Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Benefits of Iodine

The benefits of iodine in the body are far reaching. Oddly enough, it is the least understood of all the essential trace elements. This is the safest of all the essential trace elements which can be administered in large amounts when in an inorganic non-radioactive form. Iodine is stored throughout your entire body – the skin, teeth, nails, all the organs, and bones.  When you have the correct amount of iodine in your body, you are able to:
* Maintain your energy level all day;
* Maintain your weight;
* Live without aches and pains;
* Maintain a cheerful and uplifted attitude;
* Have a clear memory;
* Able to tolerate cold;
* Have normal bowel movements;
* Have normal skin and supple fingernails;
* Have full and shiny hair. Continue reading

Potassium Iodide Liquid is used for lung, thyroid conditions, radiation protection

potassium iodide liquid copyLiquid Potassium Iodide is used  for treating lung conditions or disease in which mucus complicates the condition (eg, emphysema, bronchial asthma, bronchitis). It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.  Potassium Iodide Liquid is an expectorant. It works by thinning mucous secretions (phlegm) in the lungs and making it less sticky. The mucus is easier to cough up. This reduces chest congestion, which helps make your coughs more productive.  Potassium iodide is a form of salt originally added to regular table salt as protection against goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency. Iodized salt is also effective in halting preventable brain damage and mental retardation. Potassium iodide has gained usefulness as a temporary protection against some types of radiation poisoning.  Read entire article here.

RELATED: The benefits of iodine
B Vitamins alleviate anxiety, mental anguish, painful tongue

Herding herons on Malabar Road

Synchronicity once again saves the day! The great blue heron is a beautiful bird. I love seeing them out in nature. I don’t care to see them in the middle of 8 lanes of traffic. I was leaving my rental unit and a friend was following behind in her truck. I normally turn right at the light to go home, but wanted to make sure she got to I-95, so I turned left on Malabar Road. She was directly behind me, however I instantly lost sight of her after making the turn. I was going to pull into the Publix parking lot when I saw a great blue heron in the 2nd-crossing-into-the-3rd lane of eastbound traffic. Luckily there was no one behind me at all, nor in the two lanes on either side of me. Still wondering where my friend disappeared to, my big concern was protecting this bird. Continue reading

Real Housewives: When the personality overshadows the soul

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Carlton, we get it, you’re Wiccan, you don’t need to shove it down our throats. You’re not being singled out for that. Wait, you’re not being singled out for anything although you’d clearly like to be. You’re just argumentative and arrogant and a bully. It gets old watching you try to instigate something over “your faith” when it has nothing whatever to do with your faith. You come across as being passive aggressive, looking to instigate by pulling words out of context so you can go into your spiel. We get it, there should be a Real Wiccans of Whatever show on Bravo, where you can sit around and do whatever you want to portray to watchers about “your faith.” I know dozens of Wiccans for 30-40 years and what I know of their faith is what I see them demonstrate daily.  I know you don’t know how you come across. I know you are sincere and enthusiastic. You have the honor of being viewed by the masses. Toning down the personality and letting the soul of you shine forth is the best testament for your faith. Continue reading

Recognize the blessing in receiving constructive criticism

bird-singingWhen people give you constructive criticism, especially in a creative project where they have more professional experience, it’s counter productive to get ticked off.  Be thankful they care enough to point it out and want you to better.  They’ve seen you’re capable of doing better. That’s what they want to showcase. That’s what they want to be involved in. That’s what they want to promote. To take offense is to miss the blessing and the guidance. I welcome constructive criticism, from friends and strangers alike.  I define constructive as promoting improvement or development, when someone tells me specifically what they didn’t like and suggest specific improvements. Continue reading

I’ve been listening to the Delta Sleep System

A friend mentioned that he was given the Delta Sleep System cd and it was immediately effective and put him right to sleep.  His wife agreed, “we were out within minutes,’ she said.  I ordered it and tried it the first morning to go back to sleep after meditation.  Thirty minutes in, I was still wide awake. I like the ambient music, it’s pleasant and relaxing, but without it I’d have gone right back to sleep.  I let the bf (the hypnosis guy who got me to sleep!) check it out.  We’re both into NLP and do hypnosis, and he has a sleep mp3 file that’s worked for me (click here to read about it.) So this morning we listened to the Delta Sleep System cd together. It motivated me to begin planning my day and get up and into it. I think I really need to put the headphones on with this or listen to it with my head between speakers.  You can listen to it at Delta Sleep System on YouTube.      Continue reading

SuperBowl XLVIII: My first ever football game

Tonight I officially watched my first football game. It was a lot of commercials, but I know it’s all about the revenue. It was the first time in eight months we’ve sat and watched television together! At least we had it muted except to spot check the fun stuff.  We did turn the sound on for the halftime show.  Bruno Mars really kicked it with the drum solo and his James Brown footwork. I don’t understand American football so I was just idling watching it, happy to be hanging with the homie. I noticed that when a player was down, he’d be helped up by one of his own team mates.  I didn’t once see a downed player given a hand up by the opposing team, even when they were closest. Interesting. A couple of times when everyone would be piling up on the guy with the ball, a player would come in late and just seem to join the fray for no reason. It may have just been that he’d built up so much momentum in that direction that he couldn’t stop. We all know about riding out past momentum, right?  It seemed to me simply poor sportsmanship.  Even competition can be friendly. Ah, football, new experiences in grinning and bearing it for the sake of love.

Saturday Fun at the Indian River LagoonFest

A busy Saturday, up early to run over to my rental and tidy things up before the new tenant moves in, then off to the Lagoon House for the Marine Resources Council Indian River LagoonFest.  Rayananda would do the opening set of music and it was a balmy 78 degrees when we arrived to set up. They had food trucks lining the roadway behind the center and I noted that Taco City had an ATM machine on their truck.  Smart! I saw Souler Eclipse on the program and hoped they would play right afterward. They did, accompanied by 4 added band members. I’d not heard them for a dozen years ~ joined also by Reggae recording artist Ras Dodirie, it was a soulful rockin sound.  I videotaped the sound check and the set when Rayananda played. The problem with taping it is when I hand hold the camera, I can’t really move to the music or chant along.  After the set, I watched Sitar Tom lift himself off the floor for a few moments atop his fingertips.  He’s a slim dude and made it look effortless, but I know it takes a lot of strength to lift your body atop fingertips with such ease.  Kudos. It was fun to hang out in the sun with the bf, standing on the deck watching the Indian River Lagoon with happy people, listening to live music. I like watching him interact with others.  Then home for a nap which for me lasted until after midnight. This morning I’ll meet the new tenant at the rental and sign the lease and then back home for a festival of sleep.  And I’ve got a date for the superbowl!

I always rent my rental home within a few days

Just got a call that the first person who saw my rental unit yesterday wants to sign the lease. I was so confident the prior tenant left it immaculate that I had her meet me there without me having seen it first. I always get the best tenants – I’m in the vibe!  Last month, my tenant broke his lease and sent several letters thinking he’s not going to get his security deposit back. Even though I’m entitled to it under the lease, that doesn’t mean I’ll take it. He’s from Connecticut, he’s elderly and a little cranky. I guess where he’s from, he’s not been treated fairly. I hope I can change that perception.