Age 28-31 and 58-61: The Saturn Returns

I have two very deep and close friends and we are all in the midst of soul work together.  One is going through his first Saturn return, one through his Uranus opposition, and I am in my second Saturn return.  They both have a 20 degrees Taurus rising sign, mine is 25 Aries.  There is […]

I attract a big overage refund from my mortgage company

Today I called my mortgage company to ask a question and they re-evaluated my escrow account and are sending me a big check and reducing my payments by $60 a month!  Two days ago, I wrote at Yesterday’s Synchronicity Saved Me From Bank Charges that I’d inadvertently paid a 4 figure bill out of the […]

Stepping Out of the Frantic, Urgent Mode

Yesterday they delivered the April Horizons Magazine and we spent the day getting it into the mail and to the drivers.  Subscribers: look for it by Friday. Stores: you’ll have it earlier. Each month I am surprised by how quickly the time flies in between one issue of the magazine and the next.  My free […]

We all need a little Validation

A very cool video – Validation – is worth the 16 minute watch.  Validation is an award winning, comedic fable about the importance of acknowledgment and validation. It shows the magic of looking for the best in people. Validation has played at 34 film festivals worldwide and won 17 awards. I want to be like […]

Just A Different Way Of Looking At It

I finished final layout for the September issue of Horizons just in the nick of time last night.  Now I just need to spend a few hours proofing it before sending it off to the printer. I used to freak out if I was this late finishing it up.  But now, 17 years later, I […]