A dark night of the soul does a body good

A Facebook friend posted: “After her walk last night, my elderly, arthritic dog wanted out again, so I let her into the fenced backyard. It was late and dark and I was tired, and I completely forgot she was out there. All night long, I was awakened by quiet barking and couldn’t figure out where […]

Put only kindness in motion from this point forward

When you put only kindness in motion, only kindness returns. If not, that’s just past momentum burning itself up. Reapply kindness as often as necessary for complete coverage. May all suffering cease. RELATED: Make Peace with the Past Coming clean about past lies will set you free Her effort to clear up the past gave […]

Her effort to clear up the past gave her a clean slate

A friend asks me business advice.  She can’t get ahead financially.  Her credit is poor, she owes everybody.  She chooses to not address it. She’s been working odd jobs, off the books.  She lives looking over her shoulder. My suggestion was that everything is related and her financial woes in the now can be greatly […]

Honor your commitment to serve those who ask for awakening, help them make peace with their past so they can move on

Do not let yourself waver from your commitment to serve those who ask for relief, for spiritual awakening, especially when their lessons unfold in a form they don’t expect or like. You may get blamed and maligned.  None of that matters. What matters is as each step of the path is revealed, you give them […]

My Birthday celebration on New Moon evening

Last night after dusk, I headed out to the firepit for new moon ceremony. This one was special, as it fell on my birthday.  My intention for this new moon was simply to attract honest, like minded friends with whom to engage in fulfilling and meaningful projects.  It’s already begun and more appear every day.    Last night’s ritual […]