Life won’t get any better than right now until YOU make it better RIGHT NOW

Benny is interested in conserving energy and basking in the sun

Why make a decision to be happy no matter what circumstances you find yourself in?

You make the decision to start enjoying your life right now bcz it’s not ever going to get any better than right now UNTIL it gets better RIGHT NOW.

Until YOU make it get better right now by finding something to be interested in and appreciative of RIGHT NOW.

Donate $1.00 if I’ve ever helped you or made you smile

Friends, I’m fine but will be undergoing a procedure that’s going to cost me $6,000 out of pocket so I’m passing the hat. Ignore if not for you and don’t feel obligated. But if I’ve ever done you a favor or loaned you money or connected you with someone helpful or made you smile or given you hope or comfort, this is your chance to donate $1.00 to me, (or $2 or $22 — smile.)   You can do this by using the “donate” button at the Horizons Magazine website.  Consider it a tithe to the Universe. It will return to you manyfold.  

Or you may purchase a subscription to Horizons Magazine for $28 US and $56 overseas.
Or  a 3 Month Astrological Future Prediction chart for $28
Or  a Natal/Birth chart for $28

Or an ad in Horizons Magazine, see our Ad Rates here.
Or  2 lots of land I have for sale in Volusia County near Oak HIll off I-95.

If it’s a straight donation, in Paypal, choose “Send to friends and family” so I pay no fee.
Otherwise, choose “Pay for Goods or Services.”

You may also mail a check to Andrea de Michaelis c/o Horizons Magazine, 575 Escarole St SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909 or give me a credit card number.  Thank you for your kind generosity. The links below will help you create more dollars for yourself. Enjoy, and thank you.

An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
A Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
A visualization to funnel money from the sky into your bank account

Roy Eugene Davis passed on March 27, 2019

Roy Eugene Davis

From The Center for Spiritual Awareness website

Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of our dear teacher, mentor, and spiritual friend, Roy Eugene Davis on Wednesday evening, March 27th. He passed quietly, without suffering, in the Northeast Georgia Medical Center Hospital in Gainesville, Georgia. He had been admitted earlier that afternoon for shortness of breath and extreme weakness. He was diagnosed with renal failure and suffered heart failure shortly thereafter. His condition had been slowly deteriorating for the past six weeks.

Retreats and services at Center for Spiritual Awareness will continue into the future as scheduled.

A memorial service will be conducted at Center for Spiritual Awareness on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in the Meditation Hall. 

We ask that you refrain from calling CSA for more information for the time being. We have much to do at this time of transition. Also, Mr. Davis always encouraged us to remain focused on our personal spiritual awakening path. It can be useful to honor his memory by avoiding gossip and speculation. He is a great light. He has given us all of the tools we need to progress, and the encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to succeed. He is no longer limited to an aging physical form; we can tune into his consciousness, always.

Love and unceasing blessings,
Center for Spiritual Awareness

Friends of the World Gathering in Yoga Shakti Mission Palm Bay, FL on March 31, 2019

dancersIndian72All are invited to the Friends of the World Gathering to be held in the Pavilion at Yoga Shakti Mission on Sunday March 31, 2019 Noon to 4pm.   Free admission. There will be plenty of Indian and Western food served. Many performers from East and West will entertain you and you will learn many new things from the booths. There will be a variety of cultural dances, music, drama, international food and vendor booths. We hope to provide an atmosphere of openness and genuine appreciation of each other’s special talents and cultural heritage, thereby promoting understanding and friendship of all races and cultures.  International dancers are expected to perform as well as bluegrass and Russian and Irish singers.  Indian and western vegetarian food will be sold and  local entrepreneurs will display their wares.   All welcome. No admission charge. Please spread the word. Yoga Shakti Mission,  3895 Hield Road, NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907.  321-725-4024 Email

The April 2019 Horizons is now online and here are the horoscopes

April 2019

The April 2019 Horizons is now online at . The flipbook version is at  We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.  Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, see Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes: Cusp dates are accurate for 2019. Sometimes the actual date the sun enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2019.  Continue reading

What’s the point of it all?

