Category Archives: Uncategorized

Where does standing up for others fit into law of attraction?

Friday May 22 2009.  I went back and read what I blogged May 7th Do I let friends have their own dream, or do I warn them? I thought how judgmental it sounded.  When I’m being judgmental and opinionated is when something raises my emotional ire and, when that happens, I no longer have a clear view.  And I don’t mean something that throws me into a rage, I mean something that catches my attention in a way that makes me feel I need to protect someone from something.  Something that causes in me a feeling of wanting to change circumstances from what they are now to something I find preferable.  I am not an activist by any means.  I bless those who choose that bumpy path.  But I have long felt myself to be somewhat of a voice for those who haven’t found their voice yet.  Those who don’t speak up for themselves.  Those who can’t speak up for themselves.

It’s funny as I say that, that also, as a psychic medium, I give voice for those who have crossed over.  More who can’t speak up for themselves. But I’m talking here about the people I know who are too shy to voice what they want to say to someone.  Mostly for fear of repercussion, fear of backlash for speaking up.  I grew up in a household like that, where everyone was waiting for the axe to fall, at Dad’s mood.  Something I won’t watch 10 seconds of on tv?  A couple or family arguing. Off.  Period, end of story. Continue reading

Seeking Referrals for Accurate Psychic Readers

The newer, updated post for the below is at On Still Seeking Referrals for Accurate Psychic Readers.  I did a new post to allow comments, since this one did not.  Please go to the above link.

Last May, I posted the following on Facebook:  “Most of you know that I publish Horizons, and have a psychic reading practice as well (see .) I’m booked through 2009 and need someone to refer appointments to for psychic readings (not spiritual counseling). Someone who can give accurate, detailed info about what is happening now and predictions for the future. If you know someone (really) real, let me know.”  I got several responses back right away.

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I remember Momma; If you could see where I have gone

Happy Mother’s Day.  Today is my mom’s birthday.  The photo to the right is mommy and her mom in 1953.  Andrea was also my mother’s name.  She later shortened it to Anne and that is what everyone called her.  Everyone except family.  There, she was still Andrea and I was always called a nickname.  When I got to first grade, the teacher had a hard time getting me to answer to Andrea since I’d never been called that.  I always thought Andrea was such a great name for a dark, exotic beauty like my mom.  I always felt like the beige one around her.  Mom was 5’3″ tall, olive skinned with green eyes and lots of dark, wavy hair.  She wore it halfway down her back all the time I was growing up.  I envied her hair, since mine was whiteblonde, thin and stick straight.  I grew up in a Latino neighborhood and went to public schools where blonde and fair was the exception rather than the rule.  I remember grown men calling out from cars or worksites when I was a teenager “ay rubio!” which means “hey blondie”. I was a typical teenager, wanting to fit in with everyone else, and I envied the dark haired, brown skinned look.  People  always seemed surprised we were mother and daughter.  My mom always seemed like some exotic queen out of a fairy tale, and I adored her completely. Continue reading

Update: Think and Grow Rich script from last month fulfilled

Saturday May 9, 2009. On 3-26-09, I wrote at Organizing My Finances, Script From Think and Grow Rich my script for how much income I wanted to bring in the next month. When I write these scripts, I use a dollar figure that is increasingly more than I typically make.   I just did a tally of the income for that period and sent my brother a copy of the report showing the total.  When I ran it, at first I thought that made me just $188.29 short of my goal and I was excited to be so close.  Then I realized I did not add in the $500 I get for a rental unit I own, which goes into a different account.  So my total for that time period was $311.71 over what I had requested and planned for.  Once again, the process worked like a charm. Continue reading

$150 million lawsuit to keep The Secret

To those who write and ask me, this is all I know about the lawsuit between Rhonda Byrne and Esther Hicks or anyone else in the matter of the rights to The Secret:

5-17-08 article $150 million battle to keep The Secret

8-23-08 article in The Australian  Could the universe be restoring the balance against Rhonda Byrne, producer of The Secret?,25197,24223394-5012694,00.html

RELATED: 2 Versions of The Secret and Common Misconception about Law of Attraction
When Friends Criticize the Abraham-Hicks and Law of Attraction work

