A sudden windfall of dollars, do you play with it or pay back?

A friend attracted an amount of money she’d been wanting for a new project.  She considered it a windfall and was excited beyond words she could now make her dream a reality.  She began making plans and went to sleep a happy camper. She called me the next day in a quandry.  As she was making a list of what to buy, she began to call the friends and family who’d supported her vision to tell them the good news.  During their conversations she was reminded that a friend paid her cell phone bill the past year, her mom let her live rent free and her dad loaned her his car. While no one was asking for her to pay them back, she began a tally in her head, deducting those amounts so she could surprise them by repayment.  By the time she added it up, she was left  a far cry from what she needed for her project.  Her question to me was, should she pay everyone back first or do her dream first?  

I asked how did each choice feel to her?  She told me her parents had always been generous and had never asked for repayment of anything through the years.  They probably never expected to be paid back. That would let her keep $2500.  But she also felt that it was time she stood up and did for herself because they wouldn’t always be around. They didn’t have much more than she did, yet they always provided when she asked.  She really wanted to move forward but also felt the fair thing to do would be to pay them back. She said it felt good to know she could do that.

Another $500 would go to a man who’d paid her phone bill the past year.  He was someone with his own financial struggles, yet he got her a cell phone when she needed one and he paid the bill each month. She said she’d feel bad if she didn’t pay him, although he might not expect it.

She reasoned that if she began her project, there was no guarantee it would succeed, and then the money would be gone and no one would benefit from it.  I told her it was more likely that since she attracted the “windfall” in the first place, she was a vibrational match for attracting more of the same.  The fact that she was paying past dues would greatly benefit her future.  She’d have nothing hanging over her head, she’d owe no one and that in itself would remove a giant barrier of resistance from the law-of-attraction equation.

She opted to pay everyone back first.  That felt so good she treated herself to a spa day and splurged on $10 of lottery tickets.  No surprise that she got 5 of 6 of Saturday’s numbers and won $5,488.50.   That was twice the amount of her windfall.

Would she have attracted that had she not made the decision to pay everyone back first? Who knows.  All she did was follow her heart and do what felt the best to her to do.  She did what she would do if the money did not matter, as if she was doing it purely in exchange for deep appreciation of what she’d been gifted with. She said she’s never felt so ready for her future.