Conscious men do not deceive when asked about relationship status

The awkward moment when you get a message from someone asking about the relationship status of your mate.   Um, you know those long, late night phone calls  he has with Facebook friends? That’s when he needs to address that.  If he is who he says he is, you shouldn’t have anyone asking you those questions. And if he’s not, exit stage left.  Women are going to talk.  Women will contact each other and ask wuz up to get the real skinny.   Conscious men do not dishonor a woman by failure to disclose when asked.  Personally,  I don’t put relationship status on Facebook since I’m not looking to hook up with anyone.  I could say divorced or widowed and leave it at that, omitting the greater truth with a clean conscious.  However the truth is that until two days after this post, I’d been seeing someone and we shared an emotional involvement the past year.  We’re similar enough that we share good times daily and dissimilar enough that we know we’re not likely to ride off into the sunset together. But we’re together now.  It’s not a topic of conversation with us.  Women ask me about him all the time.  I say he’s the one to ask.  What I think and what he thinks may be two different things.  Our agreement is that as soon as the other has no further desire for emotional involvement, we say it right then and morph back to friendship.  Which is easy to do when everyone is honest and is who they proclaim to be.  Nothing is sexier than a man who’s honest.  Don’t deny attraction with other people, explore whatever you’re led to explore, but don’t deceive in order to interact with anyone.  That dishonors you and them.  You’re bigger than that.  We all are.  Update: Two days after writing this, my relationship ended.