Valerie Saurer’s Prosperity Project – $1,000 More Each Day

A friend has come up with a fun game that helps get you in the vibration of attracting more dollars.  The Prosperity Project can be found at Valerie Saurer’s blog The New Book of Clues.  The idea is to get used to having, spending, and enjoying money. Start small, and every day increase your allowance by $1000. Gradually, you will be able to easily picture yourself having larger and larger sums of money, and that idea won’t seem entirely ridiculous to you, because your dream grows incrementally over time. If you want to join in this game with all of us that are doing it, write your own dream checkbook entries at The New Book of Clues.

I first met Valerie Saurer on Twitter, after I followed a link to her blog post, “Off to See the Wizard: The Myth of Personal Development”.  After that, I began to look in on her Living Gratitude Blog, a weekly essay on learning to see the world through grateful eyes.  It was no surprise then that when our paths crossed on Facebook we friended each other.

The Living Gratitude Blog was part of a larger project called The Attitude of Gratitude Project, whose mission is to help make the world a better place by encouraging people to focus on all the things that are right about this world.  Based on the idea that the spoken and written word holds immense creative power, The Attitude of Gratitude Project encourages people to develop a daily practice of verbally expressing their gratefulness for the people and the blessings that surround them.

The Attitude of Gratitude Project, as first conceived, was designed to encourage people to send greeting cards telling their loved ones how much they appreciate having them in their life.  As a distributor with SendOutCards, Valerie was looking for a way to encourage people to develop the habit of sending greeting cards.  So she brought her laptop to the first meeting of the Space Coast Oratorio Society, and one by one had people sit down and dictate a letter to their husband, sister, wife, mother, teacher … someone who had made a significant difference in their life.   Each time someone sat down to write a card, they sobbed with the force of the love and gratitude that was bubbling out of them.  She sent eleven cards that day, and eleven times the person dictating the message was moved to tears.  At the next week’s rehearsal, those eleven people came back and told the story of what happened when the people got those emotion-filled cards.  As they told the story, they cried all over again.  Valerie was a bit unprepared for the intensity of it all.

In order to bring that experience to more people, Valerie had a website built that would point to her SendOutCards website, so that she could offer free gratitude cards to more people all over the world.  Valerie would like to invite my readers to follow her link and click on the banner to test out that gratitude card experiment by sending out one free card.  I don’t know, I think she might be sorry for that invitation.  I’m not sure she realizes how many of my readers will take her up on it! became home to the Living Gratitude Blog and an online gratitude journal.  Unfortunately, security issues  forced her to move the blog to WordPress and the gratitude journal to Facebook, where it became The Attitude of Gratitude Project Page.

What seemed to be a setback turned out to be a lucky break.  In just three months, The Attitude of Gratitude Project Page has grown to over 3000 fans in more than 20 different countries from all over the world.  People stop by every day to share their gratitude in an effort to focus only on the positive aspects of their world.  During those three months the Project, as it is called, has become a community of  like-minded people sharing in each others joys and sorrows.  Deep relationships have been formed between people who otherwise would have never met.  She has two rules:  all posts must be positive, and no selling or link suggestions are allowed.  She is brutal in deleting posts that don’t follow these rules, because she wants to maintain the Page as a space where people can be open without feeling like prey.

Valerie has been deeply influenced in these endeavors by two people.  The first was her voice teacher and mentor, Dr. Vernon Boushell, who taught her what love looks like by teaching her to see the world with grateful eyes.  The second influence was Abraham-Hicks.  The Prosperity Project was actually suggested by Abraham in Money and the Law of Attraction.  Valerie listened to the audio version of that book, and when she heard how the game works she decided to play it in an interactive format to see how it would affect her strained relationship with money.

Do the Prosperity Project with us.  It’s fun and puts you in the vibrational mode for attracting more dollars. Wow, what if all of us began doing this and attracting gazillions of dollars?

The media would have a field day.

Valerie’s websites are:
The Attitude of Gratitude Project FB Page
Living Gratitude Blog
The Prosperity Project at The New Book of Clues, at