Category Archives: Creative visualization

 Getting well: a diagnosis is just a snapshot in time, so begin thinking the new thought to have the new result

I’ve got several friends and clients who are sick with colds and flus, and it happens for them each time the weather turns cold.  I’ve avoided a cold this year by increasing my vitamin intake, especially Vitamin D.  I also make it a habit to keep hand sanitizer in my car and to use it after I’ve been to the stores, the post office and to church; anywhere I’m going to touch anything someone has touched.  I’m not obsessive or paranoid about it, I just know I began having less colds when I began washing and sanitizing my hands after contact.  But now that you’ve got your cold and are right in the middle of it, here’s how to get over it and maybe rid yourself of the pattern once and for all.  First of all, stop reminding yourself that you get a cold each time it turns cold.  Having that thought repeatedly ingrained into your consciousness keeps you on the hamster wheel of having the thought then having the cold, year after year after year.  I thought the same thing until I realized what I was doing to myself.   Continue reading

The unconscious mind’s automatic rebuttal to “An 8 minute creative visualization workshop to increase dollars”

dollars in handIn black below is my original 8 Minute Creative Visualization Workshop To |Attract Dollars and in blue are probably the same words you hear coming from your own conscious mind if you’re new to creative visualization and affirmative thought.  Don’t worry, these automatic counter-thoughts will only come up the first billion or so times you do it.  Let them come up and just release the thought each time and move on to the next.  With enough practice, the counter-thoughts subside and then you’ll be a real magnet. Here’s the original post in black with typical automatic counter-thoughts in blue.    Continue reading

An 8 minute creative visualization workshop to increase dollars

dollars in handI often get asked for specific words to repeat to attract money.  The secret is they are words that make you feel excited and make you feel it is possible for you.  These are the words that do that for me.  Anytime I want more dollars to flow, I do this short visualization exercise maybe a dozen times a day.  I call it a visualization workshop because I take my visualization seriously and realize it is important work.  I think of how good it feels having extra money and getting unexpected money.  I remember a time I got extra money and how it felt.  I remember a time I got unexpected money and how it felt.  I remember hearing about someone getting unexpected money and how excited they were.  I remember seeing on tv and in the paper about someone winning the lotto and how excited they were.  I remember that I am the one who attracts things to me by thinking about them, so for a few minutes here I am just going to think about how I’d feel if I got some extra unexpected money.   Continue reading

“I listened to your Connecting with Your Angels, Guides and Teachers cd and meditated for the first time ever”

I got the best letter the other day, the kind of letter I live for.  I’ve known a friend for a very long time and he is not into what he calls airy-fairy, new-age nonsense like meditation, visualization and affirmations. Forget about creating your own reality, he believes everything is pre-ordained.  Being brought up Baptist and raised Republican, he had a limited lens through which he viewed his world growing up. I’m not hatin’ just statin’ so you know his background.  When his business began failing, his wife left him.  When he began drinking, his health went downhill.  As a friend, I’ve given him pep talks throughout the years, but he made it clear that he did not want me to ever sneak and do any spiritual counseling or psychic readings or hypnosis on him.  Yes, that’s how his mind works, he’s been warned his whole life that people will try to sneak up and trick you.  He’s been told when someone asks him to keep an open mind, that means Satan is about to try to trick him.  He’s been told when you sit to meditate, you are inviting Satan to sit down with you.  I asked him what did he expect if he sat down with that thought? I told him he can choose to dial in to whatever channel he wants to hear, just as he does on the radio or the tv.  There’s not just one station in there.  Those were the words, he later told me, that were his awakening trigger. Continue reading

A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time

Abraham-Hicks says “Stop looking for anything other than your mental and emotional state of being as answers to why you feel how you feel in your body. It is all Vibrational – no exception! And when you get that, then it doesn’t matter what diagnosis has been given to you—it doesn’t matter—it’s temporary.”  

If we got tested and screened to know what ailments moved in and out through our bodies every day, we would be stunned.  Most of them do not stay.  A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time.  Moments later that condition can have left us – but we think it’s still there so we continue to think it’s a problem. 

Our attention to it is what keeps it alive and animates it.  Why not instead think back and remember when every cell of your body was healthy and alive and strong.  Keep reminding yourself what that felt like.  Keep your focus and attention on how remarkable it is that the cells of your body renew themselves all the time, and that you can make sure the weaker cells are replaced by ever stronger cells, all by how you think about your body and your health.  Wow, that’s power.

A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time
When “thinking positive” doesn’t help
Get diagnosed or not?
Why Do Spiritual People Ever Get Sick?
Doing Experimental Creat-ive Visualizations
Do you really have this or that diagnosis? Keep talking about it and you will.
Remember that modern medicine is amazing, prayer works and miracles happen every day. This is how we change a thoughtform.



A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts

This is one of the self talk scripts I read over to remind me of what I know.  I read this whenever I am having continuing thoughts that I want to replace with better feeling thoughts.  This is one set of replacement thoughts I use.  I read it over to myself until I realize that what it says is true.

I know I am in charge of my own wellbeing.

I know that what comes to me is a result of how I think about life and how I react to it. Continue reading

Andrea’s Meditation Process and links

Many people write and ask me how to meditate, especially on Facebook. I always suggest they read the book The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson . In it, Dr. Benson gives the exact technique as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s  Transcendental Meditation, but without the religious or spiritual overtones. The book also details what happens physiologically when you meditate.  Many people find it relaxing to listen to a guided visualization cd, where they close their eyes and allow their mind to follow guided imagery. They call this a guided meditation, but it’s not what I mean by the word meditation.  Here’s my process: Continue reading

A Creative Visualization to Attract Money in the Mailbox

mailbox-money-redOne thing I really like about my life is that it is an ongoing research project.  I like seeing scientific proof that if I do A, B and C, then D is the natural result. I talk with a lot of people during the course of a week and I love seeing patterns emerge in their topics of interest.  One topic of universal interest is attracting more dollars, and the easiest way I know to do that is using creative visualization.  Here’s a creative visualization tip to practice for 2 minutes each five times a day:

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The Mailbox: A Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars

mailbox moneyOne thing I really like about my life is that it is an ongoing research project.  I like seeing scientific proof that if I do A, B and C, then D is the natural result. The study and research fulfills the 12th house Aries Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Venus in me.  I talk with a lot of people during the course of a week and I love seeing patterns emerge in their topics of interest.  One topic of universal interest is attracting more dollars, and the easiest way I know to do that is using creative visualization.  Here’s a creative visualization tip to practice for 2 minutes each five times a day:  THE MAILBOX VISUALIZATION:  You’re walking out to your mailbox, and you’re excited because you know good things are in the works for you.  You’re opening your mailbox, and you see an unexpected big check payable to you.  You’re thrilled, you’re excited, and you know there’s more where this came from.  Yes!    Continue reading