I get 4 out of 5 in The Christmas Eve Fantasy Five drawing

Yay, I just checked my tickets and see I won $555 in the Christmas Eve Fantasy Five drawing.  I don’t spend a lot on tickets.  I buy a quick pick twice a week.  Any winnings I get from that I allow myself to buy other tickets with.  My rule is I can only play the […]

Reviewing the year for what you want to continue doing

The 3 people you’ve spent the most time with the past 12 months, do they inspire you and encourage you and make your life easier? Are they just as supportive of your projects as you are of theirs?  Do they do what they say they’ll do? Or do they waste your time and upset your […]

Backing myself into a corner, getting myself unstuck

Yesterday I saw a rainbow twice, once at 7:45am in Melbourne and again at 8:00am in  Palm Bay.  It was an auspicious beginning to a very good day.   On the way home from Melbourne, I stopped at Big Lots to see if they had any coffeemakers, since mine had stopped working.  At 8:00am, they weren’t […]

A busy and productive day

Today was a flurry of luck and synchronistic happenings. There was a leak at my rental home and I called in my friend and master craftsman Tod McNeal.  Together Jeremy and I went over and the two of them went to work upgrading some plumbing fixtures and re-sinking the mail post, plus the hundred and […]

Sunday’s Synchronicities

A friend and I have been working together and, as part of the work, we’ve been keeping track of the synchronicities  and manifestations we notice.  The more we notice them, the more they happen.  The more they happen, the more we know we are “in the flow.”  In the flow of the good that is […]

Why I tell you what I tell you

As a writer and blogger, I write about what I experience and how it lands on me, how it impacts my life, what my thought processes are during my journey and what insights I glean from it all. I write about examples of synchronicity because when I mention it, it brings it to mind for […]

10 Common Signs for a Spiritual Awakening (a transcript of the video)

Sign 1: Your sleep patterns change.  You feel restless but seem to have more energy. Get used to it and don’t worry. Your body will adjust in time. Sign 2:  Shivers, crawling sensations, tingles on your scalp. Feeling pressure on the crown, like someone is pushing down with a finger.  Flashes of great inspiration, creativity, thoughts. […]

10 Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening (a transcript of the video)

Symptom 1: Your sleep patterns change.  Get used to it. Your body will adjust to these changes in time. Symptom 2:  Activity at the crown of your head.  Tingling, itching sensations running over your scalp.  Feelings like someone is applying pressure to the top of your head.  This is the crown chakra opening.  You are […]