Author Archives: Andrea

Seek only the Good

Being passionate, seeking joy and desiring others to have that joy for themselves will translate into everything we say or do when we refuse to seek anything but the good in life! Evil hates the presence of light. Being light to the world opens endless possibilities.
Lilly Blackheart

When asked about my spiritual lineage

“Who were your spiritual teachers?” I am often asked. “What ashrams and monastic communities did you live in?”  Experience has taught me that as soon as I answer these questions, the energy changes.  I either get labelled as an extremist or placed on an undeserved pedestal. I spent years being impressed by friends’ lineages and whom they studied with, what certificates and photos with celebs they accumulated, and what media attention they got for the association.  I realized the trap (for me,) the distraction of talking about it, the illusion that was too easy to get lost in instead of spending alone time accelerating my own inner growth.  I honor my lineage when I recognize that we are all One and The Same and act as if.  I honor my teachers when I share their lessons in my own words through my personal experiences, and when I walk my talk. My lineage is to not get too caught up in what someone says is their lineage, because then I’m waiting for them to either make the teacher proud or shame him, instead of experiencing who they are in the Now without all the labels.
Andrea’s way too long Bio

Tarot Card of the Day: 9 of Pentacles/Coins

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID.

MEANING:   This can mean your financial worries are over for a while, that things in general will be going better than you thought possible. Enjoy this good energy, and share your wealth and happiness with others.  This card points to happiness and success, on both the mundane and the inner realms. Expect the best to happen. You’ll be in position to help those less fortunate than yourself. Pay attention not only to your material abundance but also to your spirituality. Continue reading

Do not let jealousy make you crazy

Applaud someone’s good as if it were your own and it will draw itself closer to you. Don’t scheme and connive and deceive and withhold and think anything good can come of it. In 50 years none of it will matter. Let it not matter now.

A friend met two men at the same time

Ah, this is classic and universal: A friend met two men at the same time. The two men are friends. She’s openly seeing one and secretly seeing the other. One she is very compatible and comfortable with, the other she has wild chemistry with. The secret one doesn’t want to be a secret anymore. RuttRo…

Thank you Universe for the eyes to see!

I am always days behind in my To Do List.  I’ve had on the list for a week to call an estranged friend and offer her a spot in my place that would bring her media attention. I thought she possessed a particular skill.  I  learned only yesterday that she does not possess that skill. Had I not delayed in contacting her, I would have offered her the gig and it would have been a national embarrassment for her. Sometimes procrastination is inner guidance’s way of saying “Do nothing now. Simply wait.”  I find that’s the answer to most things anyway.