Author Archives: Andrea

I used to judge people who didn’t want to work on their issues and patterns

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

I used to judge people who didn’t want to work on their ‘issues’ and patterns. I questioned their emotional courage, their fortitude, their depth. To be sure, many of us – myself included – could do a better job of dealing with our stuff head on. But, at the same time, I now recognize that we cannot know how courageous someone else is by looking at their lives from the outside. Perhaps they are carrying around so much unresolved emotional material – their own, even that of the collective – that they do not have any energy left over for processing. Or perhaps they are working in the deep within in ways that we cannot begin to imagine – healing their unresolveds, quietly building the egoic foundation necessary to take on the next level of inner work. It’s so hard to know where courage lives.  Jeff Brown

When we see behind the mask

People whose happiness comes from doing for others have less inflammation and better antibody and antiviral activity

”People whose happiness comes primarily from doing good for others, rather than from hedonistic self-satisfaction, show a much more favorable gene profile, with less inflammation and better antibody and antiviral activity,” says lead researcher Steven W. Cole, Ph.D., professor of medicine at UCLA. No need to get lofty. “It can be a simple as investing more time with your grandchildren – whatever you care about.”
Janice Scott-Reeder
 agrees, “Now I understand why in the psychiatric office I would see people totally destroyed by a small injury and other people almost destroyed by a major injury, up and helping the others. If your focus is yourself, you will eventually destroy yourself with the bombardment of energy. If your focus is others, your body will follow the energy of your focus and get you up and out to help them. It’s simple physics. Focus a laser on itself and it will burn itself out. Focus it on something else and it will burn it and survive.”

A Fun and Easy Money Saving Experiment For 2014

Piggy-BankOkay, did you get all that money-spending out of your system? Before the bills begin pouring in, remind yourself that you are in charge of what you attract financially. Maybe you didn’t really believe it before.  It will be easier to believe next year, because you’ll attract more evidence of it. Begin now reminding yourself that 2014 can be your best income earning year ever. Incorporate creative visualization about dollars into your daily meditation practice. This is how you begin to save for the future, by pre-paving it. Know that sometimes nothing needs to change except your perception of what is available to you. Continue reading

The dead dance Christmas as Santa delivers sacred djembes

santa delivering djembe72I spent an early morning playing Santa, delivering djembes to good little girls.  I’m stoked when I can pass on my sacred tools to people I know will use them with the spirit I’ve imbued into them. We are indeed all connected!  Yesterday morning I decided I should really pass along my djembe drums to someone who can get drum dayerehuse out of them. A car accident in 2000 put both paws on the path to healing for a few years and now a frame drum is much easier for me to handle. I love my Cooperman dayereh (shown left.) Continue reading

Not even a dripping nose can break this spell

yoga chickThat tender moment, warmly snuggled under the wing of the beloved, when I awaken as the atmosphere changes predawn and the right nostril begins to drip. Lying wide awake, afraid to move and break the spell, unsuccessfully holding in laughter as I realize the futility of trying to hang on to a moment. If I was fully Present, I would find as much joy in the getting up to blow my nose as I do lying in my partner’s arms.

If you’re going home to an unsupportive family this holiday, remember that your worth is not defined by how they treat you

Lighthouse in Storm72If you’re going home to an unsupportive family this holiday, remember that your worth is not defined by what they say or how they treat you. You’re being guided there to shine your light. This is the work you came to do, in a place you don’t want to be, with people you don’t want to be with. This is the work of a Lighthouse. What if you’re the only light they ever see?

RELATED: Kryon on Being a Lighthouse

When people pass along entire conversations that never took place, that is just how they work their own mirror out

There's always growth in the process

There’s always growth in the process

When people lie about you and pass along entire conversations that never took place, it helps to look at it from their point of view: Whatever the actual issue, it was not enough to make their case. The evidence would not stand on its own. Part of them cannot accept that. Part of them cannot see cause and effect. And it’s not up to you or me to judge when they need to do that.  We don’t know what brought them to this place. If you’ve been chosen as the most convenient mirror for them to work their own stuff out, quietly recognize that for the holy honor it is. Rather than soul search why the inability to control impulse to fabricate, word twist, name drop and exaggerate, their way of working out their stuff requires they do these things. Continue reading

Asking for prayers. I’ve forgiven but don’t want to re-engage

prayer requestI’m asking for prayers to help me make a decision. Someone who has spoken untruths against me all year now wants to make peace. They have been forgiven however I’m hesitant to re-engage them. I’m asking friends to hold this in their prayers. She is someone I have known for 20 years through many situations with many different people. It is only because a close mutual friend asked that I am taking a long look at this. ASIDE:  It’s interesting to note who’s written me thinking this was about them. To them I say: if it seems to fit, then contemplate the mirror, your judgment of it and your issue with it. That’s the first thing I do if I think something is about me.  It’s seldom about me. So all I’m asking for is prayers to help me make a decision.

This is what happens when a little girl gives marijuana a try

Charlotte FigiThe three year old had been having 300 grand mal seizures every week since age 3 months. The first time she was given cannabis oil, her seizures stopped for 7 days. This is what legalization is all about. Charlotte Figi was diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome. Her father scoured the Internet looking for anything that would help her. He found a video online of a California boy whose Dravet was being successfully treated with cannabis. The strain was low in tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the compound in marijuana that’s psychoactive. It was also high in cannabidiol, or CBD, which has medicinal properties but no psychoactivity. Scientists think the CBD quiets the excessive electrical and chemical activity in the brain that causes seizures. It had worked in this boy; his parents saw a major reduction in the seizures. Continue reading

When you see behind their mask, let the timeline speak for itself

Woman with MaskWhen you see behind their mask, if they are not ready to face who they are and what they do, they will disconnect from you until they grow into their soul. Until then, they may talk about you, each lie more ridiculous than the last, trying to get you to publicly respond so they can continue their 15 minutes of fame.  Speak your truth as it happens and let the public timeline speak for itself.

RELATED:  When people fabricate entire conversations