The July Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

July 2020

The July 2020 Horizons is now online at

Aries – (March 19 – April 18) Mars your planet occupies your sign all month. It swings! Let it be said, you have the energy and the courage to live, drum beating! Venus in Gemini in beautiful aspect to your sign, in your sector relating to communication, pampers your devoted heart! Until the 22nd, the Sun in Cancer as well as Mercury all month, evokes in your home many discussions. Saturn in Capricorn, square in your sign from the 2nd, invites you to review your socio-professional sector, perhaps there is something to understand. Jupiter and Pluto induces you to let go what does not serve you or your professional evolution anymore. Uranus in Taurus announces an unexpected change in your source of income, first decan. From the 23rd to the 31st, the Sun in Leo watches over your loves! 

Love in General:
July should be a great month! Mars in your sign, you embody sensuality! Hyper enthusiastic and dynamic love carries you! Venus takes up residence in your relationship sector, facilitating any meetings. It will be even stronger during the last week when the Sun will be in Leo. Mercury in Cancer makes you a tad clumsy, be careful!

In a relationship:
Fiery, ardent, entrepreneurial, it is not this month that the attributes will change! On the contrary, they gain power. You have enough to satisfy your other half! Forget your work and its issues when you go home, first decan, prefer the cocoon, for once, sensuality and emotional joy!

Venus in your relationship sector invites you to move, a small trip could pay off! Especially with your energy to spare, something that characterizes you, no obstacle seems insurmountable! From the 23rd to the 31st, the universe favors your love sector!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
The return of Saturn to the square of your Sun, third decan, is to be experienced as a lesson so as not to suffer. For the whole sign, enjoy this summer to make a budget, do not be a spendthrift. Cherish your loved ones.

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Increased communication and an ideal of life that comes back to you, dear Taurus! Saturn in Capricorn, joins Jupiter and Pluto and instills in you, third decan, a desire to think things over. Ideal transformation? Legal success and desire for progress are possible! Saturn in harmony with your anchor sign is what you choose to perpetuate. Until the 22nd, the Sun in Cancer as well as Mercury supports your popularity and facilitates your exchanges and outings. You are open and at ease! Venus, your planet, in Gemini, titillates your financial sector with strength and weakness. Your desire for possession could be felt more strongly, a financial contribution is possible. Strong energy but not always available, Mars in Aries escapes you. Uranus boosts you, first decan. From the 23rd to the 31st, you love your family!

Love in General:
This sector not highlighted this month by a light and playful Venus that does not necessarily fit your voluptuous nature, terribly anchored in the material world. That said, you could mix matters of love and finance,a duo that is not always recommended but you know how to manage it! Your libido is not easy either this month, it is powerful but a bit feverish. Keep confidence in yourself!

In a relationship:
There is a nice complicity between you, which foreshadows a real harmony, despite a lack of emotional influxes. A sign of stability and peace, your union easily resists a few cyclical clouds. First decan, give free rein to this awakening that animates you and let your partner enjoy it, too!

Mercury in Cancer all month brings you a beautiful ease in your exchanges coming to facilitate any incipient relationships. Quiet lover, Mars could make you a bit more energetic! Welcome the energies of Venus with tranquility, after all, everything is savored especially love! Your social circle is benevolent, think of them!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
This summer, have a good time with family or friends. Together you are good, solo do not rush fate, everything comes to those who wait. Enjoy, until the 22nd, a blossoming reputation to enlarge your social network!

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19) Focus on your assets and your love, dear Gemini! A beautiful breakthrough of affectivity thanks to Venus in your sign throughout the month! Mercury, your planet, in Cancer as well as the Sun until the 22nd, installs a climate favorable to your money and your thoughts will be turned constantly towards more material success. Mars in Aries powerfully energizes your projects and endows you with active and entrepreneurial friends. Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn all in Capricorn generate a breath of inner transformation and an increase in your interest in the wealth of the collective, third decan. Uranus in Taurus invites the first decan to settle and prepare for sudden events that will not be long in coming, so stay conscious. Neptune square in your sign subjects your socio-professional sector to a blurry, unrealistic inspiration. Stay concrete!

