Category Archives: Uncategorized

Remind yourself that how you thrive depends on how you think

flower-in-sidewalkDon’t be spooked about the state of the economy.  Not everyone is in a downturn.  Remind yourself that doesn’t have to be your experience. Remind yourself you can attract a different result.  How you thrive depends on how you think.  Remind yourself that opportunities can be found everywhere.  Remind yourself that God/Spirit/the Universe is your supply.  Remind yourself that you attract what you focus on, then focus on noticing all the good things there are around you.

RELATED:  The way to happiness is through training yourself to think thoughts that bring you joy and give you hope

I get a Real Housewife as a client

Interesting.  I had a reading with a new client and she’s one of the Real Housewives.  As soon as I got off the phone with her, I did a quick word search at my blog to see if I’d written anything snarky, but she’s one that I like so all was well.  I like how that always seems to work out.

RELATED: Celebrity Clients
I guess I said the wrong thing to Medium Allison DuBois
The Real Housewives are all such mean girls
The Real Housewives of Orange County and Lynne’s Eviction Notice
The Real Housewives of NJ bring me a 14x windfall
The Real Housewives of NJ and other unreal reality shows 
A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County
The Catty Housewives From Catsville
Real Housewives: When the personality overshadows the soul
The real story is SO much more fascinating, trust me
Real Housewives – Insecure Mean Girls Who Never Grew Up
No longer in the vibe to watch The Catty Housewives From Catsville
Real Housewives of Atlanta: Apollo admits he lied about Kenya and kept it up for two years
Tamara, when you understand, you change
Ramona Singer causes a scene rather than answer a question. It’s all about air time

All the planets are ganging up in my 12th house for my birthday

My transits today 4-4-11 for DOB 4-10-52 Miami, FL 6:20am

I love playing with astrology and each year before my birthday I make time to study my chart to see how the current planetary transits might be affecting me.  Right now there is a stellium of planets in Aries, right on top of my natal planets.  Like 6 little gang members stomping into my quiet, secret 12th house, Uranus and Mars are at 1 degree Aries, Sun at 14, Jupiter at 15, Moon at 21 and Mercury at 23.  They are right next to my Venus at 0 Aries, Mercury at 11, Sun at 20, Ascendant at 25, Jupiter at 25.  They all oppose my Libra planets Moon 21, Saturn 20, Neptune 20 in 6th house, where I see Saturn is right now at 13 degrees.  Whoa say the non-astrologers — what does that all mean?  For me, born April 10, 1952, it means there is a lot of subsconscious activity, a lot of activity brewing behind the scenes, and a whole lot of thinking going on.

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Good things fall apart so better things can fall together

Good things fall apart so better things can fall together.  That’s true — there’s a trick to that, though.  When good things are falling apart, you have to look at them and remind yourself they are falling apart to make room for something better.  Then look everywhere for evidence of that “something better.”  If good things fall apart and you start thinking it will only get worse, if you start collecting evidence of that, well, we always find what we look for.  So when your world starts crumbling around you, that is merely past momentum catching up with you and making a clean sweep.  I’d suggest it’s also the time to clear up your past, do some serious introspection and forgiveness work and get your Ho’oponopono on.  Then get excited that good things are on the way and better times are to be had.  Look for evidence of that everywhere.  The best is yet to be.

RELATED:  Building Momentum

A longtime buddy blocks me on Facebook over politics

blockedI’ve got a real life friend I’ve known since the mid 80’s.  We mostly talk about nature or yard stuff or music or the day’s surf or good times from back in the day.  We reconnected after several years’ absence. Most recently he’s got a galpal who doesn’t approve of our friendship so we mostly interact via Facebook. That was where I discovered a side of him I hadn’t seen the 25 years I’ve known him. That was where I learned Domino had become a conservative Republican and stayed glued to Fox News all day, believed what they  said and actively touted it on FB.  I don’t mind when friends have their own opinions, but I don’t need their propaganda plastered on MY Facebook wall.    Continue reading

Donate $1.00 if I’ve ever helped you or made you smile

Friends, if I’ve ever done you a favor or loaned you money or connected you with someone helpful or made you smile or given you hope or comfort, this is your chance to donate $1.00 to me, or $3.00 or $5.   You can do this by using the “donate” button at the Horizons Magazine website to Paypal to , you can Zelle to or Venmo @Andrea-de-Michaelis.  Consider it a tithe to the Universe. It will return to you manyfold.   Thank you for your kind generosity. The links below will help you create more dollars for yourself. Enjoy, and thank you.

An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
A Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
A visualization to funnel money from the sky into your bank account

The Events of Our Time per Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sai.Baba blessingI received this from my friend Nigel Taylor:  The Year 2012 according to Sai Baba. An extract from a 2010 conversation between a reporter and the social and spiritual reformer of India, Sathya Sai Baba.

Question: “Have you heard of the year 2012 like a year where something will happen?”

Baba:  The truth is that the planet has been changing its vibratory state, and this change has intensified since the year 1989 where the magnetic poles have moved the last 20 years more than the past 2000. Well, in one way there are several prophecies that signal this date like a term or important conclusion in the history of humanity, but the most significant is the end of the Mayan calendar, which prophecy has been interpreted in different ways. The most negative ones think that during this year the world will end, but it will not be like that, it is known that during that year a new era will start, the Age of Aquarius.   Continue reading

I spent full moon night out under the stars

Last night’s full moon was dubbed a Supermoon, thanks to a fluke of orbital mechanics that brought the moon closer to Earth than that it has been in more than 18 years.  It really did look bigger.  I was just completing final layout on the April Horizons Magazine and really wanted to get down to the beach to watch the moon rise, but I just could not make myself get in motion to leave the property.  This is when I appreciate my humble jungle here, where I have room to roam and explore and don’t have to dress to go out and be prepared to socialize.  Don’t get me wrong, I am as gregarious as they come, but I talk to a lot of people during the course of a day.  At the end of the day, I am usually talked out and don’t want to hear another voice, especially my own.  So when I can escape into the silence of my oak woods under the light of the full moon, I jump at the chance.   Continue reading

The Eyebrow Debacle

Joan Crawford

Last night I did something on a whim that I’ve never done before.  I shaved my eyebrows off.  Completely.  I figured they’ll grow back in a couple of weeks.  It makes it easier to draw them on while I am experimenting with finding a light enough brow color to wear.  My brows are getting more sparse as time goes on, and I’ve been wearing brow color at times to define them.  Even using the lightest shades, I end up looking like Joan Crawford because my natural brows are so high and wide.   In the 90′s, a hairdresser friend wanted to wax my brows, so I let her.  I figured they would grow back.  Well, they really didn’t.  The good news is I only have to tweeze about 6 stray hairs every few months.  The bad news is that she waxed so much underneath the brows that they have ever after been the thinner brow that I don’t care for.   But I’ve gotten used to it and it’s no big deal. By age 55 they began coming in again.   Continue reading

My Cansema Treatment Update

I wrote earlier at My experience with Cansema, a natural skin cancer remedy that I was ready to begin a new session of treatment with it.  On Thursday, February 24, 2011 at about 8:00am I applied to to a spot on my right leg, below and to the outer side of the knee.  By 8:45am I could feel a slight burning.  Oh, I should have taken a photo of that mark before I caked the Cansema on it…  It just looked like a flat mole that was just a little bit darker than the skin around it.  I applied Cansema on it in 2003 and it reacted big time but I wondered if there was any more in there.  We’ll see.   Continue reading