Yearly Archives: 2015

When it’s right and meant to be, it’s easy

When it's right, it's easy

When it’s right, it’s easy

Have you been overlooking your primary gift or talent?  How do you know?  You know if you’ve been working hard at something that is not taking off for you.  You know when, despite being excited about something, you can never seem to make money at it.  When you begin fulfilling your soul’s purpose, it will become easy to attract the people who want what you have to offer.  You don’t have to pound the pavement or try to push your product or service at everyone who passes. They’ll recognize the value, they’ll see the talent and they’ll want some of it. If you’re doing what you love to do and not earning a living from it, that is simply because there is another talent you’re overlooking.  You’re not seeing the bigger picture. If you can do what you love to do, whether money is involved or not, the dollars will come from somewhere.  Don’t worry about where the dollars come from.  If you notice the dollars haven’t shown up yet and notice how unsupportive people are, you are looking for the wrong people to support your vision.  They are not your market.  You are barking up the wrong target audience. You want the ones who want what you have to offer.  The ones you want to be selling to and are not — clearly you are not a vibrational match to them right now.  When it’s right, when it’s meant to be, it’s easy. There’s no struggle.  You can either find your other talent, or you can change your perception to vibrate in resonance with those who ARE grateful and DO support your vision and WANT what you have to offer. Then it’ll begin to flow.  Then it will be easy.

RELATED: This is how we manifest with vibrational matching.
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past
The Creative Visualization Process.
A Dollar Script Visualization.


You are the only one who determines how long it will go on

arguingI just had a phone session with a long time friend. She’s once again broken up with her mate over lies and empty promises.  “I’ll get a divorce and we’ll get married” he tells her, yet he never does. “How much longer is this going to go on?” she asked. An elder friend said it best — when the f*cking you’re getting is no longer worth the f*cking you’re getting, you’ll stop. I never understood the dramatic, emotional back and forth.  At the first blow up, you can count me out.  I used to not understand why you’d stay with someone who lied, wasn’t responsible and couldn’t make peace with the past. We stay with those who feel familiar to us. They may not “be good” for us, it may not be in our best interest, but they are familiar.

Getting my garden back in order

woods-red-hill72This week, in addition to getting back to a regular workout schedule, I’ve been getting my east garden cleared of deadfall and winter underbrush. I spent last season cutting a trail to the firepit in the west woods, now it’s time for the east yard to get in shape. It’s time consuming but it’s a labor of love. Spending time in nature lets me connect in a deeper way. Usually I’m weeding or pruning, seldom am I simply sitting in the garden, observing, appreciating. Having clear pathways between the trees will make it easier for me to commune each day in appreciation rather than chore. All week, I’ve been going out several times a day and doing an hour here, an hour there. The pruning, pulling and raking all use the muscles in my arms, chest, shoulders, legs, and back so I am out there until I wear myself out. Then I take a break inside doing computer work and run back out when my muscles have recuped. I decided to keep two piles of brush I’ve raked near the entrance as landscape berms, as they give privacy to the cleared pathways inside.     Continue reading

I score a HealthRider Cardio Rider from a pal

cardio riderThis week I’ve gotten back into my old habit of going to the gym each morning, walking the treadmill first thing and focusing each day on a particular muscle group for the machines. I’m also at home doing mini workouts throughout the day on those muscle groups as well. It helps to immerse myself in it as a daily practice. I got a HealthRider Cardio Rider from a galpal and I’m really digging it. It really works my shoulders, arms, upper back and chest. The different hand and leg positions determine which muscles get worked. I can do as many reps as I can throughout the day and then an hour later do it again to build up strength. Plus it’s kinda like riding a pony and I can pretend I’m a princess riding off to a faraway land to save the kingdom. I still need to walk the treadmill every day and work out at the gym but now I can keep up with upper body stuff at home in the wee hours. I like the feeling of, after working out, doing some yoga stretches while I hydrate my body. Then when I sit for meditation, I can tune into my muscles and get to know how they feel in my body. I can envision them healing and growing strong. When I get that tuned in to my physical form, I naturally turn to healthier food choices, so I’m a week without bread and potatoes, eating just lean poultry, fish and veggies, and back to a big salad twice a day.  Here are some exercises I can do with it. With my feet on the top pedals, it’s much more tension. The same when I hold the center post with one hand at a time. And here’s the 30 minute workout video for it from 1995.

RELATED:  It feels good to be back in the gym
Time to get back in daily workout mode
Is the HealthRider good exercise?
How to use the HealthRider

A bird flew into my house, a gift from the heavens

wrenI’d just closed the blinds and was winding down to take a nap today when a small dark bird appeared out of nowhere and flew across the living room. I immediately opened the back door and front doors, creating two doorways of light in an otherwise darkened room. I was going to shoo him out with a broom when he flew out the back door on his own. He was so fast and it was so dark in the living room, I didn’t see what kind he was. Cardinal or wren sized, he did not chirp and with wings spread he looked like a fluffy ball fluttering by. He must have come in thru Benny’s torn screen in the office window, or when I had the front door propped open earlier as I pulled the cardio rider inside.   The superstition is that if you find a bird in your house, important news is on the way.  Birds have a long history with superstition as they come from the sky, and spend their lives between the earth and heaven.  Earlier this week, I’d had a vision of Sai Baba and Amma in IHOP.  I consider a bird flying into the home a sign of good luck, a gift from the heavens.