Love in General:
A powerful charisma brings you all month to a likely emotional fullness. In beautiful aspect of Mars in Aries well connected to your sign, you link a generous libido to an interior feeling that is favorable to sentimental joys. During the last week of the month, it will be even stronger thanks to the support of the Sun in Leo to boost your relationship sector!

In a relationship:
A superb start to the holidays together! Do not take this opportunity to start playing Uncle Scrooge and penny-pinching Your mind, indeed focused on financial affairs, could spoil the promises of heaven, a little Live this promising influx with all the spontaneity, of which you are capable!

Go out with your friends or take care of new relationships that will not fail to enter your life especially from the 23rd. Active and entrepreneurial, your zest will serve your amorous impulses and your attempts to conquer love. Your particularly sensitive and receptive communication facilitates your presentation in the event of a meeting. Great!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Your love is nice to live especially if you forget work and finances, a little! Know how to take advantage of the moment by silencing your mind, which is often hyperactive. Trust in yourself and in the universe, it’s an ideal roadmap!

Cancer – (June 20 – July 21) An increased personal influence and an outstanding mind, dear Cancer! The Sun and Mercury at home brightens your personality, brilliantly. You will not go unnoticed this month! A beautiful planetary cluster in Capricorn, facing your sign, powerfully reinforces the place of the other, spouse or partner. Transfers, transformation or legalizations related to others, especially third decan. This decan always receives the influx of Neptune in beautiful aspect to its Sun, here intuition is brought to its paroxysm! The friendly circle is renewed, a bit of originality and freedom now colors your social attractions, first decan! From the 23rd to the 31st, the Sun in Leo could favor your assets, a promotion or unexpected money? In any case, the material aspect of your life occupies your mind at the end of the month.

Love in General:
Mars in Aries dominates your socio-professional sector, which foreshadows little sentimentality. Let’s say that your sensual dynamism will be more about your professional business. However, you aspire to love in all intimacy, another promise of Venus in Gemini. It is conceivable that you live this area of life with ardor and a bit of secrecy!

In a relationship:
Intimate secrets and games of seduction like crazy! You replay the statements, thanks to Mercury in your home, and you inspire a burning and conquering libido in your partner. Look after your approaches, they are deemed sensitive! Your partner is facing you with determination, third decan, they intend to plan in your relationship!

Chance or fate, whether or not you are spiritually inclined, should be fully expressed. Saturn back in Capricorn could foster a memorable encounter, third decan and put an end to your celibacy for good. The friendly circle opens up opportunities, first decan, which you will have to seize!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Always activated by powerful planetary energies, especially first and third decans, your sign lives the changes made or in progress, with intensity. Your inner voice is surprising, trust it, totally. Live this beautiful summer by taking care of yourself!

Leo – (July 22 – August 21) Increased reflections and a powerful dynamism, dear Leo! The Sun until the 22nd and Mercury all month in Cancer comes to boost your interior life. As such an exuberant person you will appreciate this benevolent introspection! Mars in Aries carries you! Your ideal of life is likely to change a bit, first decan, in particular by Uranus in Taurus, square in your sign, modifying your socio-professional destiny. Venus in Gemini reinforces your legendary popularity, and offers you great friendships that play a positive role in your life. Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, all in Capricorn, bring changes and evolutions to your health or employment, third decan. Then from the 23rd to the 31st, the Sun arrives in your home and you radiate! A dynamic end of the month, conducive to many wishes!

Love in General:
Venus and Mars in harmonic aspect to your sign announce an ease in love. Whether it’s your social circle or an exalted libido, the ingredients come together to make your emotional recipe successful! You love with nobility, Mars in Aries can allow you to express it. But do not keep your thoughts to yourself, communicate more!

In a relationship:
Little impact on your marital sector, the universe gives you an emotional month for two, without dark spots. Nice! Take the opportunity to go out, meet your friends, imagine projects for two, create, think together about your common future. Ardently enthusiastic, your partner will appreciate your readiness to prove to them, your attachment!

