Herding herons on Malabar Road

Synchronicity once again saves the day! The great blue heron is a beautiful bird. I love seeing them out in nature. I don’t care to see them in the middle of 8 lanes of traffic. I was leaving my rental unit and a friend was following behind in her truck. I normally turn right at the light to go home, but wanted to make sure she got to I-95, so I turned left on Malabar Road. She was directly behind me, however I instantly lost sight of her after making the turn. I was going to pull into the Publix parking lot when I saw a great blue heron in the 2nd-crossing-into-the-3rd lane of eastbound traffic. Luckily there was no one behind me at all, nor in the two lanes on either side of me. Still wondering where my friend disappeared to, my big concern was protecting this bird.

In retrospect, it could have been a disaster, but my first instinct was to herd the heron out of the road with my car, which I did. Remarkably the road stayed clear of traffic while we did that. Malabar Road at 8:00pm is a busy street. Only God and guru kept everyone safe during that dance.  I still have to ask my friend where she went.  She was transporting furniture from my place to hers in her truck. As it was being tied down, I said prayed a silent mantra over every piece of wood, as she had an hour to drive in the dark.  In retrospect, it was probably just a few moments in time, but all players were in position for that very complex dance.

I looked up the totem meaning at spirit-animals.com.
“If Heron has come wading across your path, it is time to look deeper into aspects of your life that will bring out innate wisdom and show you how to become self-reliant. Are you grounding yourself regularly? Heron teaches that grounding yourself in the earth and your spiritual beliefs will help you discover emotional insights more clearly and more quickly. Alternatively he could be teaching you how how to become comfortable in uncertain situations and to be watchful of opportunities to arise so that you can quickly grasp them and move on.

If Heron is your Animal Totem, you love to explore various activities and dimensions of Earth life. On the surface, this may seem like a form of dabbling, but more than likely you are wonderfully successful at being a traditional ‘Jack of all trades’. This ability enables you to follow their own path. Most people will never quite understand the way you live because on the surface it seems to be unstructured without stability or security to it. It is, though, just a matter of perspective. There is security underneath it all, for it gives you the ability to do a variety of tasks. If one way does not work, then another will. This is something you seem to inherently know.  You do not seem to need a lot of people in your life, nor do you feel pressured to keep up with the material world, or to be traditional in your life roles. You stand out in your uniqueness, and you know how to snatch and take advantage of things and events that the average person would not even bother with.”

I have to agree that does sound like me. I’m ever watchful for opportunities and find them everywhere. I’m glad when spirit literally throws a messenger in my path – even if it’s in the middle of traffic on Malabar Road at 8:00pm.