Morning chants, Sarva Mangalye and Amma Taye

A friend asked what chants I have found helpful, significant, these are ones I say daily in rotation. The first chant is the Sarva Mangala , the Durga mantra. It basically is a Hindu version of “Blessed Mother who oversees the material world, bless us and protect us.
”Sarva mangala mangalye, Shive, sarvartha sadhake,
Saranye triambike Gowri, narayani namos thuthe.

Sar’ va man’ ga la Mahn’ ga lay
Shi’ vay Sar’ vaa tha’ Sad’ ee kay’
Sha’ ran yay’ Tray am’ bee kay’ Gowri
Na’ raya nee’ Na mos’ too tay
Na’ raya nee’ Na mos’ too tay (repeat the chant in sets of 3)

Here it is

The second chant: Here is the Amma Taye (in Tamil)
Ama Ama Taye
Akhi landash vari niye
Anna purnesh vari Taye
O-o-o-o Adi Parashakti Niye

(Amma Taye=Oh Mama, Mama, Divine Mother, Goddess of the Universe, Nourisher of all creatures. You are the Primal Supreme Power; Akilanda=Lord of Origin; Ishwara=Sun)

Here it is by Bhagavan Das