I feels good to be back in the gym for regular workouts

resistance bandsIt feels good to be back in the gym, doing more than just a quickie. It’s too easy to get out of the habit, to tell myself that I need to do computer work instead, or that my yard work constitutes a workout. When I do the gym first thing in the morning before I go into the office, that lets my work day flow more freely and it’s a more productive and satisfying day. And my life is all about what satisfies me. I’m sticking to the treadmill this week, not attempting the elliptical since it wore more out quickly last week. I worked arms, back, shoulders and core. It gets easier each time I do it. I feel worn out for an hour afterward but drinking water recupes me quickly. The head cold last month kicked my butt. I had fun bouncing on the man’s trampoline rebounder this week. I like running in place on it. I want to get one with a stabilizer bar. I’ve also been playing with my resistance bands at home, so at night my arms sing a happy song.  33 Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do Literally Anywhere. I’ve had a set of these hanging over my door and finally pulled them down to use this week. I’ve got two sizes and they give a decent workout. I do three sets of 15 reps working each muscle, in a loop.

RELATED: I score a HealthRider Cardio Rider from a pal
Time to get back in daily workout mode

Andrea’s March 2015 Editorial

March 2015 cover

March 2015 cover

Hello and welcome to the March 2015 edition of Horizons Magazine. It was refreshing to have a little taste of winter, but Spring is definitely here! Along with the cooler weather came a giant head cold that made me low energy for 10 days. It’s a different kind of meditation when I’m taking meds for a headcold. The sounds in my head increase as I tune into the sinuses singing. As I breathe prana thru the nostrils, I feel detached, as if the giant thunderhead is not a part of me. When the nostrils clog up and I breathe thru my mouth, I feel my consciousness rise outside the body, observing its aches and pains without being too involved in it. Until the next breath. Times like this when my body gets knocked down a bit, I realize I live in my mind WAAAAAY more than I live in my body. Yay for being in control of my own thoughts.   Continue reading

I direct my life by where I choose to place my focus

I direct my life copyChanging a habit is as simple as training myself to have discipline over where I chose to place my focus. When I immerse myself in the world of that which I strive to be, I attract the circumstances and events that support my vision. If I want to get fit and strong, I’ll spend more time in the gym or Googling to learn about muscle structure. I’ll spend less time watching cooking shows or cat videos and talking with friends about fashion. Staying focused and on purpose helps me attract what I want. It’s up to me.

I live on a non-24 hour circadian rhythm

circadian chartMy brain and body are not on a 24 hour clock.  Since I work from home, I can make my own schedule to successfully earn income.  My unorthodox schedule, however, definitely impacts my professional obligations and social relationships.  I Googled to see what info there was online and learned about Non-24, which is a circadian rhythm disorder.  The circadian clock modulates many physiological rhythms,  including sleeping/waking.  Those with non-24 experience sleep disturbance when their circadian rhythms drift out of sync with the social/solar 24-hour day and they attempt to conform to a conventional schedule. Eventually, their rhythms drift back into normal alignment, and symptoms resolve, only to recur as the clock drifts out of alignment again.  That sounded like it.  I first learned about circadian rhythms when I had a friend who was totally blind. Without sensory input of light, his body could not produce particular chemicals so his sleep was chronically disturbed.  So when my own patterns of sleeping and waking began to change, I kind of knew what was happening.  Continue reading

Mellor’s Automotive keeps my Toyota Prius in shape

toyota-prius-whiteI love my 2007 Toyota Prius! I average 45 mpg on every tank of gas since I bought her in 2008, and I make my last payment next month. I’ve always been good about having oil changes and tires rotated on time, and only grace of God and Guru let me go maybe 30 months ignoring maintenance lights with no damage. This week, I finally had it checked out. My pal Bo Frazer has the same car and years ago referred me to Mellor’s Automotive in Melbourne, FL. They are European and hybrid car specialists who work on Mercedes, Audi, VW, and my Toyota Prius. I had to have some tweaking done, some minor repair and replace, some flushing out and topping off. It cost me about half of what I expected. I got to use the wifi and work while I listened to Don the service mgr make and take calls. He’s a cool guy who knows his stuff. I picked my little car up and she drives like a dream now. Best of all, no surprise charges at the last minute. I’m thrilled to find these guys. They are at 7709 Ellis Road in Melbourne, just west of Wickham Road. 321-956-1997 email and visit  Their FB page is