Tag Archives: tulpamancy

Tulpamancy, Creative Visualization and Deactivating a Thoughtform

thought-formsI’ve been asked the difference between creative visualization and tulpamancy. Tulpamancers are a new online subculture wherein “sentient beings are imagined into existence using meditation-style exercises.”  I can’t suggest an info site since the ones I’ve seen give a lot of mis-information. Here’s  what Google search shows  When you’re working in the subjective arena – working inside your mind via meditation and internal visualizations – it’s easy to get distracted. It’s also possible to attract things you find hard to handle.  Tulpa is a concept in Tibetan mysticism of a being or object which is created through sheer spiritual or mental discipline alone. It is defined as any mind created apparition. It is a materialized thought that has taken physical form and is synonymous to a thoughtform.   Continue reading