Author Archives: Andrea

Having a home gym is my answer for staying isolated

resistance bands workoutI love having a home gym set up for when I don’t make it to Planet Fitness.  I have a HealthRider Cardio Rider, a Vitamaster Air Advantage exercise bike, and a Marcy Cardio Rebounder set up in the living room, next to my dumbbells and resistance bands.  It’s next to the area I do my morning yoga on. I’d like this body to last me another 63 years, so I’m keeping it strong and in motion. It’s not difficult. Do what you can. Turn on a fitness workout on Youtube and follow it.  Or a yoga video, or tai chi. When I get bored, I switch it up to make it fun. As long as I’m moving, I’m happy and my body’s happy.  See more links below for my adventures in exercise.   Continue reading

Local Captain Finds Message in a Bottle Tossed Ashore Five Years Earlier

Bottle found picsUpdate: Aaron Dawson just called me back to tell me the rest of the story. See below.  On October 4, 2015 at 9:30pm, Captain Jeff Kraynik posted on Facebook: “So we’re freeing up a lure that got caught up in the mangroves & out floats a note in a bottle. Upon opening, it appears to have been set afloat on 09-09-10 from Treasure Coast Park by: Aaron Dawson, Marion Oaks Lane, Ocala, Florida 34473. Along with the note was a $5.00 dollar bill that was partially decomposed from saltwater intrusion through the cork. I believe Treasure Coast Park may be the public boat ramp & kids summer camp next to River Palm Cottages in Jensen Beach, about (45) forty five miles south of where we found the bottle. So if anyone knows Aaron, have him give me a call.”    Continue reading

A dream? An out of body experience?

floating falling by Andrea de MichaelisI had a most vivid dream this morning. In it I was lying in bed thinking of getting up when, shoulder first, my body began to lift in a slow, twisting motion. I felt my head drop and loll, yet I still felt the pillow under my head and my hand under the pillow. It didn’t feel like an OOBE lift out, easy and light, but rather more slow and deliberate. I’ve done enough OOBE exercises that I’m able to quickly relax into it as it happens and take the observer role. There was a slight taffy-like feel to the lifting up as when, during energy work, you draw congestion out of the body. I was able, in the dream, to alternate my attention between the one on the bed and the one rising, depending on where I focused. Both were “asleep” and unanimated, but both “awake” enough to observe what was happening and I was able to access to their thoughts.   Continue reading

It’s finally cool enough to do yard work

Woman in gardenThe humidity finally broke enough for me to venture outside for some yard work. I love being all woodsy but that means I don’t get the breezes until they’re almost gale force. The thermometer said 72 outside this morning but 93% humidity and no breeze makes it feel about 80. It felt good to be outside without being wrapped up like a beekeeper to keep mosquitoes at bay. I was going to simply take a walk, but I know me so I dressed to go into the deep woods and stuck hand pruners in my back pocket. In my yard, I can get quickly overwhelmed if I ask “where to start?” I’ve learned to have some basic tools at hand then just take a stroll and be ready for whatever unfolds before me. I try to do the same with life. Continue reading

How to REALLY get Picasa off your Samsung Galaxy S5

Picasa, begone!

Picasa, begone!

I Googled “how to remove Picasa photos from Samsung Galaxy S5” and got a lot of mis-information to perform commands my S5 doesn’t even have.   They got all complicated and some said you can’t do it on your phone at all.  Not so. Here’s the fix:

— Go to Gallery
— Click the 3 dots to the right of the camera icon
–Click “Content to Display”
__Uncheck “Content in Picasa”

You’re welcome.

How to Factory Reset Your Galaxy S5 and Restore factory default settings

Samsung-Galaxy-S5-unicorn-caseIf your phone gets slow or doesn’t work as it usually does, it may help to restore the factory default settings. All settings and configurations you’ve made on your phone are deleted.

To do a Factory Data Reset
Press the settings icon.
Press Backup and reset.
Press Factory data reset.

Restore factory default settings
Press Reset device.
Press Erase everything.

It will say all your personal information, pictures, files and applications will be erased, but don’t freak. It restores it also. Wait a moment while the factory default settings are restored. Follow the instructions on the display to set up your phone and prepare it for use.   Continue reading

The best and worst forms of magnesium to take

magnesium-rda-intake copyHappy dance! I just learned there are different types of magnesium and there’s a specific one for me. See below to see if one might benefit you. It took me awhile to figure out I had a deficiency since I didn’t recognize the symptoms. A sleep disorder from an old head injury alternates me between insomnia and hypersomnia so I can’t always tell if I’m sleepy or if I’m fatigued. I’ve had the fatigue 20+ years and have learned it doesn’t matter if I lie around and do nothing or if I run around and do everything I need to do. I discovered I don’t feel any more fatigued when I run around, so I make myself do it.    Continue reading

The October 2015 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

October 2015 magazine

October 2015 magazine

The October 2015 Horizons Magazine is now online at     Here are the October 2015 Horoscopes by Barbara Lee:

Aries: May 20 to April 19 “I Am “
Communication is a priority this month; when you get started you will be amazed what will be said by others close to you that had been swept under the rug. When hidden information comes out in the open, you will understand many of their behaviors as well as what your intuition has been saying.   Continue reading

You don’t need to plan your entire life out, just plan the next step and wait for inspiration

mind cosmosI went to the bank today to make some changes and had a great conversation with the guy who helped me. I asked what kind of name his was and he told me it was Biblical. I asked what it meant and he told me the story around it. I told him it sounded like a writer’s name. He saw the account name Horizons Magazine and asked what kind of magazine it was. I was glad he mentioned “biblical” as that helped me know how to answer him. I told him it was Florida’s body mind spirit magazine and I asked if he knew who Wayne Dyer was. He did not. He was 24. I said he was a best selling author in the field I was in, and that he was on this month’s cover.    Continue reading

How Predictive Astrology Helps Me

The calls have been very active the last two months, many asking about the major astrology going on this summer. You’ve heard of Mercury retrograde, but we’ve also had Venus and Pluto retrogrades. The Pluto square Uranus in Aries is ending and we’re coming out of eclipse full moon in Aries. I have sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and my rising sign in Aries, so I was surprised to be relatively unaffected. I seldom read my transits (astrology predictions) ahead of time. If something challenging seems to be lingering, that’s when I take a look for astrological insight. For this article, I took a look at my chart and read, “You are in for an extended period of time when the basic structure of your life is subject to some inevitable and far-reaching changes. You may have to surrender material things. You need to let go of the past, and it may be quite difficult to let go.” Well, that didn’t sound so good, but I’ve learned nothing is as scary as it sounds.   Continue reading