Monthly Archives: September 2009

I Make The Homemade Vietnamese Pho Beef Broth

The Mighty Pho

The Mighty Pho

The last few days I have been talking with my friend Barbara Nowak about cooking.  She lives in an area of Georgia that is not known for its Asian cuisine, and we were looking for a restaurant with a Vietnamese pho soup on the menu.  That made me start thinking about making the soup from scratch.  It’s a lot of work and cooking down animal carcass is not my favorite thing to do, but I wanted to see if I could duplicate the taste of my favorite pho restaurant.  So when I woke up Monday morning, the first thing I had on my mind was to go buy some beef leg and knuckle bones.  I figured Publix was as good a place as any to look. Continue reading

Three Autumnal Equinox Rituals

Today is the Autumnal Equinox, a time of celebration, reflection, grace and balance. It is also a good time to gather our energies and turn our attention inward.  So today, the first day of Fall 2009, allow yourself some rest, relaxation and a time for reflection.  No matter who we are or where our people came from, our ancestors had many ways of honoring the autumn equinox, when the day and night are of equal length and the world finds balance for a breath of time. After this equinox. the nights grow longer than the days, so it is traditionally a time to look inward, take stock, give thanks for the harvest, and prepare for the time of dreaming. Give some real time and thought to your own harvests over the past year. What did you learn? What did you do? How have you grown, deepened, or changed? What were the major events or accomplishments you would like to honor?  In a world that is often so terribly out of balance, it can be both healing and heartening to celebrate this special time. Taking time to honor your own inner harvests-all the things you have achieved and felt and learned from, over the past months-is a lovely way to connect with this time of year.  Here are three Autumnal Equinox rituals

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I Predict 4 Of Saturday’s Lotto Numbers

Friday I posted on Facebook that the Fantasy Five numbers I’m playing for the weekend are 17-27-28-31-32 and 7-15-17-29-30. I bought my tickets and had the girls at the bank laughing when I told them I was there to lock my winning tickets in the safe box. I used the same numbers for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I said, “We’ll see who’s laughing Monday, won’t we?”

So Sunday morning I check my tickets.  My numbers were
7-15-17-29-30 and the winning Lotto numbers were

Except my numbers of course were for the Fantasy Five.

I used to always get a quick pick for the Lotto and Fantasy Five, but this time I filled out a card, choosing the numbers.

So while I did get 4 of the numbers, I bought them for the Fantasy Five and not the Lotto.

Hmmm, can I count that prediction as a hit?  Sorry, no, that would be making the info fit after the fact.

And that’s not how I roll.

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Doing the Prosperity Project Brings Up My Excuses & Trust Issues

dollars in handYesterday I wrote about Valerie Saurer’s Prosperity Project *  $1,000 More Each Day.  The project is one of those fun writing games that gets you to delve deep inside yourself and see what core beliefs you are operating with. Specifically, the idea of the game is to get used to the idea of having, spending, and enjoying money. You start small, and every day increase your allowance by $1000. The process is –> here.  Gradually, you will be able to easily picture yourself having larger and larger sums of money.  That idea won’t seem entirely ridiculous to you, because your dream grows incrementally over time. Continue reading

Valerie Saurer’s Prosperity Project – $1,000 More Each Day

A friend has come up with a fun game that helps get you in the vibration of attracting more dollars.  The Prosperity Project can be found at Valerie Saurer’s blog The New Book of Clues.  The idea is to get used to having, spending, and enjoying money. Start small, and every day increase your allowance by $1000. Gradually, you will be able to easily picture yourself having larger and larger sums of money, and that idea won’t seem entirely ridiculous to you, because your dream grows incrementally over time. If you want to join in this game with all of us that are doing it, write your own dream checkbook entries at The New Book of Clues. Continue reading

