My Cansema Treatment Update

I wrote earlier at My experience with Cansema, a natural skin cancer remedy that I was ready to begin a new session of treatment with it.  On Thursday, February 24, 2011 at about 8:00am I applied to to a spot on my right leg, below and to the outer side of the knee.  By 8:45am I could feel a slight burning.  Oh, I should have taken a photo of that mark before I caked the Cansema on it…  It just looked like a flat mole that was just a little bit darker than the skin around it.  I applied Cansema on it in 2003 and it reacted big time but I wondered if there was any more in there.  We’ll see.  

2-25-11   I’ve been getting a slight burning sensation on each cheek for a few days now and think that is guidance telling me both cheeks should be treated.  I’ll do it after I deliver all the mags so no one has to see me for almost a month.

2-26-11 There must be only a little bit left in the leg one, I used alcohol on a Qtip to remove the excess salve, and it flaked right off except for a tiny spot.  I applied a little more just outside the the leg spot.

2-26-11  7pm  I was going to wait until after tomorrow to apply the Cansema to my cheeks but I’d just showered and washed my hair and face after a long day delivering Cassadaga and attending the Velocity Magazine Expo and it seemed like as good a time as any.   I am thinking both spots I treated will react.  We’ll see.

2-27-11  10pm  I removed the leg band aid and used peroxide to clear away the dried Cansema.  The mole itself looks unaffected but two tiny specks to the side and above it look like little blisters forming.

I removed the cheek bandages and using a cotton ball with alcohol, I removed the dried Cansema from the right cheek.  It was not easy in coming off and I could tell some of my skin was inflamed underneath it.  I think using the alcohol on that large an area (2″x3″) just irritated the skin more.

On the left cheek, I first applied a warm, wet compress to the dried Cansema to loosen it.  Then I used peroxide on a cotton ball to remove it.  It came off much easier, with less of a burned feeling to the skin.  It feels dry and burned, like I want to apply an antiseptic ointment or aloe or vitamin E to  soothe it.  However the instructions say do not do that at this point, since I don’t want to accelerate the healing just yet.  Both cheeks are really reacting, the right more than the left.  That may partially have to do with the alcohol.

2-28-11  7:30pm  There are spots on both cheeks that are beginning to scab over, very small spots.  Last time I did the treatment, I didn’t get the full reaction for 3 days, which would be the evening of tomorrow, March 1st.  Both spots are beginning to itch a little every few hours but not much.  They do not hurt.  They look very blistered right now.

I’ve decided to eat very lightly as I do this treatment, and to eat only fresh organic fruits and vegetables and a lot of fluids.  That should accelerate the healing process, by keeping my cells properly nourished.  I’ve had a few hot flashes today but that could be related to it being 80 degrees outside.

Here are pics, not mine. 

RELATED: My experience with Cansema, a natural skin cancer remedy

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