Category Archives: Uncategorized

I have to feel safe whether someone is in custody or not

For the first time in 4 years, I woke up feeling completely safe in my own space. I walked right outside and wandered around the property in the dark, and didn’t once give thought to who might be out there, waiting unseen. I could sit in my garden, eyes closed listening to the bamboo and not wonder if each snap of a twig was a footstep. It was not a lurking fear, just a passing thought but I had it almost every time I went outside. Four years later when I thought it was over, he came to my door unannounced. He knows he is not welcome. He has no boundaries. I’ve seen him walking repeatedly in the area, acting impaired. He knows the secret hiding places in my woods, where to watch from. The fear renewed after his visit. Two days ago I woke up wanting coffee and a cigarette. I told G that’s a signal that my former friend had something going on. The next day I looked online and saw he was in custody. I felt a wave of relief and felt weight drop off my shoulders that I didn’t even know I held.  Continue reading

Update on former friend arrested for grabbing a woman’s crotch

bonner-12-22-16-arrest-for-violation-copyA former friend was arrested on 11-11-16 for battery in the Dollar store –>  Palm Bay Man Arrested For Grabbing Woman’s Crotch. Today on December 22, 2016 he was picked up for violation of his pre-trial release order and is being held with $5,000 bond.  Even given multiple chances, some people can’t help self sabotaging. Maybe now he’ll get the help he needs.

12-24-16 UPDATE: He’s out on bond again!

9-20-18 UPDATE: he’s in custody again.

Bar soap in bed to relieve leg aches, back pain

soap-under-sheetA bar of soap under the sheet is a natural remedy for not only night time leg cramps and restless leg syndrome, but also neck and back pain. Many use Ivory soap. Place the unwrapped bar under the fitted sheet to keep it from moving around. Most leg aches can be associated with dehydration and depletion of potassium. Gator-ade has sodium chloride, which replenishes lost potassium as well as rehydrates. Most bar soaps also contain sodium chloride. During sleep, it is absorbed thru the skin from the soap. A Florida man patented a cushion with compartments sewn into it to hold soaps. If you have leg aches, it would be easy enough to make a personal lap blanket using the info –> When my legs cramp, I take a magnesium pill with a bottle of water and rub my leg with magnesium oil or magnesium lotion. If the magnesium oil makes you itch, switch to the lotion.

Abraham Hicks on Donald Trump

Abraham Hicks always gives me good self talk. They remind me of what I know so I can bring that to mind during troubled times. Callers recently have anxiety over election results, so this link is for Youtube videos where Abraham talks about Trump. Give a listen with an open mind. There is a way out of the madness.

Stop limiting yourself with lies

Be careful what you speak because the Universe is listening. In the 80’s a friend lied to our employer that she was in a car accident on her way home from vacation and it would be a few more days before she got back. She was killed in a car accident 4 days later. Now a former friend has the bright idea he’ll claim a back injury and apply for disability. Not only will he call a back injury to himself with his play-acting about it, he’s limiting his potential income to whatever paltry amount SSD pays when he’s well able to earn far more without conning anyone.

You never know what something looks like to an outsider

It’s all about perception. “Some see Christianity as the belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.”

You never know what something looks like to an outsider, huh?

Our collective outrage just gives the monster power

dog-reading-newspaperOur collective hatred and outrage is just giving a monster power! I saw a headline about the Trump/KKK connection and laughed out loud. Laughed? Everyone hating on him is giving him power. I find myself laughing at it because it shocks me into the *BAM* awareness that *everything* is an illusion and that soon enough I’ll be awake and aware in a new incarnation elsewhere before this one becomes unbearable.
— In the meantime I’m empowered knowing that EVERYthing I see is an illusion since I also know I’M the one who determines the tone of the people and situations I come in contact with. I determine who and what comes to me by virtue of where I place my thoughts on a daily, hourly, moment by moment basis.
     — Since the collective consciousness was so focused on Trump — for better AND worst — it gave him the power — the fuel supplied by OUR emotional reaction to him — to be where he is now.  But where he is now is pliable, mind you, and there’s still time to reroute what’s on the way. To do that we have to defuse the anger we feel each time we see ignorance in action. We have to find humor in it at least long enough to lift our emotions up off the anger to a higher place, a place that feels better. Because until we can look at stuff like the KKK and Trump and feel better, we are going to keep giving him power. And like gravity, it is working whether you believe in it or not. So, for the sake of mankind, lighten up.