Beautiful sentimental perspectives! Your social circle is particularly conducive to your quest, do not neglect any invitations! Venus in Gemini, playful, infuses your sign with this desire to have fun that suits you so much! Mars in Aries, conqueror, drives you inexorably towards the desire to please! It’s your turn to play!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
A relatively quiet month comes your way. Well off with regard to matters of love, live these cosmic energies with voluptuousness. Gentle first decan: if the events are shaken up a little do not see it as the end of the world!

Virgo – (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Projects in the spotlight and a good circle of friends, dear Virgo! Until the 22nd you can count on the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, in beautiful aspect to your sign, to support you in your projects and discussions. A positive morale and a desire to move forward will characterize this summer period! A beautiful evolution also of your love sector or your relationship to your children, if you are parent thanks to Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, all in Capricorn, last decan. Neptune always tickles your conjugal sector, last decan, you are inspired and vibrant! Mars in Aries awakens your libido a bit brutally, you appreciate a little more sweetness, so respect yourself. Venus in Gemini sows love on your socio-professional path, will you know how to notice it? From the 23rd to the 31st, the Sun in Leo accentuates a tendency to recharge your batteries.

Love in General:
Mars in Aries in your libido sector announces a beautiful intensity. Venus in Gemini shares with your sign this intellectual research on the exchanges in love, which could greatly facilitate the conquest in case of an encounter. However, the sensual impulses of Mars jostles you a bit, while those of Venus do not agree well with your reserved nature. It’s complicated.

In a relationship:
Together, the sky reserves a pronounced and furious sensuality, for you! It’s up to you to propose the right tempo to your partner. Your intellectual exchanges should be facilitated by Mercury as well as by Venus who assists you with amusement. Your way of loving has changed little by little, anchor these changes now.

Hyperactive, do not confuse conquest and with taking the castle! Your desire is powerful, your intellectual affectivity touches everything. A strong and decisive meeting remains possible especially for the third decan. Other decans, for once is not custom, live the moment and forget your landmarks!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
:If you manage to balance the powerful energy influx bombarding your sign, this summer month will bring you only benefits. Look after your friends, they will make you feel good! To you the invitations, the conviviality, in moderation of course!

Libra – (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Your socio-professional destiny and possible conflicts to manage dear, Libra! Until the 22nd, a duo of planets in Cancer, Sun and Mercury, boosts your career or your way of life. Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto all in Capricorn, square in your sign, announce family or residential turmoil, last decan, remain diplomatic. While Mars in Aries facing your sign makes your marital or associative sector explosive! It shakes on all sides, show that you resist the pressure! Venus, your planet, in Gemini, infuses its peace, its beauty and its lightness with your sector of life relative to your ideal. Uranus in Taurus announces a sudden change in your finances, first decan. From the 23rd, the Sun in Leo facilitates your projects and animates your social sector.

Love in General:
Loving harmony and love as you do, this month should meet your expectations, if you resist the urge to fight with others. The feelings are expressive and cheerful but you could react a little too strongly in terms of the relationship framework. Stay relaxed, as you are, you do not always have to have the last word to be right!

In a relationship:
Things are getting hot! Differentiate your loving relationship from your family relationship. Mars in Aries shoots without warning, while you prefer, very often, the armistice! Your other half could claim their full place, give it to them! From the 23rd, the atmosphere is relaxing, enjoy outings together!

A long summer trip could be a nice surprise unless it is through a third party that you meet your soulmate. A more determined person than you could enter your life. It is not guaranteed that this relationship will become permanent, a person warned is worth two.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
It’s hot and sunny, have fun! Leave aside family tensions, if they accumulate go on vacation, especially after the 22nd. You idealize love this month, stay realistic even if the season is not predispose to it!

Scorpio – (Oct 22 – Nov 20) Boost your ideal of life in a scorching climate, dear Scorpio! The Sun and Mercury in Cancer, in harmony with your sign, awakens your desire for a long journey as well as your aspirations of well being. Uranus in Taurus, in front of you, opens a new chapter of your conjugal or private life, first decan. Your mind is powerful, boosted by the heavyweights of the sky, you will not let go, last decan. Love is romantic, alchemical, Neptune inspires you, last decan. Venus in Gemini in disharmony with your sign announces ambivalent feelings, sometimes passionate sometimes cold, these ups and downs are your specialty! Mars shakes up your daily life, do you take care of your health? From the 23rd, give place to your socio-professional destiny, what have you yet to prove?

