Monthly Archives: December 2014

I expect a miracle and sure enough, my brother rescues my blog

hands Expect A MiracleA couple of weeks ago, my WordPress blog got hacked.  It happens.  I contacted my server to restore it and was told the backup file was also hacked.  I had no backup of my own.  As it turns out, I didn’t need one.  I had my magic wizard of a brother to the rescue!  I wasn’t worried about losing the info because I had the entire blog in a Word file.  I could pay someone to re-enter the data.  I’d lose my place in the search engines until Google could review the site once it was restored, but that was ok, too. I don’t depend on my website for income. I did have complex cross-linking of my meditation and creative visualization posts, so I’d have to relink them all, which would take some time.  But I didn’t feel like I’d need to. I didn’t feel like the entires were gone.  I just figured it was some little glitch that would be fixed soon enough and all would be fine.  I like living in the mystery.  In the mystery is where the magic happens.    Continue reading

When a gust of wind blows one door shut, look for the open door

door open and shutA friend was excited about being terminated from a job they were excited to be rid of and to have free time during the holidays.  Jane Delaford Taylor wrote “… that’s what I call the Wind Tunnel Effect – you know when two doors on opposite sides of the house are open and a gust of wind from one makes the other slam shut really hard! So now if an opportunity suddenly becomes closed to me I start looking for the other door, the one where the winds of change are blowing from!   I’m speaking from recent experience actually – and I can say with feeling I’m so GLAD that the other door blew shut! The one that was open is leading to some great changes for me!”

In the mystery is where all the magic happens

trust have faithI like living in the mystery.  In the mystery is where all the magic happens. I don’t need to know the details of how something is going to work out.  I just need to have faith I will be guided to the next step.  I just need to believe it is possible and expect that it can happen for me in the wink of an eye.  And if it’s not happening? I’m simply taking score too soon. Perhaps I’m spending more than 51% of my time looking at evidence that it hasn’t happened yet.  As soon as I catch myself doing that, I remind myself that someone else’s experience doesn’t have to be mine, and that miracles happen all the time.  I can be one of them.  I often am.

What message is your higher Self trying to get across?

Family bickering, coworkers whining, kids out of control and your partner nowhere to be found in every crisis? Why do you think you attracted that? We know HOW, but WHY? What message is your higher Self trying to get across? What might the first step be to begin changing your point of attraction? How can you show up as Love in each situation?

I was at the beach for the launch, it was too cloudy to see

I love it when spirit walks me out the door the moment I wake up. I love driving to the ocean predawn, hardly anyone else on the road at that hour . There is something about prayer in the morning, when it is all about gratitude and less about petitioning and negotiation to get out of dire circumstances.  I was up early  to catch the sunrise, and the launch if it was a go.  Yesterday we goofed off for two hours waiting for it to go and did nothing but upset the work flow.  So take two would be today – the Orion rocket was set to launch at 7:05am ET.  It was so rainy and drizzly at the Boardwalk I thought the launch might get scrubbed.   It did not.  Dozens of people were gathered but we didn’t see the launch because it was so cloudy.  We couldn’t even hear it over the sound of the surf. The boardwalk is an interesting community.  In the middle, near Starbucks, you have the sociables.  Farther south, you have all the loners, the fishermen, the photographers.  I like being alone at the shore just before dawn, watching dark turn into day.  It’s fun with friends, too, but predawn, I like that time alone with my thoughts.



Be The Light

be the lightThe light must hurt when it shines into dark places, that’s why some friends attack when you’ve done nothing but help them. It happens. The flashlight doesn’t judge who it shines upon. Its job is simply to illuminate wherever it’s pointed. Shine on.

How to co-exist with someone you don’t like?

mirrored ball in handIf you have to work with or deal with someone you don’t like, you know how to deal with that? Stop reminding yourself what you don’t like about them. Focus on the work before you. Focus on any of a thousand other things available to focus on in the moment, and your ego will get over it soon enough. Ask for guidance to see that situation and that person differently, and to be open to whatever might be learned from them.  When I must be around someone I have resistance to, I’m thankful for the trigger and the reminder that I have emotional work to do. I meditate on the degree of my irked-ness and ask myself the ever deepening question: what is it about this person that makes me give them so much power over me that it changes my mood? Then I listen intently and see what answer unfolds.

Nothing needs to change but my perception, my thoughts and my self talk

It’s not always easy to remember that whatever situation I’m in, I’ve gotten there by being a vibrational match to it. It’s not always easy to see how that can be. The only way I can get out of it is to change my thoughts about what I’m living and what I’m seeing. You, too.

A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts
Why This Affirmation Works
Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Law of Attraction works even when you think the “wrong” thoughts
Hanging On To The Wound By Telling The Old Story
It’s All Related
Shall I Spend Time Saying Affirmations or Playing?

Benny the Cat, the Escape Artist

Benny and Yinnie on whiteI locked Benny the Cat in my office while I took out the trash. When I walked back up the driveway, he was sitting at the front door, having climbed out a tear in the screen of my office window. But the kicker was 20 minutes later when he came climbing BACK IN that way. Grrrr. I hope he doesn’t think that’s his own private entrance now. But it IS a way for him to avoid Yinnie the bitchie MiniCow, who lies in wait for him at his favorite entrances, to howl his head off.  Good girl, YinYang, be a good girl.

Unfaithful but otherwise a good man — keep him or dump him?

Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy

Don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy

Surprise, Bob Hope had affairs outside the marriage. Humans are not monogamous by nature.  He can be responsible in all other areas of his life yet feel at the mercy of his hormones when it comes to sex. He can be completely stupid in the face of evidence he may lose his entire family and lifestyle over it. Don’t take advantage of that. If he’s a good man and you love him, his relationship with anyone else does not have to affect his relationship with you. The only place it can do that is in your mind and you are the one in charge of how you allow yourself to think about it. It’s not about broken promises and whether you have good reason to be mad and whether you’re justified. We commit too quickly without weighing consequences.  No, it’s about do you love this person and want to continue to be in a relationship with them, knowing this may be an ongoing pattern? That’s all this is about. Everything else is just a thought in your head, and you are the one who can control those.   Continue reading