak.  His grandfather told him that he had just heard Miguel parrot many ideas that others had told him.  He did not hear any ideas that came from Miguel.    Don Miguel Ruiz learned from his grandfather that we search for everything we believe we don’t have, not knowing that everything we are looking for is already inside us. We are born with it.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.  No one else.  Us.  We do it.  We don’t need to seek outside ourselves for guardian angels.  There are 6 billion of us on the planet.   Life is a dream and you are not who you think that you are! There are 6 billion Messengers on Earth… Angels who give & receive messages. What kind of messenger are you? Powerful stuff. Continue reading

First day at the Universal Lightworker’s Conference

Saturday, June 13, 2009.  I’m in Fort Lauderdale at the Universal Lightworker’s Conference. it began yesterday, from 4:00pm until well into after midnight.  At most conferences, you spend the first day being kind of shy, and opening up the second, so by the end of the conference, you feel you have a new family and have bonded with all the other attendees.  With the ULC, in their opening ceremony they get everyone up and dancing together.  By the end of Friday evening, you are feeling bonded with everyone else.  The weekend definitely has a reunion feel to it.  A reunion of new friends. Continue reading

Last Minute Dilemma

Okay.  I just realized I am going to the Universal Lightworkers Conference tomorrow and am still recovering from the eyebrow debacle.  Well, ok, not so much a debacle as it is a temporary new look: eyebrows slimmer and more arched than I’ve ever had in my life.  And to highlight this, I’ve been growing my bangs out the past year and wearing my hair back and pinned off my face.  Oh, my life is so tough, isn’t it, that these are my problems?    So  my dilemma is this: do I cut my bangs and hide the eyebrows, or do I just brave it and show my bare face? I have until about 10am tomorrow to decide.  I have to remember I am trying to avoid the default Marianne Faithful look, which is what I’ll get the second I cut the bangs…

What to do, what to do…

Herbert Benson’s Relaxation Response is the Transcendental Meditation technique minus the ritual

Did you know that the book by Herbert Benson The Relaxation Response gives the exact technique of  Transcendental Meditation, minus the ritual and religious overtones and using the word “One” as the mantra?  The  Transcendental Meditation, or TM, technique is a form of mantra meditation introduced worldwide in 1957 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and popularized in 1968 by the Beatles, and the Beach Boys.

From the book The Relaxation Response pages 162-163

1.  Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

2.  Close your eyes.

3.  Deeply relax all your muscles, beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face.  Keep them relaxed.    Continue reading

Shall I Spend Time Reprogramming or Playing?

I was doing a session with a friend the other day and the topic was reprogramming her inner dialogue – her self talk – to help her accomplish some goals she has set for herself.  She’s a smart and successful person, and has just identified some habits she wants to change.  She wasn’t aware of it before, but every time a bill came in, one of her thoughts was, “I’ll never get ahead at this rate.”  Every time her kids asked for a loan, she thought,  “I’ll never get ahead at this rate.”   Every time she got an unexpected repair or medical bill (and she attracted a lot of them), she thought,  “I’ll never get ahead at this rate.”   So we simply came up with a few lines of self talk that she would teach herself to repeat over and over each time the old thoughts of the old story came to mind.  She’d carry these lines with her and read them often throughout the day. Continue reading

Riding out Past Momentum

People aren’t always prepared to handle what Life throws at them. A few experiences with cause and effect can make a believer out of anyone, so it is often well into midlife before many people wake up and begin taking responsibility for how they perceive life and how they respond to it.  At the same time, they have to deal with the momentum of their past catching up with them. So the situation is someone who has suddenly woken up to the realization of an innate connection, to the realization of another way of being, another way of living more gently and cooperatively upon the earth.  They realize some of their past behaviors and responses were less than stellar, and they want to do things differently this time around. But even though their heart and mind and ways have changed, there is still the backlash of the past momentum catching up. So they need to just do their best in each moment, and ride it out until it’s over.

