Author Archives: Andrea


worm and appleThis is how a human being can change: there’s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves.  Suddenly he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he’s no longer a worm.  He’s the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that doesn’t need to devour.

You call it standing up for him but it’s only stress he doesn’t need at a time he’s seeking peace and joy

basket bambooA third party is causing an uproar on her Facebook wall in the name of protecting someone she thinks needs to be protected. He does not. He’s stronger than you give him credit for. All she is doing is making aggravating remarks that she thinks he’ll read, when he is having enough stress.  He comes to Facebook to relax and be inspired, not hear anyone fight about anything, especially not when he’s on a break at work.  If she thinks she’s doing him any favors, she doesn’t realize how this universe works.  Fighting against something just gives you more to fight about. Dragging others into your chain of pain does nothing to guide them to a brighter tomorrow.  Friends don’t get involved and stir up in situations they do not know the details of.  Telling that story isn’t helping you, even if it’s true. Continue reading

6:00pm Update: Thank You Jeremy Bonner

JJBI wrote earlier at Jeremy James Bonner, Thank You of a recent experience I’d posted on Facebook. One reason I felt free to write it was because we continually discuss living our lives as transparently as possible, and to call each other on our stuff.  We know that is the deep spiritual work and we are both committed to growth. We write in our blogs and on FB publicly so others can benefit from what we go through, and witness the stages of emotion that we experience as they are happening. That is how readers know they are not alone when it happens to them.  This helps them realize we are all connected. Continue reading

Your visions will become clear
only when you can look
into your own heart.

Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

For Jeremy James Bonner, thank you

JJBTo everyone who reads this, Jeremy read it ahead of time and agreed to public disclosure of it, as it was soul work we agreed to do together and he manned up to it. It was two months after the fact that a new girlfriend convinced him to be ticked off about it and begin lying. It happens. Bless him.  “To he I tried to help, forgive me for giving you what you begged for, the attention that you said would finally make everything right in your world.  To he whose illusions I shattered by tearing down every wall you said was an obstacle, forgive me for laying bare your own soul before you for close inspection, and showing you no obstacles existed.  To he for whom I was sole captive audience and father confessor the last 15 months, I am honored to have been able to bring Light to get you through your dark night.  To he who said he was alone until he found me, I now realize the reason for that. To he with the hard past of disrespecting women, of smooth words and alternative motives, thank you for the opportunity to reveal to me my own weakness and strength.  It showed me I can sustain seeking good in the face of illusion.  To he with the hard time with truth, fear not, the truth will set you free. It’s not just a bumper sticker. Continue reading

So uncool to let one think you’re in relationship when you tell others you are not. Real men do not deceive to attract women.

The awkward moment opening Facebook to a page he’s left open and clicking on a message from a mutual friend thinking you are on your own page.  No, you are on his page and he’s telling them (before he tells you) that the relationship is over and he’s available but he’s “gotta be cool on his page because she’s all over it.” Wow.  Real men do not deceive in order to attract women.  I blogged yesterday “You will learn how conscious you are by how you allow a relationship to morph after the initial infatuation fades.” You can think you know someone who spouts spiritual truths on their page but you learn who they are by their actions on a day to day basis. Continue reading