Category Archives: Uncategorized

Making the change to a healthy eating style

I got great news last night.  I’m incredibly healthy!  In February of this year, I changed my eating habits to dramatically reduce fats and processed foods.  Sixty days ago, I got tested with the Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner.  The scanner is the only non-invasive device that claims to measure carotenoid levels in human tissue at the skin surface using optical signals. Carotenoids are members of the antioxidant family. Continue reading

Why is death deemed tragic? Would God prevent the caterpillar from becoming a butterfly? Practicing what you preach. Meditation. Supernatural vs. spiritual. Atheist vs. agnostic. Judging Amy. The gift of change.

Last month on The Larry King Show, he had a panel including author Marianne Williamson, an evangelical pastor, a Catholic priest, an atheist, a Jewish Rabbi and a Muslim on “What Happens When We Die?” During the talk, the evangelical pastor and the atheist both stated there was no evidence to the claim of the other. We hear that a lot in debates and sales. Statements are made as if it’s The Truth rather than just the belief and current understanding of the speaker. Or, in the case of sales presentations and news reporting, it may not be the speaker’s personal belief, but it is what they are paid to tell you is the truth in order to get you to buy their product or story. The pastor was adamant that the Bible is the ultimate, final and unchanging Word of God and that it contains all the proof anyone needs. The atheist stated “There’s never been secular evidence that Jesus Christ ever existed.” The atheist chose to not accept the Bible as evidence. The pastor chose not to accept her statement that there was no secular evidence.   Continue reading

Ma Yoga Shakti on Consciousness

Mataji pg 92 in Karl Benzing book Awareness Ctr of Being“All people are blessed.  It is God Himself who takes birth in a physical form.  If we turn our gaze towards God, divine energy will possess body, mind and senses.  Purity of Heart makes the mind receptive to divine vibrations.  Wise people choose an ocean of consciousness to swim rather than to wade a pond of narrow thinking.  Consciousness picks up vibrations from the cosmos. When the mind is open, it receives more light from the cosmic existence.  If we think that the world has limited resources, it becomes very limited.  If we prepare our mind to think that the world offers unlimited resources, one learns and prepares to reach high.”  Ma Yoga Shakti

From Page 92 of Awareness – the Center of Being: A Complete Guide to Self-Awareness with Proof for the Existence of God by Karl W. Benzing

Mandatory evacuation, surviving Hurricane Frances, being the Vision Keeper

Hello and welcome to the October 2004 issue of Horizons Magazine.  What an exciting September we’ve had, huh? First Hurricane Charley, then Frances, then Ivan, then Jeanne – Florida is getting a cleansing like we haven’t seen for decades, many for the first time in our lives! I grew up in Florida and the worst storm I ever experienced was Hurricane Donna in 1962, when I was 10. We’d boarded up the house and rode it out, and it wasn’t until the next day that we realized, by the widespread damage, what an enormous storm it was.  What I recalled most was hearing a knock on the door in the eye of the storm when Mr. Jones came over with a cup of coffee for my dad and they chatted a few minutes. Continue reading

A Spooky Happening on the Bus Ride During Our First Haunted Hotel and Ghost Tour in Cassadaga. We get to practice what we know and avoid a crisis. Then it’s Orbs Galore all night long!

I welcome opportunities to practice what I know. We sure got it in October 2003, with a busload of tour attendees on an overnight excursion. This is a great example of why I’ve learned to look everywhere around me for evidence of happiness, well-being, synchronicity and enough of everything. It’s all a matter of training my mind to respond deliberately and appropriately to whatever is going on in the moment. It’s all a matter of training my mind to see what I’d like to see. . Here’s a great example. In October 2003 we went on our first ghost tour guided by my friend Barbara Dobson of Spirited Adventures. After a stop on the ride up, we all begin to notice a smoky electrical smell coming from inside the bus. The driver had checked out the vehicle and nothing seemed amiss, so we began our trek to our haunted village. Barb was sitting behind the driver, facing our guests and talking as we rode along. I was sitting in the first seat on the opposite side, keeping a watchful eye on the driver’s control panel. We had the door open to expel the bit of smokey smell when suddenly from beneath the control panel to the left front of the driver, there’s a snap and crackle, and a quick flash of smoke. The driver quickly checks everything and doesn’t seem concerned, so I figure it’s under control and the smoke soon subsides.

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The Pleasures of Practicing the Presence

... Sit twice a day for 20 minutes at a time ...

… Practicing the presence …

I’ve been asked what it feels like when I feel connected, so I describe one occasion here for you. I find that nothing floods my body and mind with sensual pleasure as much as devotional meditation, or practicing the presence. I’m interested in our endocrine system and like to experiment with altered consciousness brought about by meditation and conscious thought, in effect “turning on” my neurotransmitters at will.   By consciously directing thought — serotonin, melatonin and endorphins are released into my system, allowing me to relax, and feel pleasure flooding through me. I had a neat vision the other day that flooded me with pleasure and evoked a Great Mother kind of image.    Continue reading

I get robbed, a little, the night I was the coldest I’ve ever been.

Brrrrrr.  I realize how lucky I have it, having grown up in Florida.  I can’t imagine what real cold must feel like.  The coldest I’ve ever been is back in January 2000.  I’d driven all day to arrive after dark at a home I had in Murphy, NC and when I arrived, it was 15 degrees and snowflakey.  I’d picked up groceries in Elijay, GA on my way in.  I thought how good a hot shower would feel, and I would heat soup on the stove and the heater would be going by the time I got out of the shower.  I came in and went right to the kitchen to set groceries down and get my soup going.  I found I had no water!  I went into the bathroom and tried that faucet, no water.  So much for a shower, much less a hot one. Continue reading

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

We see it on tv all the time; violent death and painful trauma on the way to it. Movies are filled with it, it’s on tv all day and night, and our generation and our kids grew up with it. No wonder the thought of death strikes fear in most of us! But as usual, what’s shown in the media isn’t necessarily how things are; it’s just what sells tickets.  This article is excerpted from a compilation of personal case histories of people I’ve read for. I wanted to share it because I’ve witnessed many times where those who did not believe in an afterlife were surprised with messages from loved ones, although they had been brought up to believe otherwise. I love watching someone experience the dawning of a new understanding as their former, limited belief system crumbles.   Continue reading

Her Perception Upon Dying

A channelled message from the nonphysical perspective of one who recently made their transition. This came to me during a telephone reading in response to a daughter inquiring about a beloved parent who had recently passed.    

As you watched my body lapse and fail,
I watched Creation unfold in all its Glory;

As my body contorted as though in pain, all I felt was joyful bliss at glimpsing what lie beyond. My final tears were not in frustration of incapacity, they sprang forth in welcome relief and freedom.

My lack of response concerned you so yet I heard every word and felt every kiss
While my tongue was quiet, my mind’s eye was filled with sights and sensations of such Loving immersion that no words could begin to describe it; so I didn’t even try.

Rather, perhaps selfishly, I chose to slip my grateful shell of a body and merge myself in the brilliant Light and Radiance  of that overwhelmingly loving and comforting Presence  that so benevolently graced my final days.

Copyright 1999 Andrea deMichaelis

RELATED: The end of death as we know it