Author Archives: Andrea

Bless those whose actions challenge me to do the important work

dove-with-hand rightRam Dass said “I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.” Today I bless those whose actions challenge me to remain loving and compassionate, for they help me do the important work.  I bless those who terrorize and spread disinformation, for they know not that they know not.  I won’t let them steal my joy. I let their rage drift away like smoke on wind. I breathe them into my heart and exhale them up to God. I breathe down God’s love and exhale it into their hearts.  I place my loving attention on those I find physically in front of me every day. Loving them, being in harmony with them, that is the work. Jai Guru Deva, nothing’s gonna change my world.

Abraham-Hicks on Acts of Terrorism

Maintain Your Connection

Allow Your Connection

Abraham: Most will feel the impact of today’s events because the events themselves will control their thoughts. Remember, the terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach is the result of your disconnection from your Energy Source. And while you cannot control the actions of those who commit acts of destruction — you do have control over the valve which allows or disallows the Source of Energy into your being. Whenever you experience powerful negative emotion, your relief from it is equally available. So to really understand what true Allowing of Source Energy is, turn your thoughts for a few minutes, to the details of your own life’s activities. Experience the relief that occurs in the pivoting of your focus. Then stop and say to yourself, “This is good. I have allowed my Connection, for a moment, here by changing my focus.”   Continue reading

I wasn’t addicted to cable, I was addicted to the cable guide

cable listing guideDay 3 without cable and the revelations keep on coming. I am used to sitting in front of the tv twice a day, when I wind down from the day’s work by checking email and FB in the recliner. I usually have the cable listings guide running muted on the screen. Occasionally I’ll look up and see a show that catches my eye and I’ll watch a few minutes of it, but it usually sends me Googling something, then I go back to mute and scrolling on my phone.  Today’s revelation was that it was not the SHOWS I was used to WATCHING on cable that were self-soothing, since I rarely watch anything for long. The familiar behavior that was self soothing was READING the cable listings, seeing the FAMILIAR NAMES in FAMILIAR SEQUENCE twice as I sat to relax. They really scrolled silently in the background, kind of like a mantra, whether I was paying attention to them or not.   Continue reading

What they say, what they mean

pup sleeping winnie the poo costumeWhen someone tells you they are tired of trying to be who you want them to be, they mean they are tired of trying to live up to who they told you they were in the first place. Some people go to great lengths to keep up the pretense of being someone they think you’d prefer over who they really are. Bless the short sighted. Pretense can be exhausting.

Don’t be so quick to get close

I had an interesting session last night, but a universal scenario for friends “seeking their soulmate”. If you want to save yourself heartbreak, wasted time and aggravation, don’t be so quick to move in with someone, don’t be too quick to make a long distance relationship local. There is magic in taking time to get to know someone. Don’t think you know them until you have seen them unhappy and angry and insecure. Don’t think you know them until you have met family and friends from the past and see how they react to old stories told about them. Don’t think you know who they are until you’ve spent at least 7500 hours with them, whether it takes three years to do that or whether it takes one. Everyone wants to get married during the infatuation period before they get to know someone, that’s universal also. The real test is when they are in your face everyday for days and weeks and months at a time so you can see the different facets of their personality.

Detoxing and deciding to give up cable

magic of belle isleI think I’m finally ready to give up cable tv .  Right after my smudging the whole house yesterday, I had a tummy bug for a few days, proving to me that toxins were being released. I wasn’t releasing anything in particular, it just felt time for a cleansing. I lounged in bed for a few days watching Netflix and getting familiar with what’s on Amazon Prime. I watched Morning Glory with Harrison Ford and The Magic of Belle Isle.  Morgan Freeman, a blocked author, rents a cabin for the summer.  A 9 year old neighbor girl pays him $34.18 to teach her to use her imagination. She asks for a refund more than once. He doesn’t mind. He likes working on a deadline.    Continue reading

Only love enters this space and only love leaves

wooded trailI spent much of yesterday trying to get back to sleep so I could have a proper wake up and start for the day. Too often I let my days and nights run together. That’s the beauty of working from home. I was about to nap at 8am when the man texted he was going for his walk. I vacuumed the floors and emptied the dishwasher before he got here. That gave me my second wind. I cooked breakfast while we visited, a spinach mushroom cheddar omelet atop a romaine and cherry tomato salad. We hung out on the porch under the tall oaks and watched Benny show off in the yard. My screened in back porch is surrounded by a hedge I keep pruned in a lacey fashion to let light and wind through and so I can watch the critters as they cross the yard. Sitting on the porch, you’re looking into the west woods, it’s a serene scene.   Continue reading