A friend asked what is the point of all of it? She has always been a seeker, reading everything metaphysical, going to conferences and seminars, attending discussion groups. I can only speak for myself. I think the point of all my metaphysical study throughout the decades and involvement with paranormal activity gave me a greater understanding of the world around me and the importance of things. It taught me how to be at peace with whatever was appearing before me. It taught me that I can direct where my life goes by my focused attention, and that includes dollars.

 It taught me that knowing the mechanics of how to do something is different than maintaining steady discipline to keep the machine in motion. It needs daily attention but not to the point of resistance and sometimes it’s just easier to let yourself be at the mercy of the people and circumstances around you and fall into their game, their movie.

 So what’s the endgame? For me it’s about understanding and peace of mind. Before enlightenment, you chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, you chop wood and carry water. But your subjective world, your inner world, is forever expanded.

Who’s the witch? This is how we learn to divide a community

One of my friends told me about a powerful lesson in her daughter’s high school class this winter. They’re learning about the Salem Witch Trials, and their teacher told them they were going to play a game. “I’m going to come around and whisper to each of you whether you’re a witch or a normal person. Your goal is to build the largest group possible that does NOT have a witch in it. At the end, any group found to include a witch gets a failing grade.

The teens dove into grilling each other. One fairly large group formed, but most of the students broke into small, exclusive groups, turning away anyone they thought gave off even a hint of guilt. “Okay, the teacher said.You’ve got your groups. Time to find out which ones fail. All witches, please raise your hands.” No one raised a hand.

The kids were confused and told him he’d messed up the game. “Did I? Was anyone in Salem an actual witch? Or did everyone just believe what they’d been told?”

And that is how you teach kids how easy it is to divide a community.  Keep being welcoming, beautiful people. Shunning, scapegoating and dividing destroy far more than they protect. We’re all in this together. Enjoy our offering this month.

The March 2019 Horizons is now online and here are the horoscopes

March 2019

The March 2019 Horizons is now online at . The flipbook version is at  We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.  Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, see Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes: Cusp dates are accurate for 2019. Sometimes the actual date the sun enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2019.  Continue reading

What you see happening is not all that’s happening

A Facebook friend wrote, “I was just assaulted by woman who was drunk / high out of her mind, stumbling, slurring words, chasing me down the streets of Brooklyn. Touching me in unwanted ways, pulling on my umbrella. What the fuck. It was all I could to say very loudly “stop touching me, stop following me.”  This shit really happens and I couldn’t defend myself or do anything to stop it. All I could do was run away and I was in such shock I couldn’t call the police I couldn’t take a photo or video. I shudder to think if the situation had been reversed that the man would have hurt me. No one would believe me & I’m just fighting back tears on the c train. She tried to followed me onto the subway but either didn’t have a metro card or it was empty. I got very lucky. Happy Fucking Valentine’s Day. Jesus Christ. I’m out of sorts. People don’t do this to each other.”

Andrea writes:  I responded. “I see everything as an agency of the soul, helping us be of value, What a holy honor and yes, a vibrational match. The lifeguard always attracts the swimmer in distress. The fireman always finds the fire. Sometimes the flailing grab onto what they see as a ladder out of their chaos, and they are then a vibrational match to the person who wants to be helpful. Sometimes, in their altered state, they just want to touch the hem of the garment of someone they think can somehow help lift them out of their situation. What’s going on in their minds is likely not some high maniac screeching erratically at a stranger. At this point, her soul is hovering a short distance away watching as her body goes on autopilot until it’s over. Bless you for being there for the broken, even tho it breaks your heart to do so.”

I can be slow when I get in a rut

I can be slow sometimes, slow to give something sufficient thought to remedy an easily fixable situation. The past year I’ve been sharing space with a pal, which has worked out remarkably well. But I notice I suddenly spend a lot of time in front of the tv. I only vaguely wondered why that was, since half the time I have a show paused while I text or email work stuff.  Today it hit me that in the process of sharing space, I gave up a couple of rooms where I had ongoing projects laid out. A room was set up for sewing and crafting, one had my art studio, half the living room was set up for making hats and painting angel heart rocks. As I wandered around the house after work each day, I’d sit at this station or that and work awhile on whatever was on the table that day.   Continue reading