Author Archives: Andrea

In real life, when a friend says they are sick we say “we hope you feel better, is there anything I can do for you?” On Facebook when you say you’re sick, half of your 5000 friends will tell you you’re eating the wrong thing and the other half will tell you you’re thinking the wrong way.

Welcome to me, the movie

welcome to meWelcome To Me: “What happens when a young woman with Borderline Personality Disorder wins the lottery? In the case of Alice Klieg (Kristen Wiig), she quits her psychiatric meds and buys her own talk show. Inspired by the immortal Oprah, she broadcasts her dirty laundry as both a form of exhibitionism and a platform to share her peculiar views on everything from nutrition to relationships to neutering pets.” I watched this movie on Netflix and really enjoyed it. It can be a little slow to begin, Wiig is delightfully and purposefully awkward as a woman pursing her dream. This scenario sounds familiar… A good friend of mine always gets me heck for being narcissistic and putting everything on Facebook. He says most of my stories can be edited down to “Why I’m great and I’m right.” That’s one way to look at it. I look at it as me sharing my life lessons, and the processes I used to get from there to here. When I’m successful in dealing with a challenge, I like to take note of it and remind myself of it because it inspires me. Reminding myself of successes makes new challenges seem more manageable. I like to share with friends how I overcame something because you and I are no different. You can do what I do. Narcissistic? Maybe. If it’s not fun or interesting for you, you don’t have to read it. But something in me needs to write it and, as usual, it’s all about me.

Why you should find something to be excited about

Taking a leap

I contracted a cool new project today with a favorite editor. It was attracted in no small part by recent discussions on the topic with a friend. I love how that works: that I attract what I focus on, even during play time and casual conversation. I wrote earlier that a friend asked about writing and editing, pricing and how to get jobs. Like so much of my life, it wasn’t planned, it was just some fun something that morphed into an income stream without my having ever set it as a goal. Which is pretty funny when I think about it, since I always have ongoing lists of goals to be accomplished.  Half of them get done, the others lose priority as something even better than I could have planned emerges fully formed into my life.  If I was to follow my own advice, I’d identify and develop as many skills as I was excited about and I’d nurture an intense desire to connect with those who were attracted to what I had to offer.  And then I’d begin to dance with whatever the Universe threw at me.  I’d remember that my job is to stay happy and continually draw pleasure from whatever experience I encounter. And it’s always good to remember how to attract dollars no matter what the state of the economy.  Continue reading

Venus Retrograde’s relationship karma. No, I don’t have naked photos of your husband

I have no pics like these of your man

I have no pics like these of your man

It’s been fun going thru old pics from the 70’s-90s, remembering fun times and reconnecting with friends I once shared a moment with. It’s a perfect example of how the relationship karma of this month’s Venus retrograde thru Sept 6th is playing out in my life. Seeing pics taken of former partners in past relationships had me meditate upon each one. I searched my inner archives to find any remnants of unresolved issues. I found a few. These were all good men. Mostly, we were young, we were growing and changing. We were meant to connect for part of each other’s journey but we were not each other’s final destination. For the most part, we’d already run into each other years later, had our exit interview and laughed about old times. I was reminded of two with whom I’d parted bitterly. I reflected on my part in the demise of both relationships. In each, the bottom line was that in marrying each, I’d essentially accepted a job I’d lied about my qualifications to get. It’s easy to see things in retrospect. I was brought up thinking we have to have a partner and marry them, so I kept doing that. It took me decades to discover I’m not happy in domestic life. It would be fun playing house during the infatuation periods, but I always had solitary projects going on I couldn’t wait to get back to. I learned cohabiting is not for me. I don’t share space well. I spend so much time in conversation with people for work, that on my leisure time I bask in the silence.  Continue reading

Here’s How That “Think Happy Thoughts” Stuff Works

Angels someone could use visitI wrote in A FB friend picks me to bully that someone was giving me heck and playing it up for their Facebook friends. It’s funny when people you don’t even know start making up things about you. But it gave me the chance to put in writing how the “think happy thoughts” stuff works. But first, if you find yourself gossiping about or being combative with someone, you might ask yourself Why do I feel compelled to cause trouble? What in me is being triggered that I need to act like this? What is the real reason I find it hard to be considerate and generous with this person, or anyone? We all go through ego struggles. When we recognize we’re doing it as adults, we stop. So here’s what yesterday’s critic accused me of, none of which I do.

  1. talk about archangels and fairies
  2. run around the world and think nothing is wrong
  3. pray to a crystal and expect it to heal the world
  4. tell someone who is being raped to be more positive
  5. say “think happy thoughts and you won’t die while jumping off a cliff”
  6. say the world is all daisies and beautiful entities trying to teach you and let you grow

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A FB friend picks me to bully and try to start a pointless fight

signs_of_mental_illnessA Facebook friend posts about all the stupid and fake people in her world who create drama and start pointless fights for attention. I joked  “they’ve got you good if they’ve got you talking about them.” She then began name calling me and saying I “consistently” belittle her.  I have never met this woman.  I’ve made maybe 5 comments thru the years on her posts, none negative. I was the only one who donated to her online request for $$ years ago. When people are stuck in their own head, don’t try to make it make sense. It has nothing to do with you. You are triggering something in them and they don’t know what else to do with how unfriendthey feel. They’ll say you said and did stuff you did not so they can play- act the other side of the conversation for their audience. Don’t get irked when that happens. I consider it an honor when someone publicly uses me as the scapegoat to work out their own reflection. That tells me I’m in their life for soul growth. Knowing that, I consider it an honor and deeply bow. I bless them and take my focus off it.

NOTE: If you find yourself doing this, you might ask yourself why do I feel compelled to attack this person?  Why do I feel compelled to exaggerate and lie about any person or situation, ever?  What am I hoping to elicit from my audience? What benefit do I receive by doing it? What in me is so broken that I need to act like this? What do I expect to come back to me if I treat people like this?  Life begins once you stop the drama and drop all pretense.

A note to Roger B about Y

sorry15Hello, thank you for the reconnection. I’ve apologized to Y and I’ll apologize to you for everything from the past. I take complete responsibility. I could have handled it better. Y and I have only briefly chatted. I like her. Her moving, etc., she could really use your guidance about options. I’m glad to be her friend. Mine is a drama free zone. Feel free to email me if you wish at

Bless those who attract misinformation

Bless the ones who vibe in that place of attracting misinformation from friends who pretend they know it all. Bless those who lose their home and their health and their livelihood because of it. It doesn’t matter if you spell the solution out in black and white, if you are not in vibrational resonance with them, they can’t see it, they can’t hear it. Bless them, there but for the grace of God go I.

If you’re being mean back to them, you’re giving them power

You know that really mean thing you’d like to say to or about someone, just because they so fkn deserve it? How about instead you hold your tongue and forget who deserves what and who did what to whom. How about you this once rise above it and don’t give it so much power to disturb your peace. Nothing infuriates your tormentors more than to know there’s something stronger in you than they have in themselves.