The giant headcold of February 2015

The giant headcold began on Thursday, January 29th at 9:00pm when I woke up with a sore throat. I’ve since learned that some friends have the same thing and it may hang on for a month.  That’s good to know so i won’t fret when it’s not gone right away.  I kept a diary of […]

A friend shows up at the perfect time! They always do.

Synchronicity! I’d just returned from the bank, walked out to my mailbox and a friend from out of state was driving by unannounced. Never having been here, she’d driven around several times to see if she could find me. She couldn’t find my house because the Universe was delaying her until I could return. Thirty […]

Herding herons on Malabar Road

Synchronicity once again saves the day! The great blue heron is a beautiful bird. I love seeing them out in nature. I don’t care to see them in the middle of 8 lanes of traffic. I was leaving my rental unit and a friend was following behind in her truck. I normally turn right at […]

I took score too soon, I thought it was for one but it’s for another

In 2012, I began reconnecting with many musician friends from back in the day, as well as current popular musicians playing the Unity churches nationally.  Synchronicity always has meaning. I thought they were meant to be a connection for a particular friend, who had no interest in that genre of music, nor in networking. Today I […]

Thank you Indialantic parking meters for not taking my nickels

I love how the Universe talks to me through even inanimate objects, like the parking meters at the boardwalk.  Friday night, I couldn’t get the meter to register taking my coins.  I thought it was because it was after 9:00pm. Today I found a spot right in front of Starbucks and, out of quarters, began […]

I feel so in alignment, Veronica Drake said it well

“Do you know the feeling that comes with being in alignment. alignment with purpose, passion and just life.  It feels like when you are walking side by side with someone and your stride matches theirs! Or how cool it is when the marching band all have the same moves at the same time! I JUST […]