Why I tell you what I tell you

As a writer and blogger, I write about what I experience and how it lands on me, how it impacts my life, what my thought processes are during my journey and what insights I glean from it all. I write about examples of synchronicity because when I mention it, it brings it to mind for other people so they can expect it to happen also. If they read about it and expect it to happen, they begin to vibe in that place and so attract it quicker. If I make mistakes and encounter challenge, I write about how I overcame an obstacle or what I learned from not overcoming it.  When you read about my reaction to a disappointment or the process I chose to turn around my thoughts, it gives you something to do to turn yours around as well. It helps you begin vibing in that place. That’s why I write about what I do; that’s why my personal life is also my mission.
About Andrea