Monthly Archives: April 2010

Monday is the Moon’s day

Monday is the Moon’s day, and so we are dealing with emotions, moods, intuition and the shadowy side of life. Many people report Monday as the most challenging day of the week. It’s no wonder, as the moon carries erratic and sometimes unpredictable energy.  That’s why we don’t want to work on Mondays!  Best tasks for today: Meditation, dream analysis, quiet time, intimate gatherings of family and close friends, personal indulgence, rest, relaxation, sleep. It’s the day of remembering and feeling. On this day, remember the experiences that have shaped your life and the person you have become. Feel rather than think today. Be aware of your mood. It is a good day for seeking favors from women and for making new friends.

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Spiritual Astrology Reports – 3 Months Future Prediction

How to Handle Those Spam Video Messages on Facebook

A Facebook friend’s account just got hacked, and I’m getting numerous messages from her account sending me a video link.  Since my name begins with A, I get lots of video spam messages sent to me, and I know not to open them.  I told her, “What is happening is someone somehow hacked into your system.  Don’t worry about how they did it, that will drive you crazy.  Just get it fixed and say a lil prayer.” Continue reading

Sunday, a day of creativity and inspiration

Sunday is the Sun’s Day, a day of renewing faith and opening to inspiration.  Today, examine your intentions. Renew your commitment to discover and fulfill your purpose. Sunday is a good day to write a script for your future life; a good day to work with vision boards, or dream boards, to be creative and play, to wish, to dream.  Don’t let anyone harsh your mellow today. Have fun.

What I learned from two Carolina wrens

Yesterday I had a fun encounter in the garden with two little brown and white and yellow wren looking birds no larger than my thumb.  They were the size of small store finches. I had the hose and was spraying them in the oak branches about 5 feet overhead. They’d flit in and out of the spray, then go to a branch and preen and shake, and come back. One was brave but the other followed. I wrote on Facebook, “I wonder what they are?” and David Pemberton had the right answer: the Carolina wren. Continue reading

Since this Now moment becomes my tomorrow, I don’t want a lively discussion with friends, I want a happy life

I know lots of people from all walks of life, with all kinds of attitudes and personalities.  I enjoy them all, but some I choose to spend more time with than others.  The ones I choose to spend time with are those that contribute to me living a happy life.  Am I being selfish doing that?  You bet.  After all, when it comes right down to it, it IS all about me and how happy I am in every moment.  And I know for a fact that today’s Now moment becomes tomorrow’s lifestyle. Continue reading

Awakening Kundalini and Balancing Your Chakras

chakras 7 color chart on whiteGalpal Lorraine posted on Facebook a link to a Youtube video at –> Hypnotic Tibetan Singing Bowls, Affirmations and Solfeggio Frequencies attuned to the Root Chakra.  She wrote: “I’ve sat through these before but this one is very intense, powerful. Whether you watch the video or just listen with your eyes closed, you will definitely feel a shift.”   I wrote: “Lorraine knows stuff. Have a listen.”  Being in the genre of new age self help spirituality,  I find people do a lot of different exercises to “wake up” the kundalini before they know what they’re doing. It’s one reason there’s so much neurosis and psychosis in the new age community. No one needs to wake anything up, we all just need to learn to balance ourselves. Continue reading

Grow Up and Deal With It

I just checked voice mail for the past few days. To everyone with personality conflicts going on, please keep it to yourself. Learn to get along with whoever’s in your face that you think is maligning you or out to get you. Stop giving them power over your thoughts. They’re in your life because you’re vibrating in the same place. Get it?  Grow up the hell up. Deal with it. Stop telling everyone about it. And I know it’s (kind of) different because you may be paying me to counsel you about it.  But if you’ve been telling me the same story for the past few years, with all due respect, you need to let it go and stop wasting your time and money, NOW. There, I feel better.  I still love you if you’re gossipy and bitchy and always complaining, I just must love you from afar. I know you understand.
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Creating more work for myself

Now this is how my mind works.  About 5am, I was going to send a friend a note and thought, oh let me create an Easter card to include.  Then I thought, let me create one for everyone and post it on Facebook.  Then I thought, let me just create a website for it, since it happens every year.  As I was looking for images, I thought WTF does a rabbit and painting Easter eggs have to do with the Christians honoring the resurrection of Christ? So I did some research and found some history and images I liked and created the website and posted it on Facebook and Twitter.  You can see it here:

Here it is almost three hours after I had the thought to send my friend a quick note wishing happy Easter, and instead created an entire website about it.  That’s how my mind works.  But now Easter morning has a more expanded meaning to me.  I love knowing the deeper significance of holy days in the different traditions.  For me today?  I’m gonna stay home and play in my yard.  I’ve got a lot of oak and pine deadfall I’m going to clear up, and it should be time to cut a new path in my west woods.  There’s a lot of new growth on all the plants that were burnt by winter’s frost.

Have a good Easter.  May your spirit be renewed by the promise that every day is a new beginning.

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I don’t try to fix irrational people

bunny-cross-eggAh, Easter weekend.  Yesterday was my day to do billing for the May Horizons Magazine.  It could be a four hour job but I take the time to update labels and listings at the same time, so sometimes it stretches into up to four days.  I couldn’t let that happen this month since I didn’t have 4 days to spare.  So yesterday was a race to the finish and I did it in time to get them to the post office.   Continue reading