I used to judge people who didn’t want to work on their issues and patterns

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

I used to judge people who didn’t want to work on their ‘issues’ and patterns. I questioned their emotional courage, their fortitude, their depth. To be sure, many of us – myself included – could do a better job of dealing with our stuff head on. But, at the same time, I now recognize that we cannot know how courageous someone else is by looking at their lives from the outside. Perhaps they are carrying around so much unresolved emotional material – their own, even that of the collective – that they do not have any energy left over for processing. Or perhaps they are working in the deep within in ways that we cannot begin to imagine – healing their unresolveds, quietly building the egoic foundation necessary to take on the next level of inner work. It’s so hard to know where courage lives.  Jeff Brown

When we see behind the mask