Watching the Bamboo Grow as Florida Summer Comes To An End

Yesterday was an especially good day.  I’d completed the October issue of Horizons Magazine the day before, and had just finished placing some last minute ads and proofreading.  That meant I had the weekend off – yay!  When I took the garbage out about 9:00am, I noticed the air was cool and crisp. These are my good weather markers: when it is still cool on my birthday, April 10th, I know it will be a mild summer and mild hurricane season.  Meaning it won’t be oppressively hot and muggy all summer.  That we’ll have summer storms to take the pressure off. When it begins to cool down on my brother Bobby’s birthday, September 9th, then I know it will be a mild winter, meaning few freezes. Especially if the acorns are already out by then.  So the good weather continues right on time. Continue reading

Monroe Institute, Silent Meditation Retreats and Losing Time

Back in November 2006, I had an intense month, including a week long stay at The Monroe Institute in Virginia where I took their 6 day Gateway Voyage, then two weekends in Orlando back to back, doing Pranic Healing Level II with Master Stephen Co, and then attending the Hayhouse I Can Do It! Conference where I took the pre-conference workshop with Abraham-Hicks. I came to realize in a bigger way than ever before, that all things are possible; that we are only using a small fraction of our potential, that we have inner resources that are amazing. One of the first things that happened at The Monroe Institute was they took our watches away, and the clock had no hands. We were summoned to events with a bell. This was to ease us out of a time/space mindset so we could experience existence outside a linear time frame. While disorienting at first, it was very freeing and allowed new perceptions to emerge. That was only a warm-up to many very mind expanding sessions using Hemi-Sync technology. I surprised myself by memorizing everyone’s name after the first session! I thought that alone was a great testament that something important was happening “inside” my mind.   Continue reading

Creating The Space For Change To Take Place

I notice a lot of things around me coming into balance lately. Sure, there’s the usual measure of chaos in the lives of people I speak to, but it usually doesn’t affect me. Years ago, I used to get so full of what others poured into me that I couldn’t find myself anymore, and I’d have to retreat and hibernate to regain my perspective and my calm center. I have the most to give others, when I have my own calm center. Notice that when you don’t have your own agenda, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the agendas of those around you. And those around you are probably a lot less centered and focused than you are. Scary thought, huh? So rather than bringing yourself down to their level, where they may be emotionally insecure and floundering, help raise them to yours by keeping your calm no matter what is going on. Continue reading

Crashing Around In The Dark: When I Discover I’m Not Where I Think I Am

It seems I bought my big puffy chair just in time last month.  In time for the big cold that would knock me out for the past 2 weeks. I spent lots of time napping in the new chair.  I knew to alternate it with naps in my bed so I wouldn’t get too bored spending so much time in the same room since the cold kept me horizontal.  Before the chair, I’d usually crash on my couch rather than officially going to bed.  But since the advent of the new puffy chair, I have been sleeping in my bedroom more.  I’m not one of those people who calls it a night in typical fashion.  I don’t get in my pajamas and turn down the bed and get in between the sheets.  I typically fall asleep on top of the covers, fully dressed, project in hand. Continue reading

Sodium: How Much is Too Much? Taking One Day At A Time

Finally I seem to be allowing this head and chest cold to loosen its hold on me.  I lost 4 days of work when it began because I didn’t recognize it as a cold at first.  That means I didn’t jump in right away with my immune tincture, vitamin C and grapefruit seed extract, and consequently I spent the first 4 days sleeping almost around the clock.  When I was awake, I was busy using up all the tissue in the house and coughing, coughing, coughing.  Since I never feel like eating when I can’t breathe, I lost a few pounds in the process.  YAY!  The next 5 days, I began feeling better.  I still wasn’t psyched about cooking, so I began eating canned soups and Kahiki frozen egg rolls.  I love Campbell’s condensed Chicken Noodle Soup and, like the egg rolls, it is delicious and low fat.  Then suddenly it seemed my cold got worse.  I felt I was back pedalling and didn’t know why.  I began feeling low energy and my head was filling up again.  Then I realized that, by trying to save time by not cooking, I was resorting to processed foods, which I don’t typically eat much of.  So, along with my cold, my body now had to work to fight off the energy zappers I’d so quickly introduced.  Darn, and I know better. Continue reading