Category Archives: Uncategorized

Full Moon Ritual for releasing the things in our lives that no longer serve us

moon full clouds cameoThe Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, when the Sun and the Moon are opposite. The full moon completes the cycle, representing death,  change, or tying up loose ends. It symbolizes the end chapter, shedding light on the things that we no longer need to hold on to.  Full Moon is an opportune time of  the month for purging rituals to take place. The light the full moon  offers illuminates those things that are interfering with our  spiritual advancements. Once we have become enlightened to ways that are blocking us, the easier to let go. The full moon ritual is for releasing or purging the things in our lives that no longer serve us such as addictions to food, drugs, or sex, relinquishing suffering involved in hurtful relationships, discharging physical and emotional pains, etc.   Continue reading

Guest blog by my early on mentor Frank T. Maiello

FTMAs human beings, what would you say is our greatest addiction, and by far the most difficult of all to quit?  The answer will surprise you.   Give yourself a minute to think about it, because it *could* be thought of as a trick question.  Two hints have already been given, and you still can’t come up with the answer? Considering the themes of my posts, you might have guessed it…  the answer is: our habit of thinking!  It starts first thing in the morning, and doesn’t let up ’til we go back to sleep.  Now the question becomes, if one wanted to, can one will it to stop?   Can anyone will it to stop even if their life depended on it?  No need to answer this. we all really know the answer…and now we know it to be our biggest problem as a species! Why? The answer to this is intimated below.  After many years of diligent meditation, one might get lucky a few moments here and there. However, if they ever reach the point where they can stop it for about a minute and remain awake and aware, they will experience something FAR beyond anything experienced before, for, what they will experience is nothing less than divine bliss. The hindus call this samadhi; the buddhists nirvana; and the gnostic christians heaven.  Frank T. Maiello Continue reading

Apologies To The Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition)

Jeff Brown Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown:  I apologize for my inability to distinguish the benevolent warrior from the heartless warrior, a reflection of my own confusion dealing with the battlefields of yore. When I opened my heart too wide, I was vulnerable to attack from warring factions. I was conditioned to believe that I had to stay rigid, focused, prepared for any eventuality, in the desire to protect myself and others from attack. But I went too far, and closed too tight, and eradicated the bridge between our hearts. I am seeing this now and I am sorry. Continue reading

Never doubt you have the power to change someone’s life

In September 2011, I met someone with a very fundamental, Bible based viewpoint.  He was a spiritual seeker, unsatisfied with where he was.  I began sharing my experience of universal truths, we began going through my library and discussing authors and ideas that were all new to him.  He said he’d never met anyone like me, someone metaphysically minded.  I told him there was a whole lot of “us” out there, I just happened to be the first he met…  I shared with him breathing exercises, and spoke of meditation, creative visualizationkundalini awakening, tarot, astrology, totem symbolism, numerology and the chakra system.  I could tell the lights were going off as he soaked in more each day.  Finally – something that made sense, something he could use to reframe his life to understand why he’d gone through all he’d experienced and how it all led up to that moment.  In six short weeks, we met and had intense discussions about energy work, transparency, the fact that it’s all related and karmic implications.  With no advance notice to me, he was incarcerated out of state for 6 months, during which time he was captive audience for daily letters and articles, continuing our conversations.  We spoke on the phone every other day.  Every week I could see changes in his thinking as he told me of how he was using the teachings he’d learned to counsel his cellmates.  He wrote me dozens of poems and songs in daily letters. When he returned, he began posting online what he knew and how he had been able to help others with it.  The one who left was not the one who returned.  The first was bound and the second is free.  Early on he wrote me “How blessed I was to find you. Who so effortlessly showed me who I was and made me see through the lies I’d been told and began to believe myself. Thank you. Jeremy James Bonner”   Never doubt you have the power to change someone’s life.  It was my honor to help change his.

RELATED: Thank you Jeremy James Bonner
Helping a friend in his unfolding

Friends again

To all our Facebook friends: I’m sure everyone will be glad to know Jeremy and I just had a powwow walking around the ‘hood and we’re fine with everything as it is and hope you are too. Thanks for your concern. We’re both focused forward, we’re cool wit it.

