Author Archives: Andrea

If you liked What The Bleep Do We Know then you’ll enjoy this explanation of the solar alignment on 12-21-12

If you liked What The Bleep Do We Know then you’ll enjoy this.    Here’s a scientificy explanation of the solar alignment on 12-21-12. Ah, good to know, we may get 3 nights of no sunrise, maybe it means 3 days and nights of no electrical power, maybe no power for anything, even batteries… knowing ahead of time means don’t freak, just relax into it and let it pass. Oh, and the sun may thereafter rise in the west…Then the cycle begins again… What do you think? Continue reading

Don’t tell me cats aren’t thinking, plotting beings

I have to hand it to Izzy, I’ve tried to lock him out of half the house as he recovers from his allergic bout of a few weeks ago.  The still prevailing symptom is him going into a trance-like state as he gets a particular kicking action going, then suddenly he’s involuntarily urinating, wherever he is.  Like last week on top of my car, this week on my windowsill next to the computer.  I’ve been taking him outside but he doesn’t want to be out right now.  I place two puppy training pads in the center of the hallway and he’ll powder his nose there.   So today I barricade him out of the kitchen – twice.  He’s taken to lying on the counter next to the stove.  Too risky for accidents, so he gets barricaded out.  Twice.  Each time, he found a way to move the bar stool and the box fan to knock down the giant sheets of cardboard and leap onto the counter again.  “I’ll fix your little red wagon,” I thought as I brought out the vacuum cleaner.  His nemesis.  He didn’t flinch.  He looked me right in the eye from the counter as I turned it on.  He kept his eyes locked to mine, looking very unconcerned.  I brought the vacuum up to the counter and began to vacuum closer and he didn’t flinch.  I vacuumed his tail.  Nothing.  Well played, Izzy, well played.  Stay there, you’ve earned it.


Domino is aggravated by what his mate posts on Facebook

 Stick my head in the sand like an ostrich?

Stick my head in the sand like an ostrich?

Domino complained last night that his mate is flirty on Facebook and it infuriates him to see it.  I suggested he turn off the notifications for her posts.  “Then how do I know what she’s doing?” he asked.  Why do you want to know what she’s doing if it infuriates you? When you see it, does it make you insecure about your relationship with her? If you did not see it, would you be insecure about your relationship with her based solely upon how she acts and reacts with you?  Do you feel the time she spends on Facebook is time she should spend with you?  Facebook is another kind of relaxation.  It appears she spends her time on the things that make her happy and Domino resents that some of those things do not include him. That’s a slippery slope. Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world, because even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness.  “So the answer is to stick my head in the sand like an ostrich and not even be aware of it?” The answer is to keep your attention always focused on something that pleases you and, when you encounter something that does not please you, pivot your attention immediately to something that does please you.

When you feel you’re being broken, take care what comfort you attract

Their experience doesn’t have to be your experience

Two rave about it, two hated it, shall I go?  A friend and I spoke earlier of our love of Mediterranean cuisine and he mentioned a favorite local restaurant I’d not visited.  I went online to read reviews about it and read a couple that were particularly scathing.  After reading the same reviews on several sites, the authors were revealed and I saw they were two Facebook friends.  Apparently they had such a vividly poor experience they felt it necessary to post their review on several websites.  I understand that.  What they don’t understand is that they attracted to themselves the experiences they had, and that their experience did not have to be anyone else’s. Hence me hearing raving reviews from other regular diners, and having an excellent experience myself. Continue reading

“If only someone had a gun.” Someone did.

“If only someone had a gun.”  Someone did.  She owned several, in fact.  Her son used them to kill her and 20 children… so you’ll pardon me if my respect for the Responsible Gun Ownership argument has taken a long walk off a short pier.
An edited extract from a post on the Pagan Liberal Page.

Are typos really typos or are they cryptic messages for us?

A friend posted Led Zepplin’s live video of Stairway to Heaven on Facebook.   We’d watched it the night before and our comments to each other were: great song, great guitar solo and wow could his pants be any tighter?   A FB friend of his posted:, “Great tune.. so love to metaphysically interpret lyrics… every dong takes on an expanded meaning…”  I agreed, “Yes and every song as well.”