I attract a big overage refund from my mortgage company

Today I called my mortgage company to ask a question and they re-evaluated my escrow account and are sending me a big check and reducing my payments by $60 a month!  Two days ago, I wrote at Yesterday’s Synchronicity Saved Me From Bank Charges that I’d inadvertently paid a 4 figure bill out of the wrong checking account and I got to spend the morning fixing it.  Had a meeting with Wayne Wirs not cancelled,  I’d have missed seeing the overdraft  notice come in and fees would have been applied.  The synchronicity was not surprising, and it all worked out fine.

Today I went to pay my mortgage and noticed the amount was $36 higher than usual.  I called the mortgage company and found they needed to re-evaluate my escrow after I switched homeowners’ insurance companies for an almost 50% annual savings.  Good news!  They’ll send me a check for $800+ and my new mortgage payment is now about $60 less than I’d been paying.  Is my life magical and so I believe it is, or do I just think it will be magical and it is?