My morning in the ‘hood

Did you ever have one of those long, long nights where you were getting some good quality sleep, yet woke up several times in the night just to check the clock and see you felt great, felt rested, felt sleepy and still had hours and hours left to sleep?  I had one of those last […]

A morning in the garden

Friday February 20, 2009. “Tell me I did not just bring my laptop out into the garden with me…” That’s what I wrote yesterday.   I thought it was bad enough that I was going to bring some proofreading out with me, when I was supposed to be relaxing in the garden before a busy […]

I’m liking the cold weather

Friday, February 6, 2009   The outside thermometer tells me it’s 30 degrees but when I step out into the wind, it feels even colder.  It’s nice – and novel – to be able to bundle up inside, thermostat set at 60 degrees, wearing sweats and socks and even my fleece jacket.  This is Florida.  We’re […]

Mailing day for February Horizons; Danielle Rose

Friday, January 23, 2009    Today we got the mailing done for the February Horizons Magazine – big thanks to Sally, Melanie, Julie and Gerald. I thought I had everything organized ahead of time since I’d spent 2 days beforehand getting ready for it – grrrr – apparently not.

Driving at night; staying focused

Sunday January 11, 2009     Last Friday I drove to Unity of Melbourne to see David Roth in concert – he’s a really enjoyable and innovative singer/songwriter. I rarely drive out after dark, mostly because I schedule sessions for the evenings. I’ve done that for so many years now that I find it’s challenging […]

The good news keeps coming

I was pretty industrious today so far, doing non-magazine related projects.  I did some bicycle maintenance and went for a daytime ride around the neighborhood.  I watered the line of arbicola cuttings I planted alongside the cleared path in the woods.  I dragged some dead eleagnus cuttings to the street from the backyard.  I’d had […]

Full moon and end of flu!

End of flu yay! I slept a restful 4 hours last night and drank 19 oz of water and Cranberry Emergen-C between midnight and 6am.   I feel much revitatilized and replenished.  I knew one reason my muscles were sore was because I was dehydrated.  It’s hard to stay hydrated when nothing stays down *smile*  And […]