Category Archives: Uncategorized

To Ms. Jump To Conclusions: I am not out to get your man

If you’ve seen emails or messages from me to your man, instead of getting riled up for nothing and sending me confrontational emails, please have him open them in front of you.  I’d rather you be ticked at him for secretly undertaking meditation instruction than whatever else you think we’re doing.  Fer realz.  No hard feelingz.  As you were.

Meditation links

Domino is aggravated by what his mate posts on Facebook

 Stick my head in the sand like an ostrich?

Stick my head in the sand like an ostrich?

Domino complained last night that his mate is flirty on Facebook and it infuriates him to see it.  I suggested he turn off the notifications for her posts.  “Then how do I know what she’s doing?” he asked.  Why do you want to know what she’s doing if it infuriates you? When you see it, does it make you insecure about your relationship with her? If you did not see it, would you be insecure about your relationship with her based solely upon how she acts and reacts with you?  Do you feel the time she spends on Facebook is time she should spend with you?  Facebook is another kind of relaxation.  It appears she spends her time on the things that make her happy and Domino resents that some of those things do not include him. That’s a slippery slope. Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world, because even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness.  “So the answer is to stick my head in the sand like an ostrich and not even be aware of it?” The answer is to keep your attention always focused on something that pleases you and, when you encounter something that does not please you, pivot your attention immediately to something that does please you.

When you feel you’re being broken, take care what comfort you attract

Their experience doesn’t have to be your experience

Two rave about it, two hated it, shall I go?  A friend and I spoke earlier of our love of Mediterranean cuisine and he mentioned a favorite local restaurant I’d not visited.  I went online to read reviews about it and read a couple that were particularly scathing.  After reading the same reviews on several sites, the authors were revealed and I saw they were two Facebook friends.  Apparently they had such a vividly poor experience they felt it necessary to post their review on several websites.  I understand that.  What they don’t understand is that they attracted to themselves the experiences they had, and that their experience did not have to be anyone else’s. Hence me hearing raving reviews from other regular diners, and having an excellent experience myself. Continue reading

At times like this, it’s comforting to know we survive in consciousness after the change called death

We survive in consciousness after the change called death.  I now know death is just like stepping into the next room.  I also know that, on some level, we each agreed before we came into this life as to what we would experience and with whom.  The brave souls, young and old, now know a greater good will come out of their early passing. They now see clearly where we do not.  “For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I KNOW.”

RELATED: The end of death as we know it
Is everything God’s will?

Two breath meditation techniques

A friend emailed me:  “I almost feel like I need to start out basic and breathing and meditation… not spend alot of time on it as most people know about it but you never know when a new comer might not even understand meditation and how important it is… not only for relaxing the mind and body and releasing stress but also to connect and communicate with our guides and spirits….   “

I replied: “Yes you are right. I find that most people are insecure about the way they meditate anyway, even those who have done it for years.  And I always mention that, so no one feels stupid for having attended meditations for years and still aren’t sure what they are supposed to be thinking about while their eyes are closed, and after the guided part is over and they are in the silence.  Meditation is like sex, everyone talks about it but few actually experience it as they tell others they do. Continue reading

Don’t let your glitter get stuck

spiral glitter wandI have a spiral glitter wand in a holder on my desk, filled with glycerin and multi-colored glitter. When I turn it upside down, the glitter slowly drops to the bottom, making beautiful shapes as it does. Sometimes the glitter gets stuck and I have to shake it up to get the air bubble to the right place so it can rise again, freeing the glitter to fall. I feel like that myself sometimes too. My glitter gets stuck and I have to shake it up to get it flowing again.

Whether you love me forever is irrelevant

butterfly-in-handWhat is relevant is that, while you love me, you love me fully.  We don’t regret our past, we don’t anticipate a future.  We enjoy each holy, sacred moment we’ve got right Now and we stay flexible enough to ever-morph into more of what our work together is to be.  Who’s to say whether that’s 24 more hours or 24 more years?  All that matters to me is that in the Now, I feel happy, I feel content, I feel I am doing meaningful work, I feel that I love and am loved, I am having fun, I have friends I feel emotionally supported by.  At some point, I learned it’s irrelevant whether that love comes from a particular person or not, and learned the duration had zero to do with it.   The intensity of the connectedness and fun-ness in the Now is everything.  Everything.

I’ve been forging a new path in the west woods; doncha love the metaphor?

I’ve been in the west woods this week, clearing a new path through the pines and palmettoes.  The path begins at the edge of the backyard, circles around the young oak in the center, and ends at the firepit area.  The last few days, I’ve come in from the backyard but today I wanted to come at it from the other direction.  Properly armed with gloves and pruners, wearing jeans, long sleeved shirt and yard boots as protection from the undergrowth of thorny vine, I walked in from the firepit area. Continue reading