RELATED: Thank you, Jeremy James Bonner
We ignored the signs in front of us
A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you so that you have to transform your life 
Why I attract karmic backlash in relationships

RELATED: Former friend arrested for grabbing a woman’s crotch 
RELATED: I breathe a sigh of relief, he’s in custody again

6:00pm Update: Thank You Jeremy Bonner

JJBI wrote earlier at Jeremy James Bonner, Thank You of a recent experience I’d posted on Facebook. One reason I felt free to write it was because we continually discuss living our lives as transparently as possible, and to call each other on our stuff.  We know that is the deep spiritual work and we are both committed to growth. We write in our blogs and on FB publicly so others can benefit from what we go through, and witness the stages of emotion that we experience as they are happening. That is how readers know they are not alone when it happens to them.  This helps them realize we are all connected. Continue reading

For Jeremy James Bonner, thank you

JJBTo everyone who reads this, Jeremy read it ahead of time and agreed to public disclosure of it, as it was soul work we agreed to do together and he manned up to it. It was two months after the fact that a new girlfriend convinced him to be ticked off about it and begin lying. It happens. Bless him.  “To he I tried to help, forgive me for giving you what you begged for, the attention that you said would finally make everything right in your world.  To he whose illusions I shattered by tearing down every wall you said was an obstacle, forgive me for laying bare your own soul before you for close inspection, and showing you no obstacles existed.  To he for whom I was sole captive audience and father confessor the last 15 months, I am honored to have been able to bring Light to get you through your dark night.  To he who said he was alone until he found me, I now realize the reason for that. To he with the hard past of disrespecting women, of smooth words and alternative motives, thank you for the opportunity to reveal to me my own weakness and strength.  It showed me I can sustain seeking good in the face of illusion.  To he with the hard time with truth, fear not, the truth will set you free. It’s not just a bumper sticker. Continue reading

More spidey sense and synchronicity with a friend

I awoke this morning with a line in my head from one of the poems a friend had written when we met:  “We speak the language spiritual, which no one comprehends. You are my teacher and the student, of loving spirit without end. I am closer to the spirit, our entangled spirits chase. The intertwined of loving kind, long past the end of days.” I posted it on Facebook, adding, “That’s all of us here, too. We all teach and learn from each other.”  He replied, “That you would pull THIS poem out of thin air is really strange, as I was drawn to this specific poem yesterday.  Sometimes it’s like you’ve rented space in my head. ”  I said, “And you’re surprised once again at the mind-meld, why?” This happens to us a lot.    Continue reading

Recalling Al Lagano

Al Lagano

Al Lagano

Al  was the attorney I worked for when (astrologially) I hit my Uranus opposition at age 40. Working at the Nick Tsamoutales law firm was a real motivator for conscious evolution and not only because they had the longest hours and lowest pay of any legal office in the area.  1992 was a pivotal time in my spiritual awakening when I was practicing tapas/austerities and putting myself through many disciplines and deprivations. I’d just left working for Judge Stanley Wolfman in Rockledge 30 miles north. I wasn’t yet ready to work full time for myself. Al’s office was close to home and he was fun in the interview. Al had a mixed legal practice and I had experience in everything he did and knew the software. The pay was half the going rate but I took the job as a “deprivation” to work through, to overcome my belief I had to make a certain amount of money each week. To see what spiritual lesson I might gain by my self imposed “poverty.” Al was a fun guy, he got along with everyone.  He had a few shady clients (which likely got him into his current mess) and I later went into business with one of them, Steve G. Smith. I left when Nick’s paralegal showed him my Yellow Pages ad for legal document preparation under the name Andrea’s Legal Ease.  I thought what I did on my own time was no one’s business but he saw it as a conflict and fired me.  As I was packing my desk, Steve approached me about doing collection work for local veterinarian offices he knew, so we went into business together. For a short time.  Steve acted dishonorably during our venture and I got a good lesson. But Al, Al was always a real cool guy. Today is his 4 year anniversary of being in custody. It looks like he got home for the holidays —Brevard lawyer detained in Ecuador after skipping town before grand theft trial


Every road trip is an adventure, a blind tarot reading in the car

I had a productive yet relaxing day yesterday.  I worked in the morning, then spent the afternoon running errands with a friend, having lunch, napping.   I asked if he wanted to go to a solstice celebration or drumming circle tomorrow evening 12-21-12, so we may. We’re on the same page, we wait to see how we feel as time approaches rather than carving in stone where we might want to be later.  Often sleep wins out over evening events for me.  I’ve not gone to the gatherings since he returned in Spring, so I am just now getting back into the flow.  I enjoy my solitary celebrations and practices here but also miss the community of shared interest.  I’m also getting my sleep schedule back under control!

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