I score a HealthRider Cardio Rider from a pal

cardio riderThis week I’ve gotten back into my old habit of going to the gym each morning, walking the treadmill first thing and focusing each day on a particular muscle group for the machines. I’m also at home doing mini workouts throughout the day on those muscle groups as well. It helps to immerse myself in it as a daily practice. I got a HealthRider Cardio Rider from a galpal and I’m really digging it. It really works my shoulders, arms, upper back and chest. The different hand and leg positions determine which muscles get worked. I can do as many reps as I can throughout the day and then an hour later do it again to build up strength. Plus it’s kinda like riding a pony and I can pretend I’m a princess riding off to a faraway land to save the kingdom. I still need to walk the treadmill every day and work out at the gym but now I can keep up with upper body stuff at home in the wee hours. I like the feeling of, after working out, doing some yoga stretches while I hydrate my body. Then when I sit for meditation, I can tune into my muscles and get to know how they feel in my body. I can envision them healing and growing strong. When I get that tuned in to my physical form, I naturally turn to healthier food choices, so I’m a week without bread and potatoes, eating just lean poultry, fish and veggies, and back to a big salad twice a day.  Here are some exercises I can do with it. With my feet on the top pedals, it’s much more tension. The same when I hold the center post with one hand at a time. http://www.livestrong.com/article/342451-healthrider-cardio-rider-exercises/ And here’s the 30 minute workout video for it from 1995. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5YVfRM9b-WY

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Time to get back in daily workout mode
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