Squirrels on the roof; admiring ambition

A beautiful 67 degrees in Melbourne, FL USA.  I’ve got 6 squirrels scampering across the oaks and on the roof.  Occupational hazard when you work in the woods! Here’s one of the little guys now.  They can be a real distraction if I am trying to work and they are doing their acrobatics under the […]

Cali Pho, Mowing my own yard

I’ve been working on the Sept Horizons.  I went to Cali Pho for lunch, the Vietnamese place I go in Melbourne, and had a salad with grilled chicken on it, and a veggie pho with cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli with rice noodles.  I was a good girl, I barely ate any of my noodles.   Cali Pho […]

My initial Illumination session; burning bowl ceremony

I went today to Sharron Hoilman’s and she did an initial Illumination session on me (A Munay Ki process) and it was a relaxing and releasing process.  Just as I was leaving,  the rains poured down and by the time I got home it was pouring.  My yard is loving it.  I have barely used […]

Dream, premonitions and more

I am on top of one building with another next door. Someone else and I have to move between the buildings and use a ladder to bridge the gap. The ladder is not quite tall enough but we make it anyway. Some premonitions for today, which I’ll check tomorrow to see if got any hits: […]

New kitty settles in

The new cat came home about midnight, came in thru the cat door. I tried to snooze on the couch and she kept jumping up and so I gave in about 2am and went into my room, which I had sealed off until I know her better.  She jumped up on the bed and stayed […]

Update about the arson suspect

The news Central Florida News 13 said he rents a room in a house 3 blocks south of me, I think he was just walking through my yard because he was taking the woods way back to his house from points north of me where he’d began a fire about 5am.  He didn’t count on the […]