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The March 2021 Horizons is now online and here are the horoscopes

March 2021

The mag is now online at March 2021 Horizons
WE DECIDED TO MIX IT UP FOR 2021. We get a lot of questions, so beginning this month, we’ve added two new monthly Q & A’s: Crone’s Council and Ask Delphine. Email them your questions and see them answered here. 
Jim Egan is letting me run his series on How to Recognize Magical Beings. “Magic is easy!,” Jim says and I agree, “Just change your perspective, and poof, the whole world has been transformed.” Sharron Britton of High Springs Emporium will each month give the magical and healing properties of rocks and minerals. Debra Strasser lists the Celebrations of the Ancestors in many traditions and religions around the world and also shares tips on Gardening The Medicine Way with planting diagrams this month! She’s my go-to chick for intel on veg and herbal medicinals.  What these writers all have in common are they look at the world in a little different way than most, so they see the magic and potential and balance in it all. And because that’s what they’re looking for, they find it. Here are the horoscopes:

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Andrea’s February 2021 Editorial

February 2021

Hello and welcome to the February 2021 edition of Horizons Magazine.  Friends are glad for the new administration. For me the last 4 years went quickly. Once it was clear at the first press conference that he wasn’t telling the truth, I stopping listening. Period. I know friends in the military with kids who received benefit from his policies. It didn’t affect me either way. Covid 19 affected me and that was mishandled but otherwise, despite the horrors that I know otherwise occurred, I was unaffected as a result of the policies of the last 4 years.  Yes, some I knew had immigration fears but that wasn’t me personally.

I lost “friends” in the last 4 years, not due to difference of politics, but due to them becoming so rabidly mean and hateful on Facebook, name calling, mocking those they opposed.  But it’s not fun to be around folks like that anyway so it’s no real loss.  I’m all about keeping it real and keeping it fun.   Continue reading

The February 2021 Horizons is now online and here are the horoscopes

February 2021

The February 2021 Horizons is now online at  Here are the horoscopes:

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)
A powerful light is shed on your projects and your social circle! Until the 18th, the Sun in Aquarius puts a spotlight on your relationship sector, if you had projects in mind, it’s a good time to launch them! Your friends could help you, unless an association is created to promote its emergence? Your financial sector comes to life under the energies of Mars in Taurus this month, joining Uranus, undisputed master of the unexpected, you will be active and enterprising to increase or protect your assets. Your socio-professional destiny is being modified, let go of what no longer serves you. 19th to 28th, the Sun in Pisces invites you to a salutary introspection.

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Please watch over your elders, they may be scam targets

Going thru old files page by page looking for a legal doc that might be mis-filed, I’m reminded that my husband and father in law fell prey to many investment scams. Lee died in 96, Dad lived just 3 miles from me. I invited him to live with me after I stopped by one day after getting no answer. The rule was he would “call me each day to make sure I was ok.” He said he heard the phone ring but he was doing the daily mail so he didn’t answer.

Um, he’s 84, what kind of “daily mail” was he doing? I asked if I could help him and he had me sit at the dining table. It was covered with dozens of scam mail (this was 1999) solicitations and he spent much of each day filling them out and sending them in. That and attending “business lunches” which were those free restaurant meals for seniors who sit thru the investment opp presentation. The rest of every day was watching news and Jerry Springer, then more news. He came to live with me in 99. I asked if he could help me feed the squirrels each day. Continue reading

Andrea’s January 2021 Editorial

WELCOME TO THE JANUARY 2021 HORIZONS. Here’s to hindsight being 2020. The big changes of 2020 forced me to make big changes in my own life. At first, when the pandemic arrived and the income tanked, I didn’t think, “Oh phooey, what am I gonna do now?” only because I’d learned to have a Plans B, C, and D-Z ready to go. Still, change is hard. With one income stream halted, it also halted a lot of expenses and freed up time. I didn’t take long to debate, “should I wait this out or jump on Plan B right away?” I knew that if I could begin doing mundane daily chores and look at them as spiritual practice, in awhile my thoughts would clear, leaving room for guidance and new ideas.