Love in General:
Your sensuality is energized by Venus, which foreshadows a surprising summer joy! With this beautiful planet square in your sign, do not expect a constructive intensity as Mars in Aries reinforces the idea of a rushed or impatient libido! Know how to give pride to this mystical inspiration that Neptune sends you, love is built first within and then offers itself.

In a relationship:
Your married life starts a new cycle. Uranus in Taurus injects its liberating breath, it’s wind of freedom! These effects are irreversible and fast, hang in there, the wheel of life turns. If your other half changes your behavior or dialogue, Mercury facilitates your communication with sensitivity, use it.

Hyper determined to change status, you will combine dynamism and mental performance. Mars in a sign of fire shakes up your daily habits and serves the renewal! Innovate in your outings, a serious meeting can be happen if you accept that it transforms some landmarks in you. Do you know your neighborhood?

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Between intensity and letting go, you will have to choose. Usually this equation does not concern you, your nature never gets tired of an inner fire. On vacation or not, know how to keep things in perspective, especially the first decan. Start a relaxing leisure activity!

Sagittarius – (Nov 21– Dec 20) You honor your partner and the feelings are shared, dear Sagittarius! Until the 22nd, the Sun in Cancer illuminates your socio-professional destiny. Are you satisfied with this area of life? Mercury in Cancer all month will promote exchanges with your hierarchy, in particular. Saturn Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn have reorganized your financial sector for a long time, your fundamentals move or will move, third decan. Take care of your health, develop your daily work differently, under the liberating influence of Uranus, first decan. Mars in Aries pontificate generously in your sector of love, beautiful prospects! Venus in Gemini facing your sign indicates a special connection between you and others and your other half if you are accompanied! From the 23rd to the 31st, the Sun in Leo in beautiful aspect to your sign gives pride of place to your friends and your projects, festive?

Love in General:
Promises! An ardent dynamism capable of the best, feelings in phase with your nature without headaches! From the 23rd, things will be even stronger, the universe supports any desire for union or just your desire to spend a nice vacation in pleasant company. Be sure to communicate in a more sensitive fashion that is less burning!

In a relationship:
Your relationship should wake up in aspects that are both powerful and beneficial in order to live the very essence of life! The daily routine explodes in splinters, a new honeymoon is announced! For both of you, take cultural and summer outings, in order to make the most of this break time!

Your love sector carries the possibility of a nice meeting! Mars in Aries produces a conquering energy conducive to concrete results in the emotional field. The whole month is favorable to the whole sign, get started! Last week, live these beautiful influxes with all the optimism that characterizes you!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Apart from the first decan that could be shaken up by the influx of Uranus in Taurus, especially on a professional level, this month promises to be especially beneficial on the emotional level. You are pampered by celestial energies, relax and enjoy!

Capricorn – (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Always changing in the face of the other, dear Capricorn! Your sign houses the heavyweights of the zodiac carrying irreversible messages, Saturn, your planet, Jupiter and Pluto: your personality is transformed durably. Opposite, the Sun in Cancer until the 22nd and Mercury proposes nice exchanges to live with your partner or your spouse. Neptune breathes inspiration and feelings to your mind, welcome this, second and third decan. Uranus in Taurus stimulates a sentimental or child-related revival if you are a parent, first decan. This influx also awakens in you a dose of creative originality that you repress often. Mars in Aries square in your sign announces much agitation at home while Venus in Gemini soothes the professional sector and pampers your health. Introspection is increased from the 23rd.

Love in General:
This month does not represent anything exceptional! There is much work to be done on yourself, you are however, until the 22nd, subject to the pressure of the other and others. You will need to find a balance between yourself and your entourage. The love sector awakened by Uranus could reserve a sizeable and beneficial surprise for you. Nevertheless you hate to be jostled but this planet shakes you up a lot!

