I have a lucid mom visitation as loved ones are passing

Two days ago, 3 loved ones were in a car accident and one has already blessedly passed.  It was their wish to die at the same time, and it appears they are getting their wish.  It’s been a hectic few days for me, since the family sees me as the go-to person for gathering info and making phone calls. I’m working two days on no sleep.  Early this morning I finally got a few moments alone in a corner of someone’s room and fell promptly asleep.  I had a vivid dream of sitting with my mom, and we were in the hospital room where she died in 1996.

In the dream, as in our last meeting, I noticed her lips were dry and I asked if she wanted Chapstick.  She pursed her lips and I put on the Chapstick.  It was the most holy moment I ever spent with her.  I felt she was there with me again.  The dream then morphed into all of us in today’s present situation standing to hold hands in a circle around the bed over our loved ones.  We sang I’ll Fly Away together (something we’ve never done) and thereafter just stood in silence until I awoke in the chair.  The real job, as always, is not just the gathering of the paperwork and handling speaking to those in charge, it is more in comforting the family, listening to the fond memories, and pointing their attention toward the future.  The real job is to help them find a better feeling place as a time they feel their life has been torn out from under them.

RELATED: Holding the vision, Playing the Waiting Game
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