Category Archives: Uncategorized

Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars Now

If you think Mondays suck and that winning the lotto will save your life from sucking, a heads up: If you’re vibing in the place of “life sucks” then you’re not vibing in the place of “money comes to me.” Find something to love about your life right now and trust me your entire world can freaken change for the better in a heartbeat. Or, you can go to work and tell everyone what a sucky day it is. Your choice.  Also, spend a few minutes a day in creative visualization about what you want and how it would feel to have it. Just reading about it will put you in the vibe to attract more dollars to you.   See?  Right here, right now, you just attracted this message.  Things are looking up already.


RELATED: How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Meditation Twice A Day
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
My Paypal Visualization
My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization
More lottery wins
I Predict 4 Of Saturday’s Lotto Numbers
An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
It’s all related

LEARN FREE: The Secret2Dollars. No cost, no kidding.
Donate $1 for good luck & karma


Taking time to bask when life gets good

For some reason, this two year old post –> When do you help others and when do you help yourself is getting lots of views this week. When I hit 40, guidance began flooding out of me and I wrote almost 24/7.  When I read now what I wrote 10, 15, 20 years ago, it is always relevant to something in my life that I failed to see at the time it was written. At 40, I thought I understood.  At 60, I realize I’m just beginning to scratch the surface.  It’s like when I had a vegetarian boyfriend a dozen years before “healthy eating” really sunk in for me and I changed my own eating habits. I “learned” the information in 1992, but didn’t “grok” the information until 2004. Like the volumes of spiritual books that I read early on and highlighted here and underlined there, only to read years later and wonder why  I highlighted the least insightful parts?  It does not matter, it can be right in front of us and be handed to us on a platter, but if we are not in the right state of consciousness to receive it, it will not be ours for long. Things will come to us throughout our life, and we determine what stays and what slips away. Just like any thought that we have, we may not be able to control what pops into our head, but we can control what thoughts we allow to linger and develop.  And for how long. Continue reading

Seeking readers and vendors in Central Florida: Psychic Fairs, March 15-16 and March 22-23

psychic fairs suzanne lindeMarch 15-16 and March 22-23: We have space for more Psychic Mediums and vendors, especially a crystal vendor if you know anyone who may be interested.  Psychic Fairs with world renowned Medium Gerta Lestock from the HBO Documentary “No One Dies in Lily Dale” featuring : Psychic Mediums from New York and Florida • Lily Dale Mediums • Psychic Readings • Tarot Cards • Palmistry • Astrology • Numerology • Crystals • Jewelry.   Single Day Admission $7 Weekend Admission $10 Children 12 and under Free.  Show Hours both events Sat. 10-6 Sun. 10-6.  For more information visit
PSYCHIC FAIR March 15-16 Apopka Elk’s  #2422  201 West Orange St. Apopka, FL 32703
PSYCHIC FAIR March 22-23 Port Orange Elk’s #2723, 5702 Ridgewood Ave 32127

Another midnight shift begins

150I’m working on the March magazine and the almost-full moon just appeared over my left shoulder.  Her moonbeam is now shining brightly into my office window. I went to sleep about 6:00pm and woke up at midnight.  Our ancestors used to sleep twice a night and that’s a schedule that is most natural to me. My first sleep is usually between 4-8pm and my second between 4-8am.  It makes it easy to work, since my highest energy is as soon as I wake up.  I can get lots done first thing in the morning.  It’s about 65 degrees out there, and it’s a still night. Moon is full at 7pm Friday –> see full moon ritual here.    Continue reading

Friends of the World Gathering in Yoga Shakti Mission Palm Bay, FL on March 16, 2014

Ma Yoga Shakti invites you to join us at the Annual Friends of the World Gathering at Yoga Shakti Mission on Sunday March 16 Noon to 4pm. Anyone wishing to have a booth  please contact Shyama  at or 321 725 4024.  Free admission.  There will be a variety of cultural dances, music, drama, international food and vendor booths. We hope to provide an atmosphere of openness and genuine appreciation of each other’s special talents and cultural heritage, thereby promoting understanding and friendship of all races and cultures.   Continue reading

A fun second quarterly psychic fair at Book and Bead

I like reading cards because it teaches the client to interpret symbols for theirself

I had an awesome time at today’s Book and Bead Psychic Fair, thanks to Morgana Starr, Jeanette WaddingtonKathryn FlanaganLeslie Marlar, Teketa Shine, and of course owner Ed and manager Chris, for making it a great day. We’ll let ya know when the next one is. I wrote about the first one — > here.  Eight of my clients were the same ones I had at the December fair. The highlight for me was the woman I told in December would be having a grandchild and her daughter learned last month that she was pregnant.  Pregnancy is real prominent in the aura, so that was easy.  One woman, I knew right away that she didn’t use caffeine, alcohol or drugs ~ at all.  Another, I knew she was taking thyroid medication. These weren’t medical readings, I just knew what was in their system.  These were some highlights. Continue reading