Category Archives: Uncategorized

Third egg in the cardinal nest!

Today the mama cardinal sat on the nest almost all day. At 6pm I took a peek and there was a third egg.  They began building the nest on May 10th. The first egg was noticed May 14th.  The second egg May 16.  Supposedly incubation begins when the third or fourth egg is laid and lasts from 11 to 13 days, so hatchlings should appear by the 31st.

Our fear fades when we realize that no one does anything TO us

We are not at the mercy of anyone. Our fear fades when we realize that no one does anything TO us, that what we attract comes into our experience as a result of our vibrational frequency.  What do you spend the most time thinking about and talking about?  Good stuff?  Hopeful stuff?  Or the hard life you’ve had and continue to have? That you’re underpaid and the government is targetting you? Because that’s where you’re vibing. That’s your point of attraction. It’s always your choice. What do I do if I’m afraid there’s a monster in the bushes?  I stay away from the bushes. Whether there is one or not, I stop talking about a monster in the bushes.  That’s how I handle my fear.  The only thing in the bushes is me anyway.  No one does anything TO us. Our fear fades when we realizes everything we experience is either a boomerang or a magnet.  When we clear up the past and get kind and helpful and happy in the Now, there’s no longer anything to be afraid of.


Why I Don’t Barter – I know to keep the dollars flowing FROM me if I want to keep dollars flowing TO me

Keep it circulating

“When am I going to get ahead?” Domino asked.  She’s been working hard yet barely makes a living.  The main reason is that “life’s been hard” is her story and she continues to tell it, but another glaring issue came as I listened to her.  Through the years, Domino has tried her hand at various businesses and trades. To market each, she contacts her network and barters services with them.  This happens a lot in the holistic community.  I’ve done readings here for 30 years, and so many stories are the same. Doing what they love, not earning income at it, what are they doing wrong?    Continue reading

Writer’s Block Isn’t a Block At All; It’s a Billboard with the Answer On It To Something You’ve Been Asking

Writer’s lock isn’t a block at all.  Recognize the block itself as a signal to you from the Universe in answer to something you’ve been asking lately. Break down the elements of the block and you’ll find it’s not a block at all, it’s a billboard with your answer. It’s your inner guidance talking to you. But you probably don’t recognize it as inner guidance. You may be so convinced they are your own thoughts, you keep pushing them to the back, waiting for a big beam of light to shine some angel down from the sky to talk to you like they do in the movies. That’s not how it happens.

Full text at Writer’s Block Isn’t a Block At All; It’s a Billboard 

I put in the hanging herb and veggie garden while nursing my trigger thumb

Gardening breaks keep me stress free! This week I’ve doing final layout on the June Horizons Magazine, which means a week of 12-16 hour days of typing.  Since I’ve developed this “trigger thumb,” I keep it splinted and take lots of breaks from the keyboard to rest it.  Mostly the breaks have me outside gardening for 15-30 minutes at a time, which really breaks up the day. I’ve pondered for months where to put in a manageable vegetable and herb garden.  A friend solved the dilemma by hanging small baskets from lengths of bamboo suspended between 2 shepherd’s hooks in the sun.  I’ve got a tomato plant, a grape tomato plant, a red pepper, some bee balm and thai basil, all in coconut husk hanging baskets.  I like something portable and moveable and I hadn’t thought of it myself.  Ah, that’s what friends are for.

Second egg in the cardinal nest!

They began building the nest on May 10th. The first egg was noticed May 14th.  The second egg May 16.  The female Cardinal is responsible for building the nest of twigs, vines, some leaves, bark strips, grasses, weed stalks, rootlets and lining it with fine grasses. She usually chooses a thorny or dense shrub somewhere in her mate’s territory. Normally, within a week of completing the nest, she lays from 3 to 4 bluish, speckled eggs. Incubation begins when the third or fourth egg is laid and lasts from 11 to 13 days.

I’m asked what do I think that he’s now advertising his services as a life coach, a spiritual leader, and a spiritual counselor?

Thanks for everyone’s concern and amusement, but he’s entitled to do whatever he feels led to do.  If the fact that his own counsel has not served him well to date, and that he’s never ended a relationship – marriage, job, family – honorably is a red flag, proceed with caution.  I’d only seek counsel from those who were more emotionally stable than I. If their life was a shambles, how could they help me?  They could only view me through the filters of their own issues and limitations, which is the only way any of us view anyone.  So what do I think now that he’s advertising himself as a spiritual counselor? I think he is unaware of some legal definitions and the criteria for using them. Life coach and spiritual leader? I think everyone’s entitled to follow their ever-changing dream.  I’m told he’s not removed the post accusing me of getting him kicked off Facebook, altho he has since learned it was his own doing.  That’s ok,  At the time he wrote that, that was what he thought was a reality.  He’s allowed to have his thoughts. Bless him. I can only wish for him what I wish for myself.


Watering the loquats under the waxing crescent moon

I’ve been coming in and out all evening, watering the front trees and watching the bright crescent moon move across the sky. I love this time of evening, outside in nature alone. I love to be outside, watching the moon from my firepit area or just from the driveway.  I can bask in its light and feel it melt into me.  At sundown, I went outside and pruned my younger loquat trees  to make them fill out.  Tomorrow I’ll get out the ladder and trim some of the larger trees.  It never occurred to me to cut them back before, and today and tomorrow are good pruning days.  The mulberry tree could use pruning back as well.  I will do that tomorrow while I am hauling the ladder around.  Final layout proceeds apace with the June magazine, I’ll get on it again first thing in the morning.


Before you go hanging out your shingle

Yay, a friend has a new vocation! Reminder: Before you begin advertising your services, make sure you’ve done your research and obtained any required city and county licenses ahead of time (one for each service you offer,) done your fictitious name registration, and obtained bonding and insurance if needed.  Have a tax accountant set you up for estimated quarterly  payments to the IRS, maintain a daily mileage book and keep all business receipts together. Don’t even think about working under the table or not claiming cash payments.  It’s really easy to stay legit and not have to be looking over your shoulder all the time. You’ll make more money, too, because you’ll have nothing to hide = less resistance, faster attraction.