Show me a way,” I asked, “Make me notice opportunities where I‘ll find meaningful and fun and satisfying work.” I can’t ask that, tho, unless I’m prepared to do my part: look at everything that comes after that request as part of the puzzle piece of the answer.

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The January 2021 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

January 2021

The January 2021 Horizons is now online at
Here are the horoscopes.

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)

A beautiful energy energizes you until the 6th, enough to meet professional challenges that are waiting for you under the powerful effect of the cluster in Capricorn Sun until the 19th, Mercury until the 8th and Pluto all month long.

Your finances occupy your mind, Mars, your planet, tumbles in Taurus from the 7th to the 31st and comes to awaken your interest for your money especially that which is related to your profession. From the 20th, there is room for your projects, your friends and your desire for expansion! Your nature should appreciate these energies resolutely turned towards the future. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius boost the first decan by offering a beautiful anchoring and a superb evolution! Neptune still titillates your intimate life, second decan, a desire for introspection? This month foreshadows challenges and a long-term vision.  Continue reading

Andrea’s December 2020 Editorial

WELCOME TO THE DECEMBER 2020 HORIZONS. Ok, by now you’ve read the December Horizons already but in case you didn’t, the December issue is now online and here are the horoscopes.  The big news in my life (I mean besides having the west woods I’ve known for 37 years completely removed in June for new construction — gahh! ) is the new neighbor moved in and is pleasant and nice. We wave and say hi when I’m gardening in the west yard and he steps onto his porch to let the dog run out for a few minutes. If you’re on my Facebook, you read about all the antics. We talked about the vines in the trees along the property line, he said if I’d cut them, he’d pull them down once they dry out. That made me notice the vines definitely hinder natural tree leafage, so they’ll be glad to be free.  He’s got a big fish tank AND has city water, but my well water is excellent. I let him fill his tank from my hose. Since he’s got city water, when power goes out after storms, he still has water, so now so will we hehe  Continue reading

The December 2020 Horizons is now online and here are the horoscopes

December 2020

The December 2020 Horizons is now online at  Here are the horoscopes.

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)
An ideal of life and projects are in the spotlight, dear Aries! At the end of the year you are always focused on this desire to rise to your ideal. The Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, until the 21st, infuse their desires and optimistic thoughts! Mars, your planet, at home, gives you unparalleled energy.

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The November Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

November 2020

The November 2020 Horizons is now online at  Here are the horoscopes.

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)

Partner or associate in the spotlight and a fantastic energy, dear Aries! Your sector attached to others receives Mercury in Libra until the 10th and Venus until the 21st.

Your planet, Mars, all month in your sign gives you an extraordinary energy! However, the Sun in Scorpio until the 21st, as well as Mercury from the 11th to the 30th, invites you to a mode of radiation more introspective than active. Do not plunge ahead heedlessly, like the good Aries you are, but first think. The last week, from the 22nd to the 30th, under the Sun in Sagittarius, will be ideal to act! Uranus continues its monetary reform, impacting your sector related to professional money, first decan. Powerful planetary energies always help incite you to changes, which affect your socio-professional sphere, last two decans.  

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The October Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

October 2020


The October 2020 Horizons is now online at

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)

Make room for each other and a mental introspection, dear Aries! Until the 22nd, the Sun in Libra strengthens the place of your partner and associates. Hyper energized by Mars in your sign you will be forced to cooperate! Mercury in Scorpio until the 28th, comes to titillate your inner life, your relationship to the money of others and to mature your ideas.

Venus softens working conditions and the daily routine, from the 4th to the 28th. Before and after, it’s more fun! Your socio-professional destiny is always boosted by the universe, last two decans, sacrifices and reworkings? Your financial sector feels the influx of Uranus into Taurus, first decan, an irreversible change in your source of income is underway. Change of job? Partnership created? From the 23rd to the 31st, the Sun in Scorpio strengthens your libido!

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