Hear Esther Hicks on Oprah here explaining in her own words 

When death can be sweet relief — Seeing through the illusion

Today is the 33rd anniversary of my brother Bobby’s passing. He was 22 in 1976 when he committed suicide.  I view death differently now.  At the time, he was hanging with a sketchy crowd and I’d had to bail him out of jail for minor offenses.  He had a minimum wage job he enjoyed, and no high school diploma.   He lived with the love of his life, not far from his new daughter. He was going through a lot of things, mental and physical, and apparently it overwhelmed him.  He didn’t talk to anyone about his troubles, so who knows what specific combination of thoughts finally got to him.  Although I felt sadness at the time, I felt mostly relief that we wouldn’t have to worry about him any longer, nor wonder when that middle of the night call would come.  Nor how to tell my parents when it did.  It was something I had never anticipated.   I felt stoked that my heart didn’t feel ripped right out of my body, as it did when my husband died a few years earlier.  I had been meditating and studying yoga philosophy, and viewed each death as a practice in seeing through the illusion.  I began feeling connected to the essence of each loved one who passed and through time, it just seemed both natural and transitory when the bodies fell away- nothing to get upset about.  It is going to happen.  We go to sleep here and wake up there. I will feel blessed when it comes, while eagerly anticipating the next adventure.  That’s the thought I pre-pave for myself.  Continue reading

Lazy Easter spent communing in nature, meditation, cardinals

Monday, April 13, 2009. I had a really good 3 day weekend.  Actually, I had a really good whole last week. I felt like I had a vacation.  I don’t know if it’s the St. John’s Wort I’m doing a trial run of or just relaxing more, but my constant thinking about work has eased up.  My urges to get just a little more done, to get a little more caught up, to get another call returned, have eased.  And those weren’t stressful thoughts, the only stressful part of it was my sense of urgency that I had to be doing it around the clock, nonstop.   I’m still working 12+ hours a day, but there is no sense of urgency about it.  That’s one way my ego tries to control me. Making me feel I urgently need to be doing something.  Making me want to constantly change what is.  All week I’ve been having good long periods of non thought and not just during meditation.  This is when I can tell that my decades long daily meditation discipline is working.  The mind silence is the fruit of my labor.  Sometimes I catch my mantra going in my mind all by itself.  Or I catch myself singing or chanting aloud.  I love it when that is the autopilot I revert to.  I love that that is my default setting, when I clear my mind of nonessentials. Continue reading

Camping in the woods under the full moon

Saturday, April 11, 2009. Well, I had an awesome time yesterday.  I goofed off more than I planned to, but that’s a good thing since I don’t plan too much goof off time.  My pal Joy brought me over a container grow box she made for my birthday.  Her yard is a maze of gardens and planters and grow boxes.  Her boxes are full of strawberries and such, but mine has become my herb garden.  I planted basil, peppers, rosemary and stevia in it.    I eat so much fresh basil and rosemary that it just makes sense to grow my own.  That’s not so easy to do in my yard anymore, however, since I have such nice, high shade over most of it.  The herb garden I planted several years ago now has half a dozen very sparse and leggy rosemary plants in it and it no longer gets the sun that it used to.  With the grow box, I can place it smack dab in the middle of the back yard all day long, and just move it when I want to mow.  One year she gave me a really cool homemade herbal vinegar she made, with sprigs of rosemary in it.  I made it last as long as I could.  Now that’s someone who knows how to give a gift.  No wonder they call her Joy. Continue reading

Kryon on being a lighthouse

lighthouse in storm2-72A Lightworker asked:  “I’m in a place I don’t want to be in… Why am I being punished every day by having to work with these people that are so dark?… They think I’m crazy and don’t honor me or my life… What should I think about this? It’s hard!“And my answer is:  So you think it’s all about an accident? Or that you’re being punished? Then you have missed the grandeur of a standard Lighthouse. Lighthouses aren’t built in safe places. They choose to be where the storms are! You’re not being punished.. You’re being taken to a difficult place to shine your light.
Physically, what should you be doing with the people around you? Can you love them? Listen to them! Listen to what’s really happening in their lives. Consider every day one where you have an opportunity to create light in a dark place. Watch attitudes change.. You may be “weird” to them, but they know you represent integrity.
Spiritually… you’re a light in a dark place and you wonder why you’re there? It isn’t always about you. Think about them! You’re being given an opportunity.  This is the work you came to do, and it’s not forever. In a place you don’t want to be, working with people you don’t want to be with, is the work of a Lighthouse.  What if you’re the only light they ever see?”

RELATED: You never know when you can help someone be strong

Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn

A recently laid off print journalist friend wrote yesterday and her question was so classic and universal, I wanted to share it with you.  She writes, Where I run into trouble with the subject of money is an understanding of where it comes from. In my mind it is like trading with a toxic substance. Instead I am looking to focus on what it is I would like in my life and desire the end of a monetary system all together.”  acorn_sproutI replied, “That’s because you think the money comes from outside yourself.  That’s what we’re taught.  It helped me to see money as coming out of me, just as an oak tree comes out of an acorn.  That yes, I should endeavor to keep jobs in place and buy lotto tickets to give dollars more avenues to come in, but to also expect that dollars can come to me from a source I have no way of expecting it to.  Just leave room for the miracle, so to speak.  Leave a part of your consciousness on the idea that, I would love to see how much money from an unexpected source that the Universe can provide me with. Then look around you every day and see what other people do to make money that you could also do. Continue reading