My Paypal Visualization

Lots of clients pay me through Paypal.  I’ve learned that whatever source of income I focus on, that’s where dollars come from during the time I’m focused on it. Here are the thoughts I specifically think during my Paypal visualization. It only takes 3 minutes. If I can do it, you can do it. 1.  […]

Welcome to me, the movie

Welcome To Me: “What happens when a young woman with Borderline Personality Disorder wins the lottery? In the case of Alice Klieg (Kristen Wiig), she quits her psychiatric meds and buys her own talk show. Inspired by the immortal Oprah, she broadcasts her dirty laundry as both a form of exhibitionism and a platform to […]

Tulpamancy, Creative Visualization and Deactivating a Thoughtform

I’ve been asked the difference between creative visualization and tulpamancy. Tulpamancers are a new online subculture wherein “sentient beings are imagined into existence using meditation-style exercises.”  I can’t suggest an info site since the ones I’ve seen give a lot of mis-information. Here’s  what Google search shows  When you’re working in the subjective arena – working […]

Andrea’s June 2015 Editorial

Hello and welcome to the June 2015 edition of Horizons Magazine. Happy Summer Solstice, a time when the sun lingers the longest of any other day. It is a time of intensity, renewal and great potential. I typically do a burning bowl ceremony at Summer Solstice, just making some symbolic notes of things I’d like […]

Wow, when you’re in the flow, you’re in the flow! A friend is putting together an event and asked if I could contact a few possible sponsors and vendors. Eight out of ten committed on the spot and made advance payment. I drove out and bought a lottery ticket while I’m riding this wave of […]

How to attract a new job by watching tv

A friend is ready for a new job. I wanted to help her prepave the result she wanted to attract, using creative visualization.  I began the process by asking her: “What would you like to do, ideally, and where would you like to work? Let’s start there.  Tell me someone who has a job you […]

Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars Now

If you think Mondays suck and that winning the lotto will save your life from sucking, a heads up: If you’re vibing in the place of “life sucks” then you’re not vibing in the place of “money comes to me.” Find something to love about your life right now and trust me your entire world […]