Creating more work for myself

Now this is how my mind works.  About 5am, I was going to send a friend a note and thought, oh let me create an Easter card to include.  Then I thought, let me create one for everyone and post it on Facebook.  Then I thought, let me just create a website for it, since it happens every year.  As I was looking for images, I thought WTF does a rabbit and painting Easter eggs have to do with the Christians honoring the resurrection of Christ? So I did some research and found some history and images I liked and created the website and posted it on Facebook and Twitter.  You can see it here:

Here it is almost three hours after I had the thought to send my friend a quick note wishing happy Easter, and instead created an entire website about it.  That’s how my mind works.  But now Easter morning has a more expanded meaning to me.  I love knowing the deeper significance of holy days in the different traditions.  For me today?  I’m gonna stay home and play in my yard.  I’ve got a lot of oak and pine deadfall I’m going to clear up, and it should be time to cut a new path in my west woods.  There’s a lot of new growth on all the plants that were burnt by winter’s frost.

Have a good Easter.  May your spirit be renewed by the promise that every day is a new beginning.

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