In a relationship:
Your married life receives the Sun and Mercury, enough to give you satisfaction. However a little nervousness is not excluded, Mars pulses energy that is a little brutal for you in your family: stay cool! Get closer to your partner in a concrete way, tinker or garden together!

It’s not clear if this month offers you any dating opportunities. But Uranus in Taurus causes unexpected events and stimulates your sentimental sphere, first decan especially! Also, even if Mars and Venus are not particularly favorable to you, Uranus, master of love at first sight, can change everything!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
A return of Saturn, your planet, at home, certainly signifies some readjustments going on regarding your intimate life and your personality. It’s summer, cut some slack on your inner work, accentuated after the 23rd. You deserve rest, do not feel guilty anymore!

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 17) Increased introspection and a beautiful emotional energy, dear Aquarius! Until the 22nd, the Sun and Mercury in Cancer invites you to ask questions about the meaning of life, a little dive into yourself! Some financial matters are not to be excluded either. Last decan you ripen a key stage of your existence produced by the heavyweights of the zodiac! First decan, Uranus in Taurus squared with your Sun creates a heckled family or residential climate. A move may be taking shape? Look after your sector relative to your income, Neptune sometimes plays the spoilsport! Mars in Aries and Venus in Gemini harmonically connected to your sign announce beautiful sentimental satisfactions, for all. From the 23rd to the 31st: honor travel!

Love in General:
It will roll for you citizen of the world that you are! You love the whole planet and this month could facilitate this natural craze! Your desire is favored during your contacts and with your entourage, your feelings are warm, they play and create! Until the 22nd, the climate is a hair reserved, from the 23rd it is much more relaxed!

In a relationship:
Beautiful influxes to live together in serenity and gratitude! Contagious dynamism and a few outings in nature together are likely, or in the company of cheerful people from your common circle, often provided. Avoid conversations related to the family or your place of residence, Uranus comes to redistribute the cards without your consent!

No real worries this beautiful summer month. Rather certainty to advance on your sentimental path by being convinced that the right person is waiting for you! Mars in your relationship sector activates meetings and trips. Venus illuminates your love affair. You have the assets to win the game.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Know how to resist a tendency to complicate your life, this month, with dark ideas until the 22nd. Introspection is not mental torture! You have beautiful energies, live them. Relativize! Evacuate the potential tension through practicing a sport.

Pisces – (Feb 18 – March 18) Your love and your home is under the blaze of heaven, dear Pisces! The Sun until the 22nd and Mercury all month in Cancer, produces a beautiful effect. Your affection, loves or children will be favored. Mercury allows fluid communication, with finesse, as you like to feel. Neptune, your planet, at home, is active in making you more empathic, and mediumistic and reinforces your high spiritual capital. Heavenly heavyweights have a benevolent impact on your social circle. Solid projects, serious friendships. Uranus in Taurus in beautiful aspect to your sign creates originality and renewal within your entourage, first decan. Mars in Aries boost your money as much as your outings: find the balance! Venus in Gemini brings to your home its touch of well-being. From the 23rd, the daily routine regains its rights!

Love in General:
If you have statements to make to loved ones, lovers or children, this is an ideal time to do it! The planets in Cancer serve this type of project with efficiency and sensitivity. Your sensuality will be a bit pragmatic, fooling around will not be your priority. It’s summer, take a rest, taste the joys of a light love and a burning libido!

In a relationship:
Financial questions could upset your complicity or your harmony if you are not careful. Love and money do not mix! Except for the last week, where you will be happy to find yourself together for leisure or around a birthday cake! Simplicity and a joy of living. Your heart is at home!

Love! The great love sometimes escapes under your fins, misunderstood as you are! Go see your friends, they can facilitate a quality meeting. Take out your intuitive radar, do not take advantage of it to escape at the right moment! Your libido is jostled but you know how to become a shark when destiny demands it!

Advice from FREE Horoscope:
No negative planets in Square with your sign, which predicts an easy month to live. Do not deduce that everything will be rosy, your nature to embellish reality could be a bit excessive. Simply live these weeks with serenity.