RELATED: Tie Up Loose Ends
Your misdeeds affect your loved ones
Building momentum
Riding Out Past Momentum
Factoring in past momentum
Creating Momentum To Move In A New Direction
The process to gather momentum and amplify attraction power
Turn your attention elsewhere and stop creating more karma
When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past
If you’re being blocked, look for unresolved issues to clear
When you’re doing all the “right” things and still get hit by karma, that’s past momentum
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past

Sitting in the woods at midnight

 I love being up in the middle of the night. I love being up working at the desk, I love being up working on my creative projects, but I especially love being outside in the midnight hours.  There is very little road traffic within hearing range, and my particular neighborhood has no street lights, so the nighttime has a natural feel to it. As long as I turn OFF the outside motion sensors when I am out there, that is 🙂

I like taking a walk when the air is cool and the woods are lit only by the moonlight filtering through the trees.  I stay barefoot at night, so I can tell where on the path I am walking.  In the dark spots, I can tell where to turn when I feel the big oak root under my right foot, and I know that I need to duck two steps later to miss the low hanging branch.  When I feel the gravel, I know to bear left to stay off the path to the garden. When I walk down to the firepit area, I can feel the oak leaves all ruffled up under my feet, and I can hear the armadillos rooting around in them closeby.  I can make out in the dim light the chairs as they are gathered around the circle area and I sit in my favorite one.  The one facing each of the three trails: the human walk and the two woods creature trails. If I sit quietly, all sorts of nocturnal critters will begin their nighttime parade past me.   Continue reading

Online dating: E-Harmony vs. — Beware of the Scammers

online dating keyA Realistic Personal Ad: SWM in dead-end job seeks dumpy neurotic for mutual psychological torture, tepid sex, and co-dependency.  I enjoy drinking, smoking, pornography, and self-righteous indignation. I can’t stand movies, and the last album I bought was The Marshall Tucker Band’s Greatest Hits.  I have middling intelligence but try to appear smarter by  affecting a world-weary air, memorizing useless facts, and  chuckling at my own mean-spirited, agenda-driven jokes.  I’m 32 but look 40 and feel 60.    You are a whiny, bitter shrew with a misplaced sense of entitlement and unrealistic expectations.  In time you will become coolly hostile when I don’t fulfill every unmet need you’ve ever had.  Bonus points if you just finished screwing every guy in town and but now want to take it slow with me. My perfect night would include getting hammered in a sh*t-hole bar while you flirt with seedy old drunks, followed by an embarrassing screaming match.  I would be open to an unsatisfying fling that leaves me filled with regret and dread but prefer a long-term, soul crushing descent into booze and pills.  No friendships. I don’t need any damn friends. Age unimportant, but I will condescend to women under 30 and rehash mother issues with women over 40.  Serious replies only, please. Continue reading

What a difference a change in perception makes….. Billing as a spiritual practice

Yesterday I had the greatest drive ever to Ocala and Cassadaga.  Yes, I was just there last week but, as I wrote about on May 26th at Pinning Myself In And Getting Myself Out Of it, I had miscalculated and not had enough magazines with me the first time.  Oh, what a grumpy last trip that was!  This time, I’d gotten caught up on work and created the day off for myself.  I thought of it as a vacation day drive rather than a delivery run.  Thinking about it differently made me feel differently about it. Continue reading

How to win the lottery by visualizing it; Dr. Joseph Murphy

dollars in handHow To Win The Lottery By Visualizing It. Cynthia P. Stafford was a single mother raising five kids. She read books about positive thinking by Divine Science minister Joseph Murphy.  Through Murphy’s teachings of self-healing and visualization, Stafford set her mind on winning $112 million.  She wrote the figure “$112 million” constantly, meditated on it, and imagined how excited she would be once the money finally came into her life. After four months of obsessive focus — the first couple of weeks took considerable discipline, she says — she stopped and let go. “Once you’re in the flow of the energy,” she says, “it’s going to happen.”  And in May 2007, Stafford won $112 million in California’s Mega Millions lottery.  And she’s using it wisely.  “The ones who blew it also said they were going to blow it,” she says. “They said it before it happened. It’s what you believe. They attracted that. We have two choices in life. We can choose to see the best situation in our lives, or bemoan why things are